MariPanda's Journal

Feb 2007
1:13 PM PDT

I've been practicing my singing. I'm getting better and better. (So to speak) Practice does make 'perfect'. Not like my singing is perfect, but it's pretty good. At least that's what I've been told ;)
Yes!!! No school today and tomorrow; staff development or something. Yay! 3 more days of bliss. Hopefully, undisturbed.

Feb 2007
10:51 AM PDT

Today was an okay day. I wonder why some of my friends don't feel like talking to me anymore.
= (
Or maybe it's just me....
Yeah, it's me. Anyways, Valentine's Day is coming up. I know I'm not gonna get anything, so...I don't really care. My fave class is French, because it's a really good language to learn. Also, the teacher goes easy on us. French class makes me feel all happy inside, lol. It made me have a great desire to travel to France and breathe in all of it's culture. Seriously. I hope I'll be able to go there when I'm older. I already have two other countries I want to visit; Philippines, and maybe Italy. I want to go to all three!
As you have read, I've 'sworn off' boys. And I'm working on it. LOL
I'm blushing right this minute! I was so hyper in 7th period today; like always. I don't know why I get all crazy. Maybe because it's the end of the day, and I just cannot wait to get home to watch my shows. OR, that Butterfinger that I ate for lunch finally digested and all of the sugary goodness got to my brain. Yeah, that's it. Nothing but sugar can explain my over-unusual actions. (Yes, OVER-unusual. I'm already weird. I'm an Aquarius.)
-le gasp-

My tatay (Dad) is the ultimate cook, dude(tte)! I'm not bragging, he does all the cooking in the house. (my mom is great, but she can only make mac and cheese.) YUM! That's all for today. Now, leave me alone with my new, cheesy, crispy, delicious friend. Laterz.♥

Feb 2007
11:34 AM PDT

RANDOM: I have a friend that hates her life so much, that she wants to die. She doesn't even think about it, she just wants to die.

I have a friend, and she's cool, very nice and funny. She also punches people alot..including me, which I cannot understand. Carla* is blonde, German, and a soon-to-be-princess. (Her ancestor was a Duke) When she's eighteen, she'll get her title. So why does she want to die? All of that stuff she told me; were they lies? Maybe. But...she has a nice life. Sure...she doesn't have that many friends, and she's not the smartest, but hey, she's okay. And, she's got a hot Australian boyfriend who's in a military school in Wisconsin. (She better get me a freakin picture)But, she wants to die. She's only in 7th grade. She's in 7th grade, but she's goth, and she's gonna get a tattoo on her ankle next week. =X
Should the idea be in her mind? No. I think not. I also suggest the tattoo idea to be thrown out, but that's out of the question. What's the point of being in 7th grade? Tattoos are cool. -sarcasm-
Whatev. She'll be scarred for life. But that's my opinion, which doesn't matter in this issue.

Oh welly well, that's life. Laterz.

Feb 2007
11:24 AM PDT

Well, I'm bored to heck, so I decided to add another entry.

Hmm...what to type about? What about...the future? What high school am I going to go to? What college? Who am I going to marry? How many kids will I have?
So many questions to be answered. Thing want them all to have a right answer.

High School: I don't know
College: A good one, one that will get me a healthy education, while I'm enjoying it. Hopefully, I'll get a scholarship.
Marry Who: Um...does a celebrity count? LOL, I wish. Somebody who will love me and care for me for the rest of their life. I don't have a name, but he's out there somewhere. Alas, I'm talking about getting married and I'm only 13. Plus, I 'swore off' boys, remember? Silly me.
Kids: Um...2?

So many questions, but I answered some of them. That's a good thing, right? I don't want to grow up. All the problems with money, being a parent, and random things are just too much to handle! I want to stay 13 forever, with no worries except for what to wear to the dance. Many people I know are craving to youthful again, and that's why I'm thankful for being a kid now than being a kid during World War 2. But it's still the same; we have a war against Iraq, and people are dying everyday. At war, at home, at school, it's not safe. It's too dangerous now. Whether it's sickness, retarded people, or just accidents that happen. That's why I try to think positive and not about this cruel world. Peer pressure seems nothing to me now. But a while ago, I was deep in it. I was about to drown until I talked to my parents, who told me not to care and just pray to God to protect and heal you. I listened, and it worked. Being popular, having style, alot of friends, and a hot boyfriend is just crap to me now. I'm only 13. I have so much time to achieve all of that. Not that I need to, but I could. I want to focus on school, get all of my assignments done, be on the honor roll (like always ;D), and be successful later in my adult life. If you focus on your social life most of the time, your chances will lower of having that. And's only middle school. High school is worse, right? That's why I'm building up now; all will pay off later when I'm a freshman.
You think I'm a girl who thinks too much, huh? I don't blame you, I get that alot, LOL. I hate thinking too much sometimes; there are things that happen that you want to forget, but I can't. I keep thinking about it for awhile, analyzing all the details and predicting what will happen next. Like, hello, earth to me! It's a moment in your life that happens and passes on, not a reading assignment.
Oh well. I'm not like that anymore, and I'm proud. A girl like me should keep my head held high with total confidence.
(Girl Power! Meow!)

Feb 2007
10:53 AM PDT

Hey. Today, my parents bought new furniture. Hooray. Also, I want to talk about a friend of mine. She goes to my school, and is in three of my classes. She's nice and everything, but there's just something about her that I find annoying. She's always sad or depressed most of the time, and she won't admit it. She'll always say, "Nothing's wrong." Pssh, sure. Oh..we're doing a project for reading, and I couldn't find a person to research. My teacher said we could work with a friend, so I asked Deanna*. Deanna said okay and we went to go find a book together (we were in the library). We found a book on Isabella, the Queen of Spain, and sat down at the tables. We started skimming through the book and wrote down some info. Then, I thought this project would be easy, since I had someone to work with. Wrong.
When the bell rang, I packed up my stuff, and started talking to Deanna about how we were going to share the book.

DEANNA: What? Um..I'M doing Isabella, remember?
ME: ??? What? I thought we were gonna work together.
-We were working on it like, 2 seconds ago!-
DEANNA: No, I didn't say that. -starts hugging the book like a child-
ME: Deanna, you said we could!
DEANNA: Psh, no I didn't! I'm working on Isabella, not you.
ME: Then why didn't you tell me before?! Then I could've checked out a book on a different person!
-You made me waste freaking time?!
DEANNA: Whatever.

What person would actually do that? Tell a friend you would help her out, and back out the last minute. Now, here I am, stuck with a-soon-to-be 'F'. Thanks Deanna. Anyways, she's just.....annoying. Or boring. It's like she doesn't want to be my friend, but she does. I'm like, quit lying and just say it! You don't need to make someone annoyed for nothing! She dislikes most of my friends, just because she doesn't have that much as I do.
(That sounds selfish, I know, but I'm on a roll here)
If she does something biznatchy again, I'm gonna explode, right in her face. Seriously. But I hope she'll change.

SAM!!!! How I would love to meet him someday. His smile always makes my day. Always. I want to be the REASON he smiles.
(Corny alert xD)
But I'll have to give him up someday, somehow.
But the someday hasn't come yet ;)

*=Name has been changed

Feb 2007
11:44 AM PDT

Boys are stupid!!!!!
Well....most of them. Why do they enjoy messing with our feelings? It hurts, obviously. Gosh, they are so....frustrating!!
For example, you like a guy, right? And, you're wondering if he likes you back. He gives you hints, then cuts you off later in the day, and when you're getting out of 7th period, he's giving hints again! Back and forth, all the FREAKIN' time! That's why I'm thinking about swearing off my boys until the appropriate time. (Hmm..thinking about it) Why can't they just pluck up the courage and go up to us? Oh, right, they have feelings too? Sure they do, but they don't seem like it. I know I'm not making sense here. That's what happens when I freak. Aaaaaahhhhh! I can't type anymore. Maybe later.

I know you think I'm weird. =)
2 comment(s) - 08:38 PM - 02/01/2007

Jan 2007
11:32 AM PDT

Yea! Happy Birthday to me! My family and I went out to eat to celebrate; BUFFET! Then, I got an IPod, which I wanted all year. And that's it. Sorry for being my boring self ;)

Jan 2007
11:11 AM PDT

Today was peaceful...sort of. I had to babysit my little sister today; easy, but tiring. Um......nothing else. Sorry for the boring entry. =)

Jan 2007
2:12 PM PDT was a good day. For my birthday, one of my best friends Marissa treated me to a shopping spree, and we also took pictures together! My birthday is actually in a week, but she wanted to spend this weekend with me so I could spend my actual birthday with my family. How thoughtful! She is really great, you'd like her alot. I had one of the coolest days of my life! =)

Jan 2007
8:55 AM PDT

EXAMS! Aaaaaaahhhhhh!
They weren't that bad. They were surprisingly easy. It didn't give me a complete headache, but I almost died of boredom.
Ugh!!!!!! Does Sam really like an 11 yr old named Tippy?! Sure, she's pretty, but I can rank up to her! -makesangryface- Sorry, I just had one of those outbursts. That's what I get for being a Samster! =) (You probably don't even know what I'm talking about, but that's okay, you'll catch on =P lol) That's all for now.

P.S. I know you think I'm weird.

Jan 2007
11:42 AM PDT

Ugh....I overslept this morning. Rushing around the house on the day you come back to school; frustrating. Oh well, at least today was an okay day. (The thing is, everyday is JUST an okay day; I want a GREAT day.) Geez, something is wrong with our heater. It's unusually cold in here! Brrr....(does anyone ever say that anymore?). Still dreaming about Sam, whom I'll never get to be with. -sobs- WHY ME?!?!?! Good thing I'm over my last crush. Otherwise, I'd be whining about TWO guys. Nightmare! Anyways, school sucks so bad. Don't get me wrong, I like all the learning and stuff. But too much work, peer pressure, and other issues exist in school life. At least once you bump into them. Me?? Plenty of times, unfortunately. I hate all of you who have a healthy social life! J/K, lol. Hmmmm....what else for this entry? -thinks- OH! Exams. Coming up in 2 days. Great. Just what we need to end the week ;) Good thing Thursday and Friday are half-days. (Or else I'll die, DIE, I tell you!) Phew. There are actually some things you appreciate about school. Wuh-ell, that's all I got for now.

Jan 2007
5:53 AM EDT

Happy MLK day! Soooooo bored. Stuck at home and have nothing to do besides go on the web. Just woke up like, 10 minutes ago, I guess. -yawns-

Jan 2007
11:31 AM PDT

Mood: Pouty Last entry, I typed about not taking celebrity crushes seriously. (Because it's never gonna happen anyway, right? -scowls-) Sam Concepcion is a guy that can sing, dance, and act. Triple threat. Then there are rumors going around that he is already off the market! How rude! I.Am.Upset.About.This. Yes, you may think that I need to forget about it and chill. But I'm a teenage girl. This kind of thing comes.......naturally? -sigh- Why me??? I get straight As, I do my chores, I've been a good girl; how can I possibly deserve this kind of treatment in my lovelife??? LOL. Just kidding. I had to put that out ;) Anyways.........despite my saddness, I congratulate that lucky girl who gets to be with Sam. (Kill, KILL!) -ahem- Yeah, I truly do. Really. -silence- OK, maybe I don't. If you'll excuse me, I have a scheduled trip to Lala Land that cannot be missed. Good day.

Jan 2007
9:17 AM EDT

Okkie....I know it's kinda pathetic to be in love with a celebrity or something. (It's not! It can happen!) But I can't really help it. When I see a cute guy who's got talent, the looks, and the charm, I can't help but sigh in awe. I think that's kinda natural for girls around my age, right? It's all part of growing up. But, it sucks when you find out your crush likes another person or is already taken. Situations like that shouldn't be taken seriously, like to the height of depression. Although, it is okay to be a little upset because, hey, you've admired that person for quite a while. (Okay....maybe about 2 or 3 days) And, you can still admire him. Sure, he has an equally talented girlfriend, but that's not gonna stop you from still liking his work. Right? I think I'm making sense here. Sort of. -_-;;

Jan 2007
6:09 PM EDT

Today, I went shopping with my friend Lynnsey, and we hit 5 stores in 4 hours. It seemed like 16 hours =P You might know Lynnsey on here. Anyway, we bought alot of cute things. (Well, I did. Lulu only got 2 shirts, lol) And that's all for today. OH, and thanks for reading my first entry. P.S. Rest in Peace, J.T. Yorke (Degrassi) I'll miss you!!!!!
1 comment(s) - 02:40 PM - 02/10/2007

MariPanda's Profile

  • Username: MariPanda
  • Gender / Age: Female, 31
  • Location: USA - Nevada
    MARIPANDA's Interests:

    About Me: -smiles- Cute Myspace Layouts

    Interests: Singing, reading, dancing, acting, sleeping. The usual.

    Favorite Music: All kinds. I like variety.But to name a few: JoJo, Skye Sweetnam, Aly&AJ, Natasha Bedingfield, Paramore, and yes..I like Jesse McCartney. I'm so over crushing on him, but I still love his music.

    Favorite Movies: Spirited Away, High School Musical.

    Favorite Television: Hannah Montana =P, Degrassi, lots of other stuff. *(DisneyChannel) TFC. (If you are Filipino, you'd know what it is) Sana Maulit Muli, Abt Ur Luv, and anything with Sam Concepcion in it.

    Favorite Books: Harry Potter books!!!