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Magoo's Journal
Nov 2006
12:25 PM PST
I am very frusterated. I dropped my cell phone tonight while I was making dinner and broke it. It is brandnew, too! Today was okay. I worked all day. We only had one member show up to the meeting, hopefully next week and quarter we will get more peple to attend them. I am really excited for what this group can do for campus and truely hope that it works out. I still haven't gotten any Christmas shopping done and it's getting way to close. My family hasn't called me about Thanksgiving, so I am going to still spend it with my sweet roomate. She is so kind hearted. I worry about my other friend, I hope that her holidays away from her family go well. Not that if she would have been home, they would have because I have a feeling either way they would have been rough. I also hope that things with another friend work out. She has a lot going on in her life and it only keeps getting crazier. I still have so much to do before the end of the quarter, paperwork, projects, tests, campus stuff, yikes! Man, I really want to take some time out for me and do soemthing fun, snowboarding, horseback riding, the possabilities are endless. Sorry all, I can't spell and don't care to take the time to do so. Also, this person I was hanging out with wont call back so that's done, laughing. I dropped my myspace account today because I hate how it works, yuck. It turns out my old church group likes the paster and I am not sure that I care for her, but oh well, not everyone likes everyone they are in contact with, right? Right. Well, I'm going to sleep early tonight.
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Gender / Age:
Female, 42
USA - Washington
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