cutieemuffin's Journal
Aug 2007
3:31 PM EDT
Well today was the first day of school and i thionk it went ok its just i dont wanna graduate cause i have no idea what i wanna do after and i no if i take a break im prolly not gunna go back.... i just dunno everythings just so confusing... and lately ive just been so stressed..... see we were helping a friend move and i just got paid so i had all this money and this guy stole it but hes like denying it so i just dunno we called the cops but wehat are they gunna do about it ya no... it just bothers me cause i really need the money i have to pay for my school when i decide what i wanna do and i was planing on helping my mom with my school clothes cause she dont have a job anymore and then all this shit happens..... o well i just dunno and im having a really hard time dealing with everything
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Apr 2007
9:06 AM EDT
So really theres nothing new. Spring Break is over and im kinda upset cause i really didnt wanna come back to school. theres not really anything new lately, just the same old stuff. theres is a plus though..... we only have like 6 weeks left of school!! i cant wait till summer vaca. im goin to florida and prolly goin camping with my friends. so its not like i wont have anything to do! but im not doin band though. thank god.... i will admit that i will kinda miss it and i think its dumb were quittn our senior year but he is a complete jerk. i dunno what i wanna do with my life though. im thinkin of bein a cosmatologist (?) but i just dunno but i think i have all this time but in like 6 weeks im gunna be a senior so we'll see what happens. well i think thats about all for now!!!
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Apr 2007
9:25 AM EDT
ya well, guess my friend is usin me because i have a car...... so is that why we hangout all the time..... like i thought when u use someone u only talked to them when you needed somethin. i just dunno. then when my 2 friends fight i somehow get brought into the fight. like leave me outta it. if ur gunna fight the do it!!!! ya no... wel i dunno it just makes me mad... and anyways why would judi use me when we dont go anywhere.... it just irretates me, LEAVE ME OUTTA IT PLEASE!!!
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- 01:02 PM - 04/02/2007
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Mar 2007
5:55 AM EDT
heyy... so the day is goin very slow.... there isnt goin on lately..... but french is gettin very hard and she keeps talkin about what we are gunna learn next year and that confusesme sooo badd!! and we have all these tests today but i hope that we dont take them for some meracous reason.... theres algebra and i no that i wont do too good on that one cause im just not good in there and chemistry, that ones gunna suck... I HATE CHEM.!!!!!!! but ohh well ill try not to fail. i just need to pass all my classes this year cause i dont wanna have to take them again next year... like that my senior year and i dont wanna tke all these classes that i really dont need! i just want this schoo year to be over, but then again i dont cause im still not too sure about this whole graduation thing yet. it scares me to not know what its gunna be like afterwords.... ya no... but i no i will be fine, thats why i dont wanna go to college too far away so im still kinda close to home but i just really wanna get outta this place, not that i hate it here but its just the same stuff but a differnt day... i need some change in my life!!! lol i just get bored with things too easily... well thank god that its friday!!!! the weekends just seem to go sooo fast!!!! and the thing is that its only 10 to 10 so like the day is just begining so i have a long time before we get outta here. well i am just kinda rambelling on now so i will rambel on again some when i have more to talk about!! later everyone
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Mar 2007
6:44 AM EDT
heyy!! well things have been goin ok... the power went out this mornin soo we had an hour delay for school!!!! yayyy! but really there is not anything new here!!! but anyways, i hate it when people are all sayn what they think when really you dont wanna listen but you do anyways just to be nice. thank god its thursday cause that means that tomorrow is friday! its gunna be a relaxin one though and i think that soemtime you need that. usually on fridays we party but not this one. were just gunna hanhout and enjoy the relaxiation( i dont even think thats a word but who cares!!!) but really thats about it... so im just gunna go and see what else there is to do today!!!!!
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Mar 2007
6:06 AM EDT
Heyy... things here are the same as usual. i really dont have too much to say but i may think of something... lol. so ummmmmm... the weather is not nice... its susposed to get up in the mid 60's today but then snow again on saturday. thats crap mann! it seems that when the weather is crappy you are in a bad mood... but i just cant wait till this summer! it will be good. ok see i wanna be a dential hygentist after i graduate... i wanna go to collage to get away but my mom thinks that i will nit be able to afford it and that i should go to school around here... but i dont want to... we will just have to see what happens... but i think thats all i have to say for now and if i think of anything else i will inform
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cutieemuffin's Profile
Gender / Age:
Female, 35
USA - Ohio
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About Me:
Im Jess and i am 16. I am a junior at Struthers High School. Its pretty boring here but you can always find something to do to amuse yourself!!!
For funn I like to hangout with friends. I like to shop soetimes when I have the money( honestly isnt all that often). Really thats about it theres not that much to do but you have to make the best of it!
Favorite Music:
Really I like a variety of things. I like some country, rock, and well everything. I love Panic! at the disco, Hinder, and bands like that. I love to just listen to music but its a million times better to see the bands live!!!!!
Favorite Movies:
I love watchin movies..... Im not too big on the scary ones but I love watchin them... they just scare me wayyyy tooo bad! I love the cute movies tooo. like the chic flicks or a cute movie that can make you laugh and cry at the same time!
Favorite Television:
I love Law and order SVU. thats like my all time fav. show on tv but i also liek 7th heven, gilmore girls, and some stuff on mtv. i havnt watched that much tv lately though....
Favorite Books:
I really like reading.... I like books about people with lots of troubles, prolly cause I dont have that many problems soo its interesting to read about others struggles and how things worked out for them!