icaboe's Journal

Jan 2007
4:12 AM PST

i am writing about past experiences as a journal entry. people have always come and went either as a friend, a foe, or someone you just loved deeply. well the phrase nothing lasts forever is true but why? is it that you move or just dont feel anymore? i tend to think it is that you just doint care.i have left friends i have hung out for yearsa and grew up with and just are like brothers but i had no remorse when i said bye. this was it i went to live in covina and have not looked back yet. it was my greed of a better future out here that has clouded what i should feel, sadness loss and desperation of a voice that can be trusted and heard. well now im here thinking i left and i didnt care, well frankly cause i didnt care. and now that i see this i am ashamed, but i have a bright future and i will make the most of that cause in due time i will see them again.
1 comment(s) - 03:52 PM - 01/19/2007

icaboe's Profile

  • Username: icaboe
  • Gender / Age: Male, 37
  • Location: USA - California
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