Leilani's Journal

Aug 2009
4:23 PM PST

sad am saying bye soon

�just got home that was a cool party @ Victoria's house.. it feels soo good to go out! i have not been out in a long time. seen people i use to party with catch up on what's going on w their life.. as I say bye i realized this might be the last time I see them again.. and am a little sad and I will miss my friends.. I am not changing my mind..�

I still 100% would like to move to Ga and be with the only man I love. and hopefully send the rest of my life with him. but cant help the fact that I will be leaving behind all these friends I have and known for years.. the place I called home for a very long time now,�

Leilani's Profile

  • Username: Leilani
  • Gender / Age: Female, 44
  • Location: USA - Washington
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