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    Squinchbean  44, Female, Colorado, USA - 1,681 views
Nov 2006
5:22 PM MDT

Someone I know tried to commit suicide tonight. You know, something like that seems to come out of nowhere and slap us in the face, but that's not how it really is, is it? I mean, it takes an awful lot of suicidal ideation before someone decides to shuffle off this mortal coil, don't you think? Where were we - the people who call ourselves friends and family - doing? Did we make a choice to ignore all the signs? I don't remember making a choice, but - looking back - I know that I'm as guilty of ignoring the warnings as everyone else is.

What kind of people have we become? You can't tell me that we are any different from the everyone else, that we are, somehow, profoundly flawed somehow - heartless or so narcissistic we can't see beyond ourselves. I think it's a symptom of an apathy that has come to embrace most of us, and it frightens me......

    Smilez  57, Female, Ohio, USA - 7,386 views
Feb 2007
10:17 PM EST

How do I define love?

Loving someone unconditionally with faults and all. Watching them make the biggest mistakes of their lives and standing behind them when they fall.

Waiting for someone to come around and see that you are the best thing that has ever happened to them and they still cant see that.

Loving someone sooooo much that you set them free.

    melsteam  50, Male, Texas, USA - 8,250 views
Jun 2008
9:54 AM CDT

Could I just slow-down- this rollar-coaster is going fast with us all. I've done everything I can. Now rest and relax. It will soon be better as I gain perspective. Don

    meg10123  34, Female, Pennsylvania, USA - 1,919 views
Nov 2006
9:12 AM EDT

today i woke up at 7:15 with a cold a bad one i have coughing and i am sneezing anyways i went down starits and had breakfast then i brushed my teeth then did stuff like watched tv and stayed home mostly except for i got a movie

    ABMScheergrl  29, Female, Virginia, USA - 17,326 views
Nov 2006
6:43 AM EDT

im finlly home an di am like so damn happy i thought dat buffalo is gonna be a great ideal but it wasnt and i dont really want 2 tlk bout it right now i have 2 do home work so peace out!!!!!

    Teddybear614  44, Male, Maryland, USA - 1,584 views
Nov 2006
3:51 PM EDT

they look for food.

    amalab  32, Female, Washington, USA - 1,814 views
Nov 2006
5:06 PM EDT

A random poem by me... Loving Darkness results in death I knew it when I first met you But still I blindly followed your trail. If only I had listened to them all My heart wouldn't be broken. I guess this is what happens When you fall in love with the dark I never thought this would happen to me But look how wrong I was... I was wrong. There is only one way to end this pain. Goodbye... remember I'll always love you.

    stressmaker106  31, Female, Canada - 2,471 views
Nov 2006
5:35 PM GMT

you know what somone told me its ok to be stressed sometimes so its ok
1 comment(s) - 12:32 PM - 11/19/2006

    sweetcakes100  51, Female, California, USA - 16,345 views
Apr 2007
6:47 AM EDT

What can I do to stop feeling so lonely?
2 comment(s) - 07:32 PM - 04/24/2007

    55crusader  32, Female, Missouri, USA - 1,717 views
Nov 2006
4:16 PM EDT

HELLO EVERYONE I HAVE A STORY FOR YOU AND I ASK THAT YOU PLEASE READ IT AND TELL ME YOUR THOUGHTS ON IT I REALIZE IT MIGHT BE A LITTLE CONFUSING BECAUSE I KICKED THE LAWS OF PROPER SENTENCE STRUCTURE AND PUNCTUATION TO THE SIDE BUT PLEASE JUST TRY YOUR BEST AND POST YOUR THOUGHTS NO MATTER HOW MEAN--- as she peaked out she heard voices then she heard the door close again and she crept down the hall and quickly dressed and gathered her stuff so that she wouldn't be embarrased when she got to meet this mystery man and i'm sure that to most people it might seem strange that she was so interested in her sister's suiter but the thing is that she had moved in with her sister almost six months ago and a lot the times when she came to her apartment building there was a different car parked in the spot (the parking spot that is given to them by their building for all their parking needs) and the door was closed when she got in sometimes the door was still closed when she got up and remained that way until she left but most of the time her sister was and whoever was her man of choice was gone to this was the first time that she would be able to actually see one of them and no matter how strange it was to others she had made it a goal for herself anyway when she stepped out into the hall the door was just opening and she ducked back into her room because she wanted to see him before he saw her so she listened as the footsteps came closer then when they were a couple feet away she tried to quietly slip out but her shoe got stuck on the rug and she tripped and fell face first and her breath was literally taken away but not because of the fall it was taken away because when she looked up she was looking into the face a familiar face with dark blue eyes and smooth skin with a mop of dark brown almost black curls and she couldn't believe that her boyfriend was standing there her initial reaction was relief because they had had a fight the other night and she was hoping that he would stop by to try to patch things up and then it slowly started to sink in what he was doing here they stared at eachother for a few more seconds that seemed like hours and he finally spoke up and said are you okay and for a moment she was confused because why would she be okay when she just saw her boyfriend come from her sister's room where he had undoubtedly been all night then she felt a sharp pain in her knee and realized she was still on the floor she quickly got up and gathered her things and ran out the door when she was about halfway down the hall she heard her sister call her name but she couldn't stop wouldn't stop especially for that evil witch so she jumped into the elevator before it closed and sat there for a second before she started to panic---anyway that's all i got for now and i'll try to right more later but just tell me your reaction so far and be as hard as you can with your critique
1 comment(s) - 06:12 PM - 03/17/2007

    Magoo  41, Female, Washington, USA - 4,539 views
Nov 2006
12:25 PM PST

I am very frusterated. I dropped my cell phone tonight while I was making dinner and broke it. It is brandnew, too! Today was okay. I worked all day. We only had one member show up to the meeting, hopefully next week and quarter we will get more peple to attend them. I am really excited for what this group can do for campus and truely hope that it works out. I still haven't gotten any Christmas shopping done and it's getting way to close. My family hasn't called me about Thanksgiving, so I am going to still spend it with my sweet roomate. She is so kind hearted. I worry about my other friend, I hope that her holidays away from her family go well. Not that if she would have been home, they would have because I have a feeling either way they would have been rough. I also hope that things with another friend work out. She has a lot going on in her life and it only keeps getting crazier. I still have so much to do before the end of the quarter, paperwork, projects, tests, campus stuff, yikes! Man, I really want to take some time out for me and do soemthing fun, snowboarding, horseback riding, the possabilities are endless. Sorry all, I can't spell and don't care to take the time to do so. Also, this person I was hanging out with wont call back so that's done, laughing. I dropped my myspace account today because I hate how it works, yuck. It turns out my old church group likes the paster and I am not sure that I care for her, but oh well, not everyone likes everyone they are in contact with, right? Right. Well, I'm going to sleep early tonight.

    ticklmeamy  32, Female, Arizona, USA - 2,627 views
Nov 2006
7:50 AM PDT

Chapter One If the world were to end today, I don’t think I’d care. Nothing in my life matters right now, but I wish something did. I have a broken family and friends that are never there. They might as well just be imaginary. There is one person though. A boy. He has a name, but do names really matter. His shaggy, brown hair covers his eyes as he smiles at me from across the French classroom. The bell rings in five, four, three, two, one. The day is over. I walk past him on the way out and he stops me. "Hey Daisy." The words travel out his mouth in slow motion. I have a headache and can't comprehend what he just said. I mumble something about being late for violin if I stay and chat, so I head out the door, forgetting to tell him good bye. I step on the city bus and head toward the back. It is crowded, but I see a seat in the corner. I just want to sit. I don't know where I'm headed. Home. I can't go there, no, not now. My head begins throbbing. It’s been ten minutes and I get off the bus in front of the grocery store. I walk inside and the cool air rejuvenates my body. The medication is on the other side of the store, so I slowly head towards it. There is hardly anyone in the store. I find some Tylenol and walk over to the cashier. She looks at me funny, like I might choose to use it to get high off of, but she can't stop me from buying it. I give her the five dollar bill out of my pocket. She hands me the receipts and some change. The screen says seventy cents, but I only count sixty. It doesn't matter though; I am in no mood to argue over a dime. I walk outside and over to the coke machine. I put in two quarters and press the button for water. It spits out a bottle, and I open it. I remove the lid from the Tylenol and grab a pill. I stick it in my mouth and swallow. I gulp down some water and walk towards the street. I am only a few blocks from my house now, so I start to head there. I walk across the street and there he is. The boy in my French class, sitting in the car I just walked past. I try to pretend like he’s not there but I can feel him staring at the back of my head. I turn around and he smiles. I can feel the corners of my mouth rising up, but I don’t want them to. I turn around and head on home pretending like I never even saw him. Chapter Two I head down my street and pause in front of my house. The big oak tree beckons to me. I walk over to it and touch the bark. My tree house sits up there, somewhere. I set my bag down next to the trunk and start to climb. I reach the ladder to the house and set my foot on it. I am afraid to look down. I haven’t been up here in years. I cautiously continue to climb until I am safe inside. I can’t stand up inside it anymore. I sit with my legs crossed staring at the broken pieces of chalk lying on the floor. I pick one up and begin to draw. I draw Michael and me, up here playing king and queen just like we used to when we were six or seven. We would laugh and never come down until my mom would make me come inside to eat dinner and Michael would have to go home. I don’t know what happened to Michael and I. We used to talk all the time, but now I don’t want to say anything to him and come up with excuse after excuse when he tries to talk to me. I wish I wasn’t like that though. Every time I see him I just want to tell him how he makes me feel, but I can’t. To be perfectly honest, the only reason I took French was so that I could have a class with him. I look down at the drawings and realize that they are spotted with my tears. Do these memories really hold that much emotion? Maybe I should have talked to him today, maybe I should go inside and call him, but I’d never have the confidence to do that. I leave my tree house and chalk drawings behind and head for the ladder. I climb down, and don’t look anywhere but straight in front of me until my two feet are firmly planted on the ground. I pick up my bag and sling it over my shoulder. I head over to the door and open it. I see my dad sitting on the couch. In front of him is the television screen which he is staring blankly at. The announcer is talking about a deadly car accident on the freeway between Jefferson and Prince. I look at the car that lies in the bank, crushed and burnt. You can still see the smoke rising above it. I look back at my dad and ask him what’s wrong. “Sit down,” she says as he tries to smile, but I don’t believe it. I put my backpack down by the door and take a seat in the recliner so I won’t have to look directly at him as he talks. I just want him to tell me what happened. But then it hits me. That car in the picture isn’t just any car, it’s my mother’s. And the lady that died was the person that I have known and loved for so long. I can feel my face burning up and I start to cry. “You figured it out, didn’t you?” he says. I try to mumble “uh, huh” but nothing is coming out. My head begins throbbing again. And I run off to my room, the only place that will ever be entirely my own. I hear the door slam behind me, but I didn’t do it. I throw myself down on top of my bed and cry. I can hear my dad, crying down the hall. Chapter Three I haven’t moved since yesterday. My body aches all over as I try to reach over and turn off my alarm clock. It’s Friday, and I have to get up and go to school. I stumble out of bed and walk over to my closet; I put on a pair of jeans and a white tank. I grab my converse and a pair of socks and walk out of my room. As I walk down the hall, I can tell that my dad isn’t here. There is no bacon frying and he isn’t snoring so he can’t still be asleep. I turn around and head for his bedroom. I open the door and see the bed, untouched. I figure he must have slept on the couch.

    deliatrimble  29, Female, Maryland, USA - 1,586 views
Nov 2006
2:37 PM EDT

My Friends there awesome but sometimes we fight and that is Ok. I really like them. My really close friends are: Isabel- So funny we always get along and we never fight. we paly toghether all the time. Dillon- So nice. She always counts on me and is such an awesome friend.. Amalia- She is cool. we fight sometimes but that is cool! Nora- sports she likes and that realates to me too. She is nice and helps too. If anyone of you guys are reading this it is true and i love all yall. That is why you are here!

    cyborchikgrl  30, Female, Georgia, USA - 5,676 views
Feb 2007
3:25 PM EDT

bla bla bla...........................................................
1 comment(s) - 04:41 PM - 03/25/2007

    MusicLover01  34, Female, Texas, USA - 1,995 views
Nov 2006
12:38 PM EDT

Today November 22 I am goiing to the store for thanksgiving. I wanted My best friend who I actually cal my sister. we do alot of things together like go to paries, stay the night at each others houses weekdays and weekends, If we are not together we call each other,or if ain't in the same class we write notes to each oher. I meen Unseperateable. We call each other with our boyfriends on the phone. I am gone let ya'll go!!!!!!!

    Pamela[[adores gage]]♥  33, Female, Texas, USA - 4 views
Nov 2006
10:46 AM CST

I haven't been to eat with Gage yet. He is sick and the medicine he is taking makes him tired so we are going to eat at 6. I can't wait! He has mono, but I don't care, i've had it before. I'm tired and I have nothing else to do 'cause I have a myspace, but I hate talking on it unless Gage is online, and he's not online right now he is asleep. I have yahoo messenger but i don't like to get on it. I'm watching 7th Heaven right now and its a pretty boring show. Well, I am going to go get ready so I can see Gage!! <3Pamela
1 comment(s) - 02:51 PM - 11/25/2006

    AguilarBaby  46, Female, Washington, USA - 45,571 views
Jan 2007
12:26 PM PST

Hi Mamas How are you... you were actually very quiet today but I felt you throughout the day. I know you are probally growing so you need your rest but you should start to get bigger quicker b/c you know that we only have 4 more monts and then we finally get to meet you We are also been together for 5 months. WOW. Well today we went to Meghan and Wayneman house to watch football and eat some snacks. It was fun. I came home and started cleaning and just could not stop so I know that you are actually tired so I am taking it easy now and watching my Sunday shows. Well mamas that is all for today...Don't you ever forget that I love you and I will talk to you later. Love Always Mom & Dad

    Danigirlworm  32, Female, Rhode Island, USA - 2,404 views
Nov 2006
12:28 PM EDT

Falling in love with someone i just met i cant help but wonder if it will last. wanting to be with him and never let him go but yet i am still afraid to let go of my guard. the way he wraps his arms around me and holds me, not to tight,not to close,but gentle and right makes me tremble deep inside. The way he softly kisses me,not to hard,not to fast,not to opened mouth,but gentle and soft makes me melt into his kiss.. the way he smiles,the way he laughs,the way he looks into my eyes i just cant bring myself to turn away. the way he comforts me,the way he tells me it will be okay,i cant help but smile through it all. the way he runs his fingers through my hair i cant help but relax and fall into a deep state of trance. so relaxed, so touched, so moved, so much better thoughts nothing bad. what has happend to the cold dark side of me? whom knows....

    happy  40, Male, Hong Kong SAR - 2,089 views
Nov 2006
5:07 AM EDT

哈佬 hello
1 comment(s) - 12:46 PM - 11/22/2006

    SquishE16  34, Female, Massachusetts, USA - 1,662 views
Nov 2006
11:20 AM EDT

Not doing much right now. Just waiting for Thanksgiving to come. I got out of school early so I have had nothing too do all day.

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