Tikasiamese's Journal
Jul 2007
3:27 PM EDT
Its been awhile since I got on here, sorry. I just got back watching my cousin Debbies house. Her two cats are so cute. I really enjoyed myself. I was feeling alittle under the weather this week. I still had to check on Tika to make sure he was ok. I took him over to see the two boys and it was quite interesting. I kept Tika in his cage but Charlie had an attitude and ran off pouting. Henry just looked at Tika, tormenting his presence. About 20 minutes later, Tika was whinning and hissing so I knew that the visit came to an end. Thank god I decided to keep him in the cage.
Debbie came home on Wednesday night. I thought she said she would keep away. I think from now on I won't be telling her my intentions next year. She must have done some laundry because I saw the laundry basket in the living room. Apparently I also left the sliding glass door open in error. What can I say, it was a mistake on my part.
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Apr 2007
3:33 PM EDT
I finally completed my associates degree. Graduation is May 11. Its been a very long 3 years but I did it. I get my grades next week in the mail. I am not looking forward to my math grade. I just hope that Mr Masters has me on good graces and passes me - I am just asking for a "C". So it will stick out on my tran script. If I go on with my bachelors, what are they going to do, not honor it. Its been a very quiet couple of days.....
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Apr 2007
5:11 PM EDT
I haven't been on here in so long. I severely sprained my ankle a few weeks ago taking my laundry down to the washer/dryer. I missed a step.I have been wearing an air cast for alittle over a week. I should be keeping it up right now but I decided to get on here. I am doing fine. Just alittle sore. It will take me along time to heal.
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Mar 2007
3:28 PM EDT
It was a nice day today. I really enjoyed my day off. All I did today was lay around and watch lifetime movies. Tika was very happy that I was home. I did finish my business connect paper today. I had to interview a business manager regarding changes in policies, grantsand programs. I sent it by attachment to my teacher. He will probably open it tomorrow morning. Then I worked on some Medical Tran scription. Its difficult learning all the different specialty reports, and there is alot of them.
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Mar 2007
4:45 PM EDT
Today went ok. Work went fine except there was a van fire right out side of Roswell Park Cancer Institute and Buffalo General on High Street. There was so much smoke it was 7 ft high (my dept is on the 7th floor)and the van exploded and engulfed in flames. There was nothing left. Judy's office was right there and she screamed for me to call switchboard to report it but it was already reported. It was terrible. Don't know if there was a driver but nothingwas left of the van. It was right underneath the tunnel connecting the 2 hospitals together. Thank god nothing happened structurally to the tunnel and the van fire was on the Roswell Park side and not ours.
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Mar 2007
5:50 PM EDT
Today went ok. 1 more day of work then I am off on friday, yepee. Missed school today (portfolio day....). I went to my work recognition ceremony today at the marriott hotel in Amherst after work. I received a 15 year certificate. Did you know they spelled "February" wrong! They spelled it "Februay". What a bunch of goofs. Don't they proofread before hand. If I did that, Cheryl would have me do the certificates over again.
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Mar 2007
3:54 PM EDT
Today was a quiet day today. I was kind of glad. I went to school and handed in my portfolio. It looks just fine the way it is. Wednesday is portfolio day where my classwork will be on display for others to see. I like portfolio day because it gave me alot of ideas of how to set it up. My writing for business teacher didn't show up (called in). There was no quiz today (I didn't study anyways). Tomorrow I have to meet with the director for organizational development for my paper, that is late too. I will have to send it by attachment so he will get it. I stayed alittle while to work on my research for the 8 page paper. Its not due until April 16 anyways. I will be a writing fool!!!! HA HA.
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Mar 2007
5:50 PM EDT
Today I received a comment in my inbox: Saturn Sucks!! That was an ignorant statement -- GROW UP!! I didn't appreciate it.
Ok, enough of my comments....Today I worked at Sears for another inventory. It went well. I was there from 6am until about noon. Glad I didn't have to work today. I had to finish a few assignments for school tomorrow and get my school portfolio cleaned up for internship class. A portfolio is filled with all my school work from my college. I will be able to use it to show any prospecting employers in my interview. It does work because I was able to get my job at Buffalo General Hospital. Its always good to update it with whatever your present job is - putting anykind of projects you might do, also add some awards you get.
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Mar 2007
3:15 PM EDT
I haven't been on in a few days. Beenvery busy withschool and other things.I'm fine. Just a quiet Saturday. Went to Wegmans and spent $97.00 in groceries. I was out of everything.Went to the indian reservation to get gas - it was $2.38 and spent $27.00 againin my Saturn ION 3. Then went to Angola to visit my parents (I am originally from Angola, about 25 miles south of Buffalo along lake erie - a 2 minute drive to the lake...went to the beach alot as a kid). Just came home a little while ago. I have an inventory atSears (at the Boulevard in Amherst - so I have to leave at 5:15am)in the AM so I have to get up early tomorrow.
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Mar 2007
5:18 PM EDT
Today I got my math test back and I passed - an 84%. I am so excited. I do have a take home makeup test to do.....We will see.
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Mar 2007
5:15 PM EDT
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Mar 2007
6:44 PM EDT
This is the 2nd time today I have to type this because it didn't save.
Not much happened today. Today was a lazy day and My cat and I rested all day. I have to work tomorrow at JCPenneys for an inventory until midnight. Be back on probably tomorrow or Monday evening after Writing for Business class (the class that I am doing good in). I have to see the tutor for alittle while to go through the stuff we are going into on Tuesday evening.
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Mar 2007
2:30 PM EDT
well its finally the weekend. I took my math test on thursday and I felt alittle more confident. Not sure what I got but I know I didn't do terrible. I will be seeing a tutor at the college once a week until I am officially finished with the class. I am just hoping that the failing grade on my first exam will make me pass.I need to graduate with my associates in may!Cross your fingers.
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- 07:24 AM - 03/10/2007
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Mar 2007
4:42 PM EDT
Today things have been pretty hectic. I almost think I am going in 3 different directions between working at the hospital as an administrative assistant, working part-time as an inventory auditor and going to school part time at Bryant and Stratton college (I am finally getting my degree afterbeing out of High school for 22 years). I just found out that I am failing math so that is pretty much added stress right now. Does anyone have any ideas?
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Male, 59
USA - New York
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TIKASIAMESE's Interests:
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I like computer games, reading, aerobics (tae bo, spinning), running, walking, rollerblading.
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80's music, clarinet/alto sax classical music.
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shawshenk redemption, good fellas, driving miss daisy, lean on me, titanic.
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lifetime movies.....