Danigirlworm's Journal

Nov 2006
12:28 PM EDT

Falling in love with someone i just met i cant help but wonder if it will last. wanting to be with him and never let him go but yet i am still afraid to let go of my guard. the way he wraps his arms around me and holds me, not to tight,not to close,but gentle and right makes me tremble deep inside. The way he softly kisses me,not to hard,not to fast,not to opened mouth,but gentle and soft makes me melt into his kiss.. the way he smiles,the way he laughs,the way he looks into my eyes i just cant bring myself to turn away. the way he comforts me,the way he tells me it will be okay,i cant help but smile through it all. the way he runs his fingers through my hair i cant help but relax and fall into a deep state of trance. so relaxed, so touched, so moved, so much better thoughts nothing bad. what has happend to the cold dark side of me? whom knows....

Nov 2006
4:36 PM EDT

Be yourself not someone else.

Danigirlworm's Profile

  • Username: Danigirlworm
  • Gender / Age: Female, 33
  • Location: USA - Rhode Island
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