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king10's Journal
Jan 2007
10:58 PM EDT
have you ever had an unbelievable feeling of sadness overcome you? well I have, on more than one occasion. I dont know what to do I dont know why I feel this way, I have ended up doing things that are not good, like hurting myself intentionally. I know it is wrong, but sometimes it is something that takes away the feeling that is overwhelming me in the first place. I am not good at talking to people about how I feel. I know that I need to grow up and learn how to do this. All I really want is to stop caring about stupid shit, things that dont matter, and maybe for once let someone know the real me, but how can they know the real me when I feel like I dont even know the real me? I know that I should talk to someone, and get help. I am not the kind of person that easily admits I have a problem, and I do not want to go to the health center and say "hey, I have been feeling really sad lately, I would like to talk to a counselor." I just dont feel secure enough, I gaurd my feelings. I do not like others to know them, they are very private. I guess I just wish I knew what to do. I know I need help, and my friends have told me that they think I need help, and I do not want to hurt myself again because the sadness that is welling up in me as I type this has become so unbearable that I can no longer hold it in, and instead of talking about it or letting it out the right way, I take it out on myself.
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Gender / Age:
Female, 38
USA - Pennsylvania
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