greathambino's Journal
Mar 2007
1:08 PM CST
I am a youth pastor. I hesitate to say anything because right now I feel like the furthest thing from it. It is not what I thought it was going to be like. Matter of fact life is not like I thought it was going to be like. I work two jobs to pay my bills and they barely get me by. The other job is printing tshirts. Not a bad job if that was all you had to do. But I leave there and come home to another job that is just leaving me with a ton of guilt, frustration, and I think I'm getting an ulcer. There are so many expectations on me right now. People watching my every move and yet I am on the verge of failing at all that incompasses being a youth pastor. I am sick.
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- 10:42 PM - 05/15/2007
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Male, 44
USA - Kansas
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