kitkat94's Journal

Apr 2007
5:32 AM EST

so okay i have been talking a lot about bout this guy named jeff daniels i said i liked him when i really dont i just said i liked him to have some1 to like so i don't like any1 right now but i do want a boyfriend because i c all these gurls with boyfriends at like track meets when i am with no1 i want a guy who will let me were his jacket kuz all my other boyfriends just grabbed me by the waste but i want him to tell me he loves me just out of the blue and always kiss me i mean i'm not ugly or fat i am just i dont really no y i just like shy guys who wont asks a gurl out
lookin 4 luv
ps melanie and cameron have been spaending way to much time with eachother its really weird

Apr 2007
3:58 AM EST

hey wats ^ me @ school and its friday the 13th ooooo spooky well any way my friend sean says "hi" well time for gym gtg. bye

Apr 2007
12:23 PM EST

have u ever done this?:
i did it.
i did it bekuz the guy i like wanted me to do it he helped me do it i know he likes me and i no its wrong but i did it i want to tell the person i no who will thank me for telling him about it but still i will get in so much trouble this could go on my perminate record and rite now it is perfectly clean and i dont want it 2 change do you no wat i did?
well i didnt cheat on my boyfriend or something like th@ but i did cheat it waz on a test i no th@snot much but my teacher is the sweetest teacher i no and i lied to him about it welll i didnt lie but jeff did and he keeps telling me he saved my but, but really it made me feel worse about my self though i still like him. i am so srry mr. harvey u r a good teacher and this is my apologie to him (i no i spelled th@ wrong but oh well) i am so srry plez don't be mad.
so srry

Apr 2007
4:04 AM EST

hey i am @ school in study table and i am hangin out with me friends well the boyz are gettin in trouble a lot kuz they r talkin my friend luke says hi "hi" well gtg my teacher is a butt hole!
1 comment(s) - 06:52 PM - 04/11/2007

Apr 2007
11:07 AM EST

well 2day waz really boring nothing to do really th@ is y i am not using any kewl colurs or talk-n about cute guys i like, like jeff daniels kuz 2day waz so boring but 1 thing th@ wasn't boring is th@ jeff waz like trying to talk to me but i think he likes some1 else but he doesnt talk to her when i am around but when i'm not around he talks to her he is a total flirt but o well. i like him anyways oh well there r plenty of fish in the c and i will get my bait kuz i want a good fish! like now! i am tired of waiting for a boyfriend i want 1 2 land on my door step!!
Fisherman with no hook,

Apr 2007
5:58 AM EST

Happy Easter! may you all eat candy and get full b4 u go 2 church lol. well i am happy i get to eat chocolate and drink pop again b-kuz i gave it ^ 4 lint and th@ is always hard, 2morrow is going to b a good day kuz i get to go school and c : melaine, massi, staci, camron, and reese my best friends! and of course the boyz well HAPPY EASTER!
p.s. u can email me @

Apr 2007
11:29 AM EST

hey i am having easter with my family and we r about to go on an easter egg hunt how fun my 2nd-cousin julian is probably gonna win kuz she is the besttest in the whole easter egg hunt thingy mcbobber. well this 9th grader i no keeps on txting me its kinda hott but i stiil dont no he sits by me on the bus he is really cute but maybe not my type. but my cousins really dont like him.
1 comment(s) - 10:33 PM - 04/08/2007

Apr 2007
5:35 AM EST

hey wat ^? well i am @ my friend camron's house wit my other friend staci u might no her as staci07? ya well i am having a good time when 1 of the popularest guys came over collecting cans 4 his aau team. awww th@ is so cute well i like some1 named jeff daniels he is cute well 2 me but he does flirt a lot and every1 says he likes me and i'm starting to think so 2 but i dont no its really confusing between us and wat is awsome is that he gave me a hugg!!! i no but i will wait untill he asks me out but i'm still open, 4 suggestions! oh well i gotta go.
almost in luv,
p.s these are my school colurs. go southeast polk!!!!!
1 comment(s) - 08:24 PM - 04/07/2007

Apr 2007
2:28 PM EST

Man i am so mad this freakin guy who likes me called me fat cause i wouldnt talk to him and then i got asked out by my teachers son and i dont no wat to say kuz i don't like him..
confused as ever,
1 comment(s) - 08:26 PM - 04/07/2007

kitkat94's Profile

  • Username: kitkat94
  • Gender / Age: Female, 31
  • Location: USA - Iowa
    Photo Album

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    KITKAT94's Interests:

    About Me: my name is kikat and i am in seventh grade and i go to school @ southeast polk jr. high we have an awsome football team we got 2nd in state go rams!!!

    Interests: soccer, boyz, cooking, boyz, school and of course boyz!

    Favorite Music: any as long as not emo!!

    Favorite Movies: something i can watch with my bf

    Favorite Television: mtv, mtv2, vh1

    Favorite Books: all types