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earthangel's Journal
Jun 2007
11:40 AM PST
It was a pretty exciting Saturday night for me I was asked to co host an internet radio show with a couple of young guys out of Dallas Texas and it was allot of fun to do. Between the three of us we all had a different idea on life's values and you could really hear it through out the show, which made it off the wall and kind of risque you may say. Some may not appreciate it because like I said my co host have thier own views and right off the bat they tell every one they have been drinking which adds for adventure. hahaha We talked USA and Canadian politics and we even interviewed Avin from the states and had some fun as we went along which made for a fun show. We got of track but we were soon back on track and I am looking forward to doing another show with them for sure. Now just have to work out a cost with my telephone provider for the show times. Anyways the shows tae place on Blog Radio and it's the 'Power Hour Guys' You can go listen to the shows because each show is an mp3 to listen to after wards.
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May 2007
6:25 AM PST
I feel bad for the American public and what goes on with their country and how they ar all being made pawns in a war created by a mad man and his family before him. It is sad when a group of crazy people can get together and create a war just to create a war so they can get thetir power over oil and other countries. I feel other countries and what they believe in is their buisness and has no right to be destroyed by this president and those crazy people thatt back him even our own Prime Minister who sends troops to countries to clean up his messes. I get tired of seeing this and then seeing what it creates. All the negative hate and saddness and homelessness and children who now have no fathers and mothers. Do these mad men look at this at all before they put thier greed ahead of themselves. No they just go ahead and destroy families and then tell the world it so they don't attack us. In the first place they did not attack us, the President and his crazy followers attacked the towers and the public needs to know the truth and in the future they eventually will and then what. Who is going to apoligize to the MIddle East for the deaths then?
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May 2007
8:27 AM PST
I will be so much more relaxed once the USA elections are over and Bush is out of politics. We all know he doesn't have a chance of getting back in and we do hope the American do not vote any of his family memebers in to politics either. I am so surprised with this president that he has never been empeached up to now. This man's mistakes will go down in history as the worse president to run a country. He has the whole world frowning upon the USA. We here in Canada have no room to talk with Harper who has taken all we stand for and taken it apart by placing us into a war as well as tearing our values on inviroment apart with Kyoto as well as taking money away from, native, women issues and children. Of course he was led by the nose with Bush a presedient who blew up his own towers to start a war and blasme it on arabs just to cement the fear in his own country. The fact are there and the citizens of the USA need to see that. Thanks to that you now have the whole Midle East against you because he decided to invade a country on false pretenses. Like I said and he is still the president. One thing left about being American and Canadian is we still have freedom of thought and speech. Or at least some still think we do.
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- 11:16 AM - 05/22/2007
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May 2007
1:17 PM PST
Well well life is tooshort then I realize I have it better off then most. I'm Canadian and Bush isn't my president. Yet he does seem to run our country... or pull Hrpers strings.... Just a comment to the comment left...He is still your president for now.
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- 07:35 AM - 05/20/2007
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Apr 2007
2:51 PM PST
I wish to say something without ruffling too many feathers and that is I know that Don Imus had ruffled feathers in the past with things he has sais over the air but to be fired for what he recently said is crossing the line by the network. I know two wrongs don't make a right but he did apoligize over the air for what he said and took responsability for what he said but for everyone including Opera to rake him over coals the way everyone has is too much and fire him is too much. Then to say it is damaging the image of our children and hurting our children. PLEASE cry my a river of excuses of bull crap just to make an issue out of nothing. Now I say this for a reason. We have the whole Black community raising a gawd awful stink about Imus saying ho about women over the air and yet they themselves use it all the time, they themselves rap about it even white rapper sing or rap about it and hip hop groups sing about it and it is on TV MTV and radio and CD and radio stations day in and day and yet is anyone making a stink about eminmiem saying it. No but Imus says it now he's fired. Please will someone tell me the difference. I was also told by a friend that I am wrong for putting back on rappers and hip hoppers and not for seeing the wrong of Imus and not backing up the Black community in thier conquest to see this man out of a job. Well I may even lose a few friends over this but I beg to see the difference in the twwo of what Imus said only one and what rappers sing about daily and nothing is done and they ay it's good music and I am suppose to listen to the words and see the storry behind the words. Does it sound like I am angry over this? Damn right I am because it seems like we have a double standard in this country when it comes to people in one group to say it is wrong for another group to say or do something that thier group does daily is wrong. Come on people stop the double standards and grow up and stop punishing one person for what thousand do as entertainment Even comics make the same fun ho word to femalesand it's OK. Imus does it and he's fired...SHAME SHAME SHAME
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Mar 2007
4:27 PM PST
In most cases it is OK just to be me. Being me is OK...
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Mar 2007
2:38 PM PST
Oh well what can I say. Except I would really like to know when are Bush's boys going to make the first strike against Iran. Which personally I think is full of shit and I am tottally against. I already know the Americans blew up the towers themselves and then decided to blame Arabs for it so they could start an oil war over there but I guess there wasn't enough oil in Iraq so they have to go into Iran and control the rest. because any idiot that thinks the towers came down just with those planes need to have thier heads examined. Those towers came straight down. Straight down as if blown up from the bottom by a demolision team. That is the only way they could come down. Look at the film again and again and anyone can see that plus how come BBC had footage of one of the towers going being reported going down before it even went down. The whole thing was staged to put fear into people so people would hate Arabs and give the Bush boys reason to send in his army and his secret army that not many know about to control countries and oil. So now here is Iran only doing shit thatAmericans do and they get racked over the coals for it. See I have no sympathy anymore for the states or for Britian and if you say that makes me an Arab sympathyzer well then I guess I am. I have just had too much truthn exposed to me to know the truth of this war now and see that Britian and America or just trouble makers trying to control the rest of the world and if you do not go along with them then your country is next.
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Mar 2007
1:54 PM PST
I was reminded today that maybe I need to stop being bothered by others remarks about homosexuality and thier own Christian beliefs. I forgot the lessons I teach over the years and that is stay in your own heart center and there you will find the truth of who you are. No matter what we do or say to the so called thumpers of bibles we will not move them in any way and they will still feel they are the only ones going to heaven. So I say this and that is I AM who I am and feel thosewho wish to condemn others for who they are or what they are are the ones who really need to take a serious l;ook at themselves and know that they are not God nor shall they ever be and just to know that no matter what I will meet everyone in the same kingdom and that is the Kingdom of Heaven and that is where GOD will decide who is and isn't right. Blessings to all and may we be loved for who we are.
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Mar 2007
9:51 AM PST
Another comment from yesterdays journalling. Boy Christians really get scared when you get them to see truth instead of what was pumped into thier little heads and boy do they become adamant about it. All I can say to those who wish to quote bible stuff at me and please know I read it and for some reason never read half the crap you are throwing at me. Of course like yourself I am probably just closing my eyes to that as you close your eyes to my belief. All I can say at this point is you believe what you believe and don't dare try to shove your beliefs down my throat again because thats not very christian is it and another thing. It is Jesus the Christ. His last name is not Christ. It is Christ like thoughts and we can all have that. There just an update to what I have read and have thrown back at me. I believe what I believe and to all the bible thumpers of the world you believe what you need to believe and I know we will all meet in Heaven because we are all God's children no matter who we are. May Allah follow you and may Budda bless you and may all that is of the Wiccan belief protect you. I bel;ieve in it all. I am so proud of who I am and will never change. I tried the straight life 4 times and have done nothing but upset 4 ladies as well as now have children from me that do not speak to me because I tried the straight life because people told me I wasn't Gay. I was born this way and desire my own sex over the oppsiite and I do have female friends who understand this. I was forced to be with women and will never allow tht gain. So when I say I am ay I am Gay and born this way and will never hurt another lady again by trying to be something I'm not. God loves us all.
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Mar 2007
9:43 AM PST
Today seemed to be a day I am confused. Sometimes I see what is going on around me and feel judgement coming up and I know inside we are not to judge yet I hear and read things that trigger crap in me that just needs to be said. I am so happy for journals and blogs to write my feelings just to let them out. Like my biggest beef today is those christians that say they are so Christ like and yet have no room for forgiveness towards others. I am talking about the homophobics who say all is good with God yet God will condemn those who seek same sex relations. I am going to laugh the day I do pass on and sind God waiting for me dressed in Drag. Even God is of the male/female energy and I feel people need to take a serious look at this Book called the Bible. I do believe allot in the good book is true and understanding and may be a good point of interest for thos looking to understand Christianity but and I will say BUT in capitals does anyone understand or even know that the good book has been written and rewritten by man's own hands and also wriiten to thier satisfaction. Like come on are we all that stupid not to see this. The King James version, the Giddeon etc. like it was written by leaders and people who were trying to put fear into the masses. It has been proven and yet here we all hang onto every word as truth. We have even got proof now that Judas did not framme Jesus but he and Jesus worked together on his sacrifice to the world and also we now have fact and more proof that Jesus was a man who married or took a wife nmed Mary Magdoline and yet religions will say this is not true because then they would have nothing to put the fear into people to get them to empty thier pockets of the cash they need to survive. Go beneath the Vatican and find the truth and you will find allot of what I say is truth. Church's needed control so they created Hell which if you check it out through history hell was a 3 foot grave in your backyard where you buried family because you couldn't pay your taxes. Because if you didn't pay your taxes you couldn't be buried with the masses. This si factual truth yet does anyone else check it out. No most would rather have the fear around it Also satan is man's creation for more fear into christian. there is no such thing as Satan or the Devil. Of course if enough people thought and focused on it it ca be created through energy. I do believe there is a dark force out there corrupting people but people must see this themselves and take back control as to who they are and who they believe in. I just say that it is all so confusing and after all the facts I found I am proud to say I am gay and really don't care what some overly Christian a++hole says to me anymore. I was born this way and I am proud of it. Thanks for reading and may God Bless everyone.
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Mar 2007
7:57 AM PST
Each day I call my own to live as I wish and that is in peace, love and harmony with others. So be it
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