Wallflower's Journal
Mar 2007
11:07 AM EST
Okay, well this is my first entry in my journal. I don't
have much to say at the moment except I've been feeling
different. I don't really have anyone to talk to. My
husband is ther for me but doesn't seem to be. I feel like
my feeling are a bother to him as well as to my sister and
mother. I know they all love me but I can't tell them how
I feel sometimes. TO ME it seem like i'm bothering me or
they just not listening to me. I've been very moody this
past week mostly to my husband and I don't really know
why. I don't know hopefully I'll figure something out.
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- 02:42 PM - 03/16/2007
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Wallflower's Profile
Gender / Age:
Female, 42
USA - Virginia
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