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Listed below are the most viewed journals (total number of times viewed).
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    perfectfailure  35, Female, California, USA - 1,946 views
May 2009
6:08 PM EDT

    MizzMaigz  40, Female, Canada - 4,773 views
May 2007
6:40 PM EDT

K, it's been a while... been busy with school and work. Speaking of school, I got my marks back from that class I finished a few weeks ago... I PASSED!! I was so worried I didn't cuz I was freakin' about the final test... I didn't get the bast mark, but I passed, all that really matters to me!!
Hmm... not too much has changed really, since the last time I wrote... just been busy.
I'll post later.

    possiblepsycho  35, Male, South Carolina, USA - 2,113 views
Apr 2007
4:56 AM EDT

I am so confused right now. I mean, I went to the psychiatrist place the other day, and I was thinking, omigosh... i can probably get better! thats all i really want. but then... the lady said that she would have to be able to look through my mom's past and everything, and mom would have to get treatment before she helped us. mom refused, so the place said that they couldn't treat me or my brother. now i feel so hopeless, like now i'll never get better. I take like, 7 or 8 allergy pills when i get home.. 'cause i just want to sleep the day away. nothing is going right.

but there are people who are worse off than me... who have been through worse things... and they're fine! and here i am, a little whiny baby. but i cant help it, and i want to... so bad. i dont want to be like this anymore. but i just don't know what to do. i feel like all i do is complain to my friends, so i try to be quiet and not talk, but then i make my friends feel bad b/c they think something major is wrong with me. i dont want to make them feel bad like that. this is MY stuff to deal with... they shouldnt have to suffer.

I thought about quitting my job yesterday, 'cause all i wanna do is go home and lie down. i dont want to go to school in the morning. that is when all the stress starts. i mean, i only have 2 As now! 4 Bs!! Maybe even a C! What is happening?? So now I have to work to get those way up.... i have to worry about my absences... i have to worry about getting to work and making enough money... college is starting in like.. 5 months and i have to be ready for that... what if i lose my scholarship?!? How am i supposed to pay for college??

I get snappy at people sometimes, b/c now i get aggravated and agitated easily. that's not nice. im normally a nice person. i have given up on "love". who would want me?? Alex didnt... and he supposedly loved me for a while there. no one would want a stupid depressed ugly crybaby. i want to change so bad. i just dont know how, or what to do. i need help... seriously. but i probably cant get proffessional help until 3 more months, when i turn 18. i dont know what to do.
[[Im not writing about what they say to above this... i want to write about what I want to... i need to get things off my chest]]
2 comment(s) - 01:52 PM - 05/09/2007

    iluvu5  34, Male, California, USA - 1,652 views
Apr 2007
2:43 PM EDT

Hey it's alyssa and its 3:42 and today went out okay i didn't go to school today cuz i didn't feel good but still.I kept thinking about this boy named Hosa and i really like him and he likes me but i kept thinking about him and he's always on mind and whenever i am with him i am happy becuz he makes me happy. Don't u just love love and one thing that i hate about home is my mom all she cares about is her never me or my brother and i wish her and my dad were still together o ya my dad i luv my dad hes cool i luv him so much i meen i luv my mom too but she doesn't exsept it woll got to go!

    littlemama7224  37, Female, Ohio, USA - 1,450 views
Apr 2007
3:38 PM EDT

I hate aol...its almost deleted all my shit...this is gonna be the things i currently hate entry just becuz theres alot of things that are pissing me off right now....where to start?? hmmm,...lets see i hate the fact that my husband is out with his friends instead of home with me on his only day off...i hate the fact that everytime i try and talk to any of my guy friends im cheating or they want me or some bullshit like that....i currently cant stand my mother in law and her bitching and nagging is really getting on my nerves and the fact that shes twofaced bothers me too....lets see what else well i hate the fact that my "best friend" kristin is putting me off cuz her boyfriend dont want her talking to anyone but him...stupid slut and trust me shes a slut she called me a few weeks ago just to tell me that she gave him road head congrats kristin your a slut and thats not the reason im calling her a slut the reason im calling her a slut is probably the fact that shes cheating on every boyfriend shes ever had...and she calls me to brag about it....i dont really care whose dick your sucking at the moment....i hate that one of my best friends in the world is gone....i hate bowling green right now cuz im tired of stupid bitches like jenny who is after my husband and hes after her to cuz i found a bunch of fucking emails lets see what else i hate the fact that my cousin is depressed about a stupid fucking dude i hate the fact that dustin is in florida...i hate the fact that i dont have a job and my cellphone is a piece of shit that dont work...i hate the fact that im stuck here all the time i hate that this thing says i only have 5 mintues or it will be deleted grrrrr

    babyprincess77  33, Female, Canada - 1,503 views
Apr 2007
4:26 PM EDT

today is my frist day joining gaia and i am very hapy about cause mostly all the student ( kool) students i mean have a gaia and now i finally got one from a hard day at skool with alll the test i finally havinf a really fun day right to playing on Gaia and doing other stuff and thats is all for today that i am typing ok peace out yo

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo thanx for reading love ya baby princess 77 lol xoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxo

    britbrat1023  31, Female, Oregon, USA - 3,771 views
May 2007
1:03 PM PST

That's it I think I might just give up. I just can't take it anything anymore. I hate my life, and I think I'm bi, kill me now, I'm ugly and have had enough. AAGGHH!!!!! Hey anybody I need a confadince booster. If you care please send me something.

    Theblues2  55, Male, Kentucky, USA - 1,688 views
Apr 2007
5:39 PM EDT

I had a great day off work today but tomorrows another day my feelings for today are im ready to change my moods around but one thing i have to learn i need to learn to cool off wen me and my girl argue could use some pointers

    alyssa05  34, Female, California, USA - 5,086 views
Apr 2007
2:49 PM EDT

Hey people this is alyssa

Today went well i saw my babe Hosa and my BFF don't u luv having a boyfriend but the only bad thing is if they cheat on u or backstabb u or they never liked u and they just went out with u just got out with u thats waht happen to me last year but my babe know is not like that and so far so good with him I luv him woll got to go see ya bye
you r reading my personal journal

    black  45, Male, Canada - 1,884 views
Apr 2007
5:49 PM EDT

if u a blood throw it up if u a crip geta dick fags ha ha!

    brookie175  33, Female, Ohio, USA - 1,878 views
Apr 2007
6:33 PM EDT

1st entry.

We all have our stories. Mine starts here. On this internet page on April 23rd.
I have friends, plenty and plenty. I'm not miss popular, scratch that. I'm pretty damn popular. But with popularity usually follows with 'whore'. I'd summarize myself into that catagory.

I'd say this because for the past month i've been seeing a boy. His name's Ronnie.
He's older, less mature then what I would usually pick. I'm the classy type of girl. Mature-ness is very sexy to me, a boy who reads, drinks cofee, etc. Then, I have my kind of 'bad girl' side. This boy brings that part of me out. Back to the story line. I've been 'seeing him'. As in sex on every occasion we see each other. It doesn't seem too bad at first, right? well guess again. Ive put a twist on it all. I'm dating another boy named Kyle. Short story I'm dating two men at the same time. They're completely oppisate. Totally different. Ronnie = bad boy. Kyle = good christian, religous, band boy. There's more to the story. Ronnie also has another person named Carrie who he's dating, and they have a kid.

Then kenny comes into the story. I'm dating him as well, And guess what. He has a girlfriend as well. I'm not sure of her name, but i know she's not the cutest thing in the world...

Oh, Best part about it, Ive come down to writing this all on this lonely internet place because i cant tell my girl-friends. My friends would think im the most low-lifed whore they've ever met. and im not about to lose my bestfriends for that.

2 comment(s) - 07:01 PM - 05/04/2007

    ghhtk0  70, Female, Texas, USA - 1,930 views
Apr 2007
4:49 PM CDT

Having some second thoughts about taking this job in Austin manager is a bit on the moody side and tends to tell tall tales. Not sure of course why she would feel compelled to do this but worried about working with someone like that, of course I have worked with someone like this before and did not like it then. She told the other supervisor Stan that she had told me to go home on Saturday early but did not and she never mentioned leaving early, since I was going to Wimberly I would have loved to have left early so I could have spent more time with Lucy. She also told me that she said she told us to use the 0 factor for the revaluation on the 41c stamps but I know that she never did that, that may that she forgot, not sure. I have been catching her in alot of those kind of tall tales. She also was upset because Stan and I had discussed that I needed to go to the doctor but that I would have to take a day off to do that because I have to go to Conroe of course. But if I don't he will not refill my pre scription. Maybe I am just being paranoid.
1 comment(s) - 11:27 PM - 04/23/2007

    reager15  35, Female, Michigan, USA - 1,548 views
Apr 2007
3:27 AM EDT

Hi i am new to this thing and if u know anyting please HELP ME

    gberggie  67, Male, Florida, USA - 1,497 views
Apr 2007
2:54 PM EDT

Good manners, respect, giving me my space. Politeness and an acknowledgement of the talents I have to offer.

    PrincessBeth  35, Female, Colorado, USA - 1,599 views
Apr 2007
6:39 AM MST

Well today is April 24, 2007.

I ony have a 3 day week for school. Today My Mom let me play hookie from school. I was so Glad because I am soooo tired and annoyed with school. I think I am gonna have a great summer break. There is only 25 Days left of school. YAY. I have soo many friends. They include Baylee, Alexa, Kaelyn, Kayla, MaryLynn, Jordyn, Jordyn G. Bella, Miki, Haley, and Last but not least Hailey and Samantha. Well Dustin is going to find out if Quinn likes me and if he does then he is going to ask him out for me. I don't think he likes me but oh well. Well Me and Jennifer Sine are in a fight over something that happened between Hailey Wright and Me. Then she went and told Jessica so now Jessica is mad at me. I am not mad at either of them but they are both mad at me so i guess i will have to tough it out and just hope everything works out for the best. Sometimes. I just wish People could just not get mad at other people for others being in fights. :( I am so tired it isn't even funny. I have this HUGE prject due tomorrow and I can finishe the map because I can't get it from school. If I have the chance I will call Jordin at School and Ask her to get it. I kind ofwant tostay home tomorrow so that we dont have to present and so that we don't get humilited for not having all our stuff done, and if I stay home then my group can say I am not there and I have everything so then we have until Monday to turn it in. That is like 5 Extra Days to work on it. I hope My Mom Let's Me! I am so Worried about not getting a good grade in social studies. I am not doing so hot in Math either. I am not getting the homework so I am not getting good grades for it. Urg. I hate school, I mean Ya I like it socialy but not work wise. I am kind of excited to continue on to 7th grade. I can't believe me and Jimmy are Friends after Last Year. And Haha he liked me last year and I liked him last year. It's Kind of funny!

Well Thats all for Now!

    tea  65, Female, Texas, USA - 3,710 views
Apr 2009
6:27 PM EDT

The things I expect from others varies from situation to situation. It would be nice however for some of these priviledged people to step upto the plate without being asked, I mean if I have to ask, do I really want you to do it? Doesn't it mean more if done voluntarily? The truth is I expect too much from people and that is why I am always disappointed.
1 comment(s) - 06:48 AM - 05/24/2009

    malopez  40, Female, Florida, USA - 1,836 views
Apr 2007
6:11 PM EDT

I think I expect too much from others...

    rotwood  36, Female, Nevada, USA - 3,270 views
Jul 2007
1:13 PM PST

............I'll think about this more because I don't get it! XD

    AshleyNicole  34, Female, Texas, USA - 1,321 views
May 2007
11:22 AM EDT


    ronowen  69, Male, Texas, USA - 138,602 views
Apr 2008
5:55 AM CST

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Ron continues to make progress, moving his arms, now legs more!� He is working hard daily in physical therapy and occupational therapy to become stronger.� Please continue to pray for Ron's strength and continued progress.� ONE year ago, he was put on the ventilator for his condition.� We are so thankful that he no longer needs it and look forward to this next year having continued progress.

11 comment(s) - 05:28 AM - 09/27/2020

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