Leilani's Journal

Aug 2009
4:23 PM PST

sad am saying bye soon

�just got home that was a cool party @ Victoria's house.. it feels soo good to go out! i have not been out in a long time. seen people i use to party with catch up on what's going on w their life.. as I say bye i realized this might be the last time I see them again.. and am a little sad and I will miss my friends.. I am not changing my mind..�

I still 100% would like to move to Ga and be with the only man I love. and hopefully send the rest of my life with him. but cant help the fact that I will be leaving behind all these friends I have and known for years.. the place I called home for a very long time now,�

Jul 2009
2:03 PM PST

�was a very lazy day 2day slow @ wrk so I desided to go shopping trying to find some cool stuff for my man i saw a cool shirt i want to get $150.00 for a vintage but there is only med size n return policy is within 30 days.. i don't know what size shirt he wears and i don't want to ask him coz then that will give him idea that am shopping for him, also been looking @ movado watch i know he wants one so i want to get him one for xmas. but by then i many not have a job n wont able to afford it so i want to buy it now.. but there is also invicta watch i like for him for about �$2,000 i dont know which one i should get

Jul 2009
11:52 AM PST

I am super exited! few more weeks I gotta be with my man! thats right! MY MAN god I miss him so much, I will be flying my boys kayden and stoopy and leave them with him.. i do hope that he likes my boys too and love them.. i am scared for my boys and him not sure how are these three gonna survive each ..

been busy day @ wrk 2day I really think am way too old for this field run around all damn day! but then again I can't really see myself sitting in office all day that will put me to sleep and will get bored and probably add more fat on my big belly already

Jul 2009
3:20 PM PST

i miss him

i miss my daddy so much today he is working late super late. god knows i cant stop thinking of him.. i never though it is possible to love someone this much

Jan 2007
5:14 PM PST

Grrr mad I woke up @ 4am and can not get back to sleep am gonna be tired urgh not good, was long day @ wrk and I had to drive victoria to the A-prt after wrk and pick her son on our way there its about 11 when I got home great y cant I have enough hrs in daytime?

Jan 2007
3:18 PM PST

1st day bck 2 wrk!! lots of energy yheee!! good wrk day bad hair day been eatin' too much shirmp way much now am paying fo it was lazy to take my alergy pills last nite woke up with a swollen face need to pull up my hair to keep it away from my face cant even wear make up , fck! am gonna scare my patients sigh

Jan 2007
3:24 PM PST

Long 13 hrs drive straigh from Cali am glad I got wings on that tiny mazda I got gto lost few times last day of shimp been eating shimp for for days now this is scary, Whoaa its hot in here.. Y?

Jan 2007
3:41 PM PST

cry day, last day with my Babby, kinda sad Ill miss her�

Jan 2007
3:33 PM PST

bored afternoon James went with his G.F. and Im left behind old pple and prego Terry pokey got groom already and no hair for me to comb was sad as well Ill be goin' home soon I wish I can stay, Went out watch Dream Girls last full show

Jan 2007
5:20 PM PST

Pokeys hair is hopeless need to call professionals Bingo I got one for 2morrow

Jan 2007
3:45 PM PST

Spend time with pokey the dog b-day party yesterday was good Pokey had her Cake and so did Cody (Terry's dog) Pokey and I went out park and comb her thats a lot of hair!! geez no wonder she's looking ova weigh its all hair she looks like a sheep or.. a big blk cotton candy with legs under

Jan 2007
3:51 PM PST

whoaaa woke up early and TV news!!! Snow??? nooooooo I better going before that Washignton snow catch up now!! need my star bucks to do that

Jan 2007
3:46 PM PST

My babby's B-Day!!!!

Jan 2007
3:44 PM PST

Work 7pm-4am shift @ the Electronics department with the erands @ lunch trying to find me chain for my drive 2nite outta luck the whole town is out of cahin geez everybdy must had chain in thair trunk huh damit the snow grrrr. and dont forget the cake! drove 7 hrs stoped @ hotel in Oregon, finally told Dad am coming opps! suprise! I think his excited the trouble maker kid! yea!!!�

Jan 2007
12:28 PM PST

Wow!! its nice to get my car back exept mad i am its a yr old car and I need a brake already???? grrr its less than a thousand miles in it I barely drive!

Jan 2007
3:37 PM PST

Snow day and my car is in shop, took nxt door truck went wrk for 1hr need to remind my boss I cant get thingd done when he keep on calling office every 5 mins duh! grrr afternoon got my hair done oh my god too much hair it took 3 hrs to get it done

Leilani's Profile

  • Username: Leilani
  • Gender / Age: Female, 44
  • Location: USA - Washington
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