ROXY's Journal

Mar 2007
8:51 PM EDT

hey people who i hope read this

well i would like to say that do you ever feel like you just wanna die or you hate the way your cloths look well i would like to tell all you out there who are reading this about what my life is like right now well i don't live with my real parents i live with my grandma and grandpa cause they adopted me right from the hospital i was only 11 days old and really tiny but anyways the reason i live with my grandma and grandpa is because my real mom knew that right when she was pregnent with me she knew she couldn't take care of me so she decided that she would ask her dad to take me so that is what happened so that is pretty much why i live with them

well i'll talk to you later bye
2 comment(s) - 06:30 PM - 03/26/2007
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ROXY's Profile

  • Username: ROXY
  • Gender / Age: Female, 35
  • Location: USA - Arkansas