Brenda's Journal

Jan 2007
3:59 PM CST

Today my son would have been 22 years old,instead i am told that he is in a better place God needed an angel, well i cant't help it if everyonce in a while i need him and maybe i don't think that he's in a better place instead all i get is a man who thinks only of himself he don't even care about his own kids how can i expect him to think about a dead child of mine well he could at least be more honest about how he feels cux i'm tired of guessing and i'm tired of worring if i'm gona hurt his feelings or not don't mine count every once in a while? well not in this relationship so i guess its time for me to move on i'll talk at ya later
1 comment(s) - 10:29 AM - 01/27/2007

Jan 2007
4:01 PM CST

Hello, it's just me i thought that i had been here recently an had a lot to say but apparently i had just a thought! this month has ben a lil hectic trying to catch up after Christmas an all but we have managed to do alright and i thought that we were going to get custody of chri's son Triston but she has run off with him and now we can't even see him not to mention that D.H.R is looking for her for child support fraud- all i know is that we pay every week and we would really like to at least see him. I don't know if i'm ready to raise a 9 year old but i would if he were being abused in some way! oops i have to go and wash that gray out of my hair!! lol, i'll holla at ya in alil while.

Jan 2007
7:07 PM CST

I have alot to say and noone could care less other than myself an i really don't think that it matters a hole lot because i'm the only one who will ever read this anyway. I have managed to make to another year 2007 and i still miss my son Joshua David Harvey and i beat myself up every day for not being a good mother to my children, my daughter hates me and i guess she always will, it doesn't matter what i do one day she will talk to me an the next she wont, i cannot make her want to be around me or talk to me an i refuse to try and push myself on her, i used to let her get to me an treat me any ole way but i will not do that any more. I have had a good year with Chris an we have a nice apt. with a good landlady who has become a very good friend to Chris an I. The Lord has been real good to us and i plan to be good to my lord an be thankful for all that i have.We gonna have a real good year and lots of fun so hang in there and let's grow old together, hell yeah, talk to ya later
1 comment(s) - 01:19 AM - 01/19/2007

Brenda's Profile

  • Username: Brenda
  • Gender / Age: Female, 63
  • Location: USA - Alabama