wendy36301's Journal

Jun 2008
1:42 PM EDT

I am confused

HI,ok,today is my birthday,yesterday a friend of mine name Mike came to see me to tell me happy b day an to give me a gift,he told me he loves me an then he left,he knows about David in prison an tells me every day that he thinks I am crazy for waiting,so am I?I mean Mike is a great guy who is alot like me,we both like the same movies,we both have 3 kids an both just went threw with a divorce,Mike has a great job making lots of money,but he is still afraid of opening up to me,I mean for real afraid,we talk alot about things that effect us an he calls to check on me every day,I like him a lot but I have made it my passion to stay faithful to David,rather its because I want to,or because I really love him,something tells me to wait on him,am I losing sight of who I am?
1 comment(s) - 09:38 PM - 06/23/2008
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wendy36301's Profile

  • Username: wendy36301
  • Gender / Age: Female, 47
  • Location: USA - Alabama