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    tatortot  31, Female, Ohio, USA - 1,764 views
Apr 2007
5:12 PM EDT

hey will i am 13 years old...but im always happy
2 comment(s) - 10:49 PM - 04/01/2007

    maj12  31, Female, Canada - 3,734 views
May 2007
6:07 PM EDT

Well i am now broke up with shane but it is ok.Love is not finding the persect person but finding the imperfect person.Got to go ttyl.

1 comment(s) - 06:31 PM - 05/12/2007

    kmac818  52, Female, Illinois, USA - 1,537 views
Jan 2008
2:30 PM CST

Keep your friends near and your enemies closer...

I'm not sure if I buy into this bag of beans. It is a good saying and all of that, but I don't like my enemies and they don;'t particularly care for me either I'm sure of it! Therefore, the possibility for us to spend time together is likely VERY my neice would say..."I'm just sayin'...."

    JackAss104  32, Female, New York, USA - 7,049 views
Apr 2007
8:27 AM EDT

My vacaton was horrible... even thouh I shold not be saying this I will anyway this vacation I was ROBBED WHEN I WAS IN ATLANTIC CITY!!! They took a lot of stuff they took my really nice flat screen TV they took my dad's labtop and portable DVD player and a lot of other stuff.. This is not good because now I am ganna be afraid to walk around my naborhood and even my own house and i really should ot be afraid to walk around my naborhood and my own house. I am so afraid Now...

    blessedangel  51, Female, Mississippi, USA - 10,238 views
Mar 2008
1:57 PM CST

What needs simplifying

My relationships need simplifying....with family and personal. I should drop the personal since I caught him cheating. Family is a different matter. However, keeping to myself works pretty good.
1 comment(s) - 08:32 AM - 10/07/2011

    guy93  31, Male, Texas, USA - 2,609 views
Jul 2007
11:28 AM EDT


    Antwan96  35, Male, Michigan, USA - 1,600 views
Apr 2007
5:11 PM EDT

Ok there is this boy named antwan he goes to my school and I like him alot and he knows that I like him but I dont think he knows how much I like him (I am talkin to him on the phone right now) to tell you the truth I think I love hom but i cant tell him that. cant I ????? he is all that cute but I like him any wayz...........I asked him if he likes me he said I dont know how can you not no if you like somebody...........I am at my daddys house right know so I cant write every thing I want to write in here cuz my dad likes to come check up on me and see if I am on a chat line................I like Antwan so much it aint even funny that is why I think I love him..................we kissed the onther day even though we dont go out yet............I know he lie me too that is why he sayed he doesnt know if he like me or not......I will write more later bye

♥ Antwan96♥
1 comment(s) - 07:18 PM - 04/04/2007

    j9butterfly  50, Female, China - 1,506 views
Apr 2007
4:49 AM EDT

April 3,2007

    HiddenScars  35, Female, Louisiana, USA - 9,131 views
Oct 2007
4:18 AM CDT

Well there really is not much to say there is alot going on in my life and I dont really know what to do about all of it...I am back to cutting and that sucks... I have had a few slip ups in the last few weeks which is not good.. But its okay..Me and kris are doing okay.. and all of viv's puppies are growing up to be beautiful! I love my vivvy... and now we have star trigger anna bell bear and trey... all of which I will have to sell soon... but I think that scott is going to get to keep trey... He is really excited especially with me and kris moving out soon!!! I HOPE,,,, Mom kicked us out agian but as normal she was all Im sorry by the end of the day... I love my kris kris but we are fighting alot lately.. I dont really know what to do about all that.. I have tried talking to he that doesnt really help any..just makes her mad that seems to be what I am good at... I really dont know what to do anymore... But it is okay we will work through it like we work through everything,, I know we will.... I am starting to talk even if it will make her mad.... i am at the point that if I have something that I want to say I am going to say it... I really am getting better... i dont really know what to rant anything else about so I guess Im gonna go ahead and get off of here...atleast everyone knows i am kinda sorta alive... LOVE YALL....

    lovesawar08  35, Female, Louisiana, USA - 4,131 views
Apr 2007
7:46 AM CST

hey well im in not a good mood...wait that wasnt put ne way i need a ciggarette and that might have something to do with my attitude...well im at school and it basically sucks but which school doent suck..."nada"....well i am so bored and well just writing to do something besides looking like a no problems today except one particular person....but really dont want to talk about that person right now...well i guess all for now and ttyl!......

1 comment(s) - 11:10 AM - 04/26/2007

    kitkat94  31, Female, Iowa, USA - 11,558 views
Apr 2007
5:32 AM EST

so okay i have been talking a lot about bout this guy named jeff daniels i said i liked him when i really dont i just said i liked him to have some1 to like so i don't like any1 right now but i do want a boyfriend because i c all these gurls with boyfriends at like track meets when i am with no1 i want a guy who will let me were his jacket kuz all my other boyfriends just grabbed me by the waste but i want him to tell me he loves me just out of the blue and always kiss me i mean i'm not ugly or fat i am just i dont really no y i just like shy guys who wont asks a gurl out
lookin 4 luv
ps melanie and cameron have been spaending way to much time with eachother its really weird

    Staci07  31, Female, Iowa, USA - 15,527 views
Jun 2007
9:44 AM CDT

hey yall i know that i havent posted i like forever!!! but u know, its summer baby!!!! i gotta do watta i gotta do!!! so swimmin is the most fun part, i can't get through a day without swimmin well i g2g swim!! lol!! luv ya!!!

    Alyanna  37, Female, Indiana, USA - 7,640 views
Jan 2008
9:21 AM EDT

Depressing, Yet Great News...

I started classes at Ivy Tech in Kokomo this previous Monday. I think I'm going to do okay in the classes that I picked out. They're seem like they're pretty easy (for me at least). I have a few updates in my life this new year.

When I got up with my fiance Saturday morning at 4:30 to get him off to work and after he left I heard my mother talking in the bedroom with someone. About 20 minutes later she comes out to the living room and asks me what time I have to work today and I replied at 1:30 to 10. She told me that my brother would have to take me to work then because she has to go to the hospital. And I'm like What?! My grandfather had gotten up at 4 Saturday morning to go to the bathroom. He stood up out of bed and had a major headache, so he layed back down. Then, he poked my Grandma Louise in the side and asked her to go get him some Tylenol for his headache. She brought back Bayer Asprin instead. He then went to the bathroom with the aid of holding onto things on the way. He started coming back to the bedroom and he got halfway there and couldn't go any farther. So, he layed down on the couch in the living room. That's where he stayed until the Ambulance came. They took tests at Marion General Hospital, and it showed that he had a brain bleed. So, they lifelined him to Methodist Hospital (Clariton Health) in Indianapolis. I ended up calling off work and going to the hospital with my mom and the rest of my family. He is staying at the Critical Care Unit at Methodist Hospital until further notice. He is doing a lot better since his surgery at 2:00 yesterday afternoon. Hopefully he will be returning home here shortly.

Other news is...I am now engaged to a man (Zachary Scott Ollis) that I love, so desperately and can't wait to spend the rest of my life with. He is so great to me. He may not be a total complete Christian, but he is working on it. The great thing about that is is that he will help me with my walk with the Lord, but in the same great way I will also be helping him.

    michaela  37, Female, New York, USA - 4,280 views
Apr 2007
7:25 PM EDT

mccycyc chx y cg dggdsvgvxgs tsvdtsvdtdsvskdngsgad sbsdbfbsrvscsvsdksohhdybtwvhdsbxhbxtsbndxgbvshxfsbdvsxbxfsbfsbxsbxsbdvsbdcmichaelahdscyhbdydb ctdhbcg ytcbcycfcvcharrisxcbshxcbdgxb xghxb dgd xcyx chsx chxgdshd egsocbdbxghcgdhdvxbxg gdgbvdndhbyxnxxcxcnxhmxmxjxyh mxuhcbcync,zbcxbcxcncgmxhbchcgybhcbxncbhzbhjbgsygtdv f dghaxghxbtxdcbc cxzdchdbyhdcmchcmjbvbvbcbvcvcbfvnfhcbdgdhc ddgbfdgtfvrbgfdhbfvdbfv fdsvgvddhjgdgvdvfdcvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvxvxcsvgacvgdcrs cdvfdsbcsvfrgvhnbbhg556778bxbnhbnbnhbhbh chbggtvfgtvbcdsvc gcghbsdvgdcsvfvfdvgbv dgbv dv cjnhsajku,bhuftdqfckuigfqyqegfqUGUOGL2HYGU3OUYWTGUIKWRUYHIKTOHYIEGIEHTGREYUOU9JIBRWJUOPKOYKOIUHGYREY HYFBHFBYTFBTHGFBV VFDGFNYUFTBFGGGGGGGGGGGGGFGSJGDGVFVFGVDRYFTRDRFGDFGCFGFFHDVFYTVBFCVBVGCVTV VFUJYCBDCHBBCBCBCHCCCGCBCTCVCGCBCVCCBBVGC CDFD XCFXVSDSDXCCSFSCDDSCDTSGGHHJJNHUJ KM KLLL;L;/[;'';P.KPJKIGNGDCFXDDXFSGSFHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGFGFFVTVCFGVG GFGHFVGFVGYFFGFBGFGGFGGVDTRVBBVBGDXFCFVGVGCGCGF GFGFDBSSTFGFT
1 comment(s) - 09:43 PM - 04/04/2007

    chantyllakalovagirl  31, Male, New York, USA - 2,175 views
Apr 2007
7:20 AM EDT

Diary entry #1
April5, 2007
look, usualli when itsz me and him he'sz all sweetie and sh!t and nice, gentle, but last night when i called him, hisz friend, and cuz'n wasz ova at hisz house sleepin ova or w/e and he tired to act like he run me and sh!t to look gud infront of hisz cuz'n and friend and they wasz talkin madd shit about me right infront of hisz face and he wasz just laughin, also he wasz sayin mean sh!t to me like i'm fat and otha stuff when i aint even fat. but i aint let it affect me he aint nobodi he bout to get knock the fu(k out. i hate it when boysz do that he just a little pussi aint he?

    cattyzcatz  33, Female, Maryland, USA - 1,855 views
Apr 2007
2:16 PM EDT

Hi, I'm Ariel.
I'm 15 and live in a crappy town. I don't understand why, but everyone picks on me. I was in a hospital for a while cause I was suicidal, and even THEN I was the kid to pick on.
I don't know why I'm the bullied girl, but anyways thats not the point right now. I'm here cause I'm a nice person and am hoping to make friends here. I'm such a sweetie and I love fun.
So yea email me or something. TTYL, see ya around!!

    charlie270  51, Male, New York, USA - 1,478 views
Apr 2007
8:48 AM EDT

How do you come to terms if you think your wife has cheated and that your little 4 and half month old little baby girl isnt yours. how do you come to terms without showing force that you found a letter stating the above was true

    LovNy  44, Female, Norway - 2,850 views
Apr 2007
4:32 PM GMT

I got a really big surprised early this afternoon, when I looked out the window and saw snow, we have been having spring-weather for several weeks now, so I can't say that I am happy with that! Just hope it goes away soon! :)

    Bratt  42, Female, Tennessee, USA - 1,775 views
Apr 2007
11:55 AM CST

What I am afraid of? Well there is plenty I am afraid. I am afraid of snakes,spiders, and losing my loved ones.
Snakes scared me as some are poisonous. I hate the way the slither around on the ground and eat mice. I hate the way they stick out their tongues and make that noise.
Spiders creep me out as they have eight legs and fangs. I don't even like granddaddy leg longs. I also hate spiders as they are poisonous.
The main thing i am scared of is losing loved ones. I was close to my oldest sister and she commited suicide. I haven't really been the same but I try to live my life to the fullest. I have a great husband and wonderful in laws. I have two beautiful daughters I try to live for. I guess I am afraid of anything happening. I have a great mother and father also. They might be divorced but they still love me uncondionally.
Those are the things i am afraid of.

    Hidden  32, Female, Ohio, USA - 1,838 views
Apr 2007
5:09 PM EDT

Dear Diary
Some times i hate my days i havent went to Church in atime it is a very good place were i can talk to god i get to go with my cuz tomorrow it is allot easer to get my fellings out .

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