signguy23's Journal

Jan 2007
2:26 PM EDT

The diet is working thus far. I have lost a total of 43 pounds since I started, but I need to alter the food content and put some more proteins and carbs into it because it is starting to effect me in small ways like muscle mass and energy. I found that carbs are what the human body uses for fuel...IT NEEDS THEM to function properly. also, proteins are what our bodies use for building muscle and without them our muscles get weaker. Beans and wheat breads and more brown rice are good ways to accomplish this. It is still successful as a diet goes, just slowing a bit in total weight loss.

Jan 2007
5:20 PM EDT

Day 5 of the diet and it is getting rough. I have cheated a few times, but not bad. I can feel the changes already and the energy levels seem to be increasing still. Alot of pissing though...15 times

Jan 2007
4:21 PM EDT

Day 3....supposedly i am to weigh 3 - 7 pounds less than when I started, I feel like maybe some weight has fallen off, butu I will not know for sure until Jan. 19th, my next weigh in at the doctor. I do not want to weigh myself and wait until two weeks is up because if there is a difference, as it was the last time I dieted on this diet. I am hoping for at least 20 pounds in two weeks.

Jan 2007
10:17 AM EDT

Well, after the first day of my new lifestyle I can feel the foods and vitamins working on my system. It is funny that in just two months my body has built up so many toxins. This diet first attacks those toxins and prepares your body for its systems to work and function properly. Again, if anybody that reads this is interested in knowing about this diet I have created that actually works and feeds you very well just send me an email and ask.

Jan 2007
10:26 AM EDT

January, no snow and it is Ohio. On some level thats good and on other levels it's just not Ohio. First of October I began a diet and exercise program that I created myself. With a combination of vitamins, food and activity I was ablt to lose 41 pounds in 6 weeks and felt great. My metabolism returned, my energy level increased and I even had heightened sex drive. You see, I was 6'2" tall and weighed in at 357 pounds. I have heart disease in the form of an enlarged heart, two bulging discs and low visual self-esteem. I went off of my program because Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and that one went into Christmas/New Years. Now, I deceased my weight from 357 to 316 and then increased it again to 334 today. I purchased the foods I would need to make my meals and today begins the program again. For those who even read this, or care, I will give you my secret program if you email me with an interest.

signguy23's Profile

  • Username: signguy23
  • Gender / Age: Male, 59
  • Location: USA - Ohio