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Listed below are the most viewed journals (total number of times viewed).
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    skinnycheeks87  32, Female, Iowa, USA - 2,098 views
Apr 2007
3:12 PM EDT

ok so yeah this is my first day having one of these things... cool!

    shootingstar420  30, Female, California, USA - 42,551 views
Mar 2010
2:01 PM EDT

So, I think I'm proud of myself. My ex boyfriend always found a way to get me back wtih his lovey dovey talks, and it always worked. But this time ever since I broke up with him I havent gotten him back. No matter how nice the things he says to me are and no matter if i dont ever get a guy like him in the future im proud of myself cuz i finally walked away. He was an amazing guy, but i want better for myself. I mean as in someone who i can see everyday and with him i rarley saw him in the 6 months we were together. I been texting him even though i know i shouldn't and I have to promise myself that Ima stop. So I make myself this promise. That starting tomorrow I wont text him. Ima have my time off and when i know im over him I will text him and talk to him about how my life is great . Right? I should do that rite?
But it's gonna be hard but i gotta send my mind to it. As long as I make myself happy I will be happy. I'm still young and right now I just wana be single. I wana be able to love myself before I can love someone else with all I got. And well I just realized all this rite now at this exact moment.

It's going to be a challenge but I been thru worst and Im planning to set my mind to it. (: Im doing the right thing right? :)

    Jocelyn  54, Female, Taiwan - 12,081 views
Jun 2007
4:49 PM EDT

The last two days before the summer vacation begins, I only feel more depressed. The thinking of flying to San Jose makes me quiver. Chill down to the spine. And why's that? Well, it's full of unknown, and unpreditible and terrifying what's possibly to happen....don't know. OK, to be honest, I don't want to meet with them, that's all. sighs....

    shamankingrocks  65, Female, Florida, USA - 1,444 views
Apr 2007
3:54 PM G

I'm so bored right now. I have no idea what to do. I'm definately not liking school right now and a bunch of people piss me off. There's not that much to say about today just that I need to get a crapload of work done. How average...And boring...nothing interesting at all...

    katycat  47, Female, Texas, USA - 1,557 views
Apr 2007
8:59 PM CST

These diaries are solely for my eyes only. Information within is of a personal nature.

    PASTRICTDOM30Ssub  43, Female, Pennsylvania, USA - 1,750 views
Apr 2007
10:56 AM EDT

ok i was in a good mood till about right now, mom just told me i may not be able to go out to night because she has not meet Sir. it is f**king bull shyt, i am 25 yrs old why do i have to have her aprove of my frinds before i am alowed to go out. i am about to just go out with out her knowing.

    bella143  31, Female, California, USA - 2,344 views
May 2007
4:45 PM EDT

on thursday may 3rd, i missed school due to a d ead battery in my mas car.

    vabronxboogie  45, Female, Virginia, USA - 11,093 views
Mar 2008
7:20 PM PST

March 2, 2008 We met each other's family

Blair was up when i got home and his whole agenda was for me to meet his mom. I was nervous and excited. We went to flea market to drop off laptop at the kernal's. We then went to petersburg and he was pissed cuz we had to have his tire fixed cuz he done messed up the rim. It got fixed but he blamed it on potholes in richmond. lol His mom was really nice. Blair and I are gonna be moving with each other and Im excited about that as well. We gon make this work! We then went to pick up my car and my laptop and shot to my uncle's house and i went to see curuchi and tito who live across from each other. We also got to see my twin cousins stephany and her sis. Stephany likes to travel and even went to chicago, holla. Nano was there. We were asked to stay for dinner but I thought Blair wasnt up for it so I said I had to go to work which was true. Blair actually wanted to stay! Poorcommunication on my part. Well at home, I put Blair to cook. He made this steaks that came out really good. Ihad the rice and beans. His plate was spic and span. I'm glad he enjoyed it cus boy is he picky. We went to sleep till I had to get up and he basically dragged me off the bed so i can wake up. lol

    lynnlynn  43, Female, China - 1,560 views
Apr 2007
8:40 PM EDT

This kind of person cannot give others a sense of security. Liking a plague, everyone will try to get away from him as far as possible.

    bellybomb  48, Female, California, USA - 2,573 views
Jan 2008
6:03 PM PST

oh, the trials and tribulations of one so terrifically troubled.

    rachel  74, Female, California, USA - 1,570 views
Jun 2007
8:10 AM PST

PADE CXM Vehicles - detached from devices in order to retire. Emailed the request to Chandra to retire. Merged Southeast FIOS with Southeast Florida. Updated Chris Caffal's tickets. Created 3 Training sessions. Created acct for Scott Higgins. Created SOAF process for Cheryl.

    chameleon  30, Female, Australia - 1,484 views
May 2007
5:15 AM CST

h3yy pplz!

w0t5 upp!




    ptwsparkles  28, Female, Massachusetts, USA - 12,762 views
Aug 2007
11:32 PM N

well today nothin much happened. yesturday i got a shot/needle in the top of my arm. IT HURT!!!!!!!!!!!! but im ok now. just about to go out to walk the dog wit grandma be back. i will right tomarow. k bye

    angelofbliss  32, Female, Ohio, USA - 3,521 views
May 2007
4:31 PM EDT

Is It Right To Deny The Feelings Of Pure Joy And Love?

    GinaG  44, Female, Texas, USA - 2,573 views
Apr 2007
4:06 PM CST

I am not skilled to understand
What God has w illed, what God has pl anned
I only know at His right hand
Stands one who is my Savior

I take Him at His word and deed
Christ died to save me ; this I read
And in my heart I find a need
Of Him to be my savior

That He would leave His place on hig h
And come for sinful m an to die
You count it st range, so once did I
Before I knew my Savior

Chorus (2x's)
My Savior loves, My Savior lives
My Savior's always th ere for me
My God: He was , my God; He is
My God is always gonna be

Yes, living, dying, let me bring
My strength, my solac e from this spring;
That He who lives to be my King
Once died to be my Savior

That He wou ld leave His place on high
And come for sinful man to die
You count it strange , so once did I
Before I knew

    Danielle  44, Male, Massachusetts, USA - 2,166 views
Apr 2007
5:25 AM EDT

Let's see today is going to be a good day... it's a little cloudy but nice enough I can still take the baby outside, tire her out!!! I have to work around 11 but only till 5 so still not bad. I've decided I'm not going to eat or snack on anything till I get home and then I'll have watermelon and a bowl of pasta for dinner. I went to the gym for about two hours again... so proud of myself!!! Oh next Sat Bella and Rich get to start swim lessons... kinda bummed out that I'm not the one who's going to be taking her... I do everything with her!!! I'll get over it though.
I emailed Deee today to... wait and see what happens with that!!! oh stressed by that one. It's going to be one interesting wedding we can just say.
Well must jet, work time!

    brikingbird  35, Female, Minnesota, USA - 2,955 views
May 2007
5:53 PM CST

Well i havent wrote in a long time or thats what it feels like..Hmm well the guy im with a bunch of girls..i should have known! hes always done this to me. hes so sweet and you never think hes cheating..i guess all guys who are like that do that huh? i dont know i wonder if he actually feels like he says he does..i guess not if he could do this? i knew this was going to happen all along so its not that big of a surpise. i dont know whats wrong with me i know i can do better but still i go for guys who treat me bad. i wonder if im like my cousin..she always needs a man no matter how he treats her or her kids..i hope not. idk i know i deserve better but i bet anything im gonna fall into his lies again when i ask him about all his lil girls hes running around with. i need to learn one of these days. idk i just need someone there since i dont have tha dad around. but is that worth it. i know ill just be heart broken in the end. i think i should just end it now instead of starting to feel more for him again..then gettin dropped like nothing..idk it feels so good to have someone there for me tho..OMG i do sound like my cousin!! ahhh life sucks right now! :( well my mom told me i dont need a man to feel loved..or something like that. Some encouraging words tho i guess? mom always knows best lol she does..well i cant think of anything else thats goin bad for me! lol just pityful other than that life is good!

    Alanna  50, Female, Australia - 2,849 views
Jun 2007
11:46 PM EDT

hi everyone, i have a friend over and her name is keara.
we just read my comments from 7 months agoand if anyone wants to comment, i dont want a bf!!!!!
kearas gonna right something now keara:: hi everybody wat doin im
doin nothin but playing around with alanna(not in the sexual way) Alanna is not a lesbian and neither am i ( thank god)
Alanna: by 4 now

Alanna Cassar
1 comment(s) - 11:00 PM - 06/13/2007

    164600  81, Male, Texas, USA - 2,610 views
May 2007
3:25 AM CDT

If the world is wrong then right your own self..Richard Pryor

    amp123  32, Female, Ohio, USA - 1,628 views
Apr 2007
2:59 PM EDT

There is no hope in my life anymore. I am so sick of all the tears in my life. I thought that I could get over Scott, but I now relize that I am never going to be over him. Even though I am with Brandon I would die to be with Scott. My life is way too unpredictable, I never know what is going to happen. I think in my life I make way too many mistakes, and I regret too many things. I am going to have to start to learn that everything that I did was exactly what I wanted at one point, I hate the feeling if regret. I have a feeling that all of my journals are going to be sad, but that is how my life is. I am lucky if I don't cry one day a week. There are so many things to cry about in my life, there is Scott, my mom, my dad, Brandon, Mikey, Dina. And many more. I feel like I am loosing my best friend , Dina. She is replacing me with Brittany and Shannon. This sucks. Scott does not even know that I am alive anymore. He does not know how I would kill to be with him, and to just talk to him once more. We lost everything we had over some stupid fight ! I am always going to love him, I can not help that. Brandon is the nicest boyfriend I can ever have, but I never get to see him. I hate going to a different school then him. I wish I was going to Normandy so I could be with him. It does not even matter about our age difference, everyone thinks that we will never last just because he is 16. They really don't know how much we care about eachother. I am going to try and take a step back in life and figure things out. And become a happy person again. Well bye, for now....

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