AguilarBaby's Journal

Jan 2007
12:26 PM PST

Hi Mamas How are you... you were actually very quiet today but I felt you throughout the day. I know you are probally growing so you need your rest but you should start to get bigger quicker b/c you know that we only have 4 more monts and then we finally get to meet you We are also been together for 5 months. WOW. Well today we went to Meghan and Wayneman house to watch football and eat some snacks. It was fun. I came home and started cleaning and just could not stop so I know that you are actually tired so I am taking it easy now and watching my Sunday shows. Well mamas that is all for today...Don't you ever forget that I love you and I will talk to you later. Love Always Mom & Dad

Jan 2007
12:23 PM PST

Hi Mamas....well another uneventful day. We stayed home and just chilled. You chilled too. You were up an about throughtout the day but you chilled too. We went to Target and I went looking at things that I might need for you so I bought you some blankets and some bibs and some little onesies that are all pink. So I have officially started getting things ready for you. I also found your crib bedding at so I am going to buy that in the next couple of days. I am real excited. Well mamas that is it...oh yeah and it started to snow again today but not too much and it was real nice. Well I will talk to you tomorrow. I love you Love always, Mom & Dad

Jan 2007
12:19 PM PST

Hi Danica, How are you doing today? Well you have been moving like crazy whenever you are up so I am sure you are doing fine. Well I did not go to work today again. We were supposed to go in at 10:00am but I did not want to risk it b/c I did not want to have any problems with the Ice on the road and stuff so I stayed home. We did not do much but catch up on some much needed sleep so I think you are well rested. Well that is it for today Mamas...I will talk to you tomorrow. Love always Mom & Dad

Jan 2007
12:15 PM PST

Hi Mamas....well today I did not go to work b/c they closed my work down today b/c of the snow and ice but your Dad had to go...poor thing but everything is ok. It is real cold and alot of snow everywhere. We went to play in the snow and we took Rage and Syrus to play too it was a lot of fun we have pictures so when you are old enough I will have the waiting for you. I sent pictures of you that I got yesterday from your sonogram and I forgot to tell you that we got some pictures of you putting your hand up with all of your was so cute but what I really forgot to tell you was that you just were not cooperating with the Radiologist yesterday. He was trying to get all of the important parts of the body and all you kept doing was moving and just not staying still so he had a hard time getting all of the images.. I had to move on my side to see if you would move in the way he needed you to move and you just did not want to. I hope this is no indication on the way you are going to be when you are older. :) Well mamas I am going to bed I hope we do not have to work tomorrow but we shall see. I will talk to you tomorrow. Love always Mom & Dad

Jan 2007
12:12 PM PST

Hi Danica...that is right you are a GIRL! Your offical name is Danica Bree Aguilar....we named you Danica b/c your dads name is Daniel and my name is Monica so we mixed the two names and came out with Danica...that is also a name of a famous Indy race car driver that is the only you are famous....well everybody is real excited that you are a girl and they cannot wait to meet you...Guess what else happened? Well it started to snow today when your Dad and I were coming home from work. We are real excited so I got some snow for you so that you could play with it when you are able to. Well I love you and I will talk to you later. Love Always Mom & Dad

Jan 2007
11:57 AM PST

Hi Baby...well tomorrow is the big day...I get to find out if you are a boy or a girl....I am real excited. You know that I would prefer that you are a boy but if you are a girl I would love you the matter what. I also get to see if everything is perfect for you and you are growing the way you are supposed to. How exciting huh? Well today your Dad and I just took it easy b/c we are tired from last night but everything is fine. I will talk to you tomorrow and let you know the exciting news....Oh by the way I talked to your Aunt Roxane and she is doing fine and the baby is doing fine but she is on bed rest until she has to have him so that is unfortunate. Well that is it for today.. I love you and talk to you soon....Mom & Dad

Jan 2007
11:54 AM PST

Hi Baby...well today was a very scary day for you and I and it was all my fault so I am sorry....I found out today that your Aunt Roxane had some complications with her baby and herself and she had to have an emergency surgery to make sure that she would keep the baby inside for the remainder of her pregnancy. Well I started worrying about myself all day and I was feeling alot of pressure which is not really abnormal however I went to the restroom and I wiped myself and I felt something down in that region that I guess did not feel normal so I immediately paniced and rushed to the hospital only to find out that it was in my imagination and there was nothing wrong with you or I and I was fine. I was sitting on the hospital bed and you just kept moving and kicking probally making fun of me but I was just worried that something was going to happen to you. Well everything is ok and I will calm down but I am just a worried first time Mom. Well this is it for today. I will talk to you tomorrow...Love Always Mom & Dad

Jan 2007
9:56 AM PST

Hi Baby I just wanted to squeeze in a little time in between making dinner for us and playing Zelda but you have been moving throughout the day....not as often as I used to feel you but I am sure you are moving away. We are making a home cooked meal today...Picadillo and spanish me you will like it when you are able to eat grown up food. We are going to keep playing our Zelda after we eat dinner. I told you we are hooked. Well that is it for today...take care and don't forget that I love you...Love Always Mom & Dad

Jan 2007
9:54 AM PST

Well today you and I went to work and your Dad went to his work. We were putting in a little bit of overtime. Well you have been moving especially when I am calm and just sitting down doing nothing. We talked with our neighbor friends Meghan and Wayneman they moved today so it was bittersweet but we should go visit them and then they can come and visit us. The Dallas Cowboys played the Seattle Seahawks today as the first game in the playoffs and unfortunatly Dallas lost by 1 point. We really wanted Dallas to win since they are from Texas but they did not. It was a good game. We started to play the game your Aunt Michele bought for your Dad for Christmas which was Zelda and it was quite fun. We are addicted. Well that is it for today. I will talk to you tomorrow. Love Ya Mom & Dad

Jan 2007
9:51 AM PST

Hi Papas, today you were moving like normal however I am noticing that you are moving less and less and I am sure it is because you are getting big. You are now 19 weeks old and supposed to be 6" long and weigh 8 oz. That is quite big considering where you started from. Well your Dad and I are real tired so we went to get something to eat at McDonalds and now we are going to go to bed b/c we have to work tomorrow and we need our rest. You have a good evening and I will talk to you later. I love you>....Love, Mom & Dad

Jan 2007
9:49 AM PST

Hi Baby, How are you doing? I am sure good b/c I still feel you moving from time to time. It is just so surreal. Well everybody at work is anticipating finding out exactly if you are going to be a boy or a girl. Like I have told you in the past your Dad and I wish you would be a boy however as long as you have 10 fingers and 10 toes and are as healthy as I can have you then it will be perfectly ok if you are a girl....Some people at work want you to be a girl b/c they think that it will be so cute to shop for you and then there are some that think that you are a boy. Whatever you are is ok with me. Well today was just an ordinary day just went to work and then came home. We ate dinner and now we are going to bed. Don't forget that we always love you and we will talk to you later. Love Always, Mom & Dad

Jan 2007
12:12 PM PST

Hi Papas how are you doing? Well currently you are practicing your acrobatic skills which made me think of you to write you. You really have not moved all day and I was getting kind of worried and then when I got off you woke up and have been moving ever since. I love to feel you move. It is ever so slight and I love it. Well today was just any ordinary day. We went to see Meghan and Wayneman but he was working so we saw Zeus...he is soooo cute...I ate soup for dinner and your Dad ate some sausage and bagels...what a dinner huh? I got a Christmas present from your Aunt Michele today and she gave me 2 charms for my charm bracelet one was a lipstick which I have been wanting for a while and then she gave me a charm that says Mommy and she put that I was going to be the greatest Mom ever....she made me cry. Well that is all for the day.. I love you as always and I will talk to you later....Love Always Mom & Dad

Jan 2007
12:46 PM PST

Hi are you? Well I can tell you that you have been more active then ever today. I felt you at different times throughout the day and you were just swimming away having way too much fun. We came home after work and made some dinner...beef tips over a bed of white rice. It was real good...your dad fell asleep early and I am still here talking to you... Well that is all I have to say for today but I will make sure that I talk to you tomorrow...I love you Mom & Dad.

Jan 2007
12:44 PM PST

Well baby Happy New Year...I am sorry but I have not talked to you since 12-26-06...that is sad. I was supposed to talk to you everyday but I have either been busy or tired but those are not good enough excuses...but let me tell you what has been going on...on 12-27-06 I started to feel you for the first time was ever so faint but I knew that it was not something I have felt before and I paid attention to it and it was little pitter patter of your little feet. I am sure you are doing all kinds of stuff in there but I only feel the important ones. 12-28-06-well this day was just an ordinary day. We went to Sams after work and I got the biggest chocolate chip cookie cake I have ever seen and it was a double decker so it had frosting everywhere...I loved it..I also bought a Watermelon b/c we have to have watermelon all the time...I know you will like that stuff. I felt you again during different times of the day..It was so surreal...I love it..I will be working and all of a sudden I feel a little tap or a poke. 12-29-06-Well today is the start of my 3 day weekend. Your dad was off so he stayed home with Rage and Syrus and I went to work. Nothing exciting. We did not do anything but stay home however I did feel you kick again several occassions. I think it is when I eat and then I am fixing to go to bed is when I should feel you and it seems that is the case. 12-30-06-Well today your dad went to go and play Madden with his co-workers at Jason's house. I don't know if you will meet him but he works with your Dad. You and I stayed home with Rage and Syrus and we talked with your Aunt Roxane. Her and the baby stayed home too and took a warm bubble bath. That was it but I still felt you move and I tried to hear you on the heart monitor but I still cannot hear you but that time will come and I will be patient. 12-31-06-Well today is New Years Eve....We woke up kinda late and your Dad made breakfast. It was real good. We stayed home all day and took naps and your Dad played playstation 3 and then we went to go and get our New Year's dinner....McDonalds so that is how we rang in the new year. We played playstation and ate McDonalds. Our family all called us 12:00am Texas time to wish us a Happy New Year so we decided to celebrate it with them b/c we are Texans at heart. I feel asleep with you doing your daily excersies I was trying to let your Dad feel but you are too little for him to feel from the outside but I am sure that time is coming so I am trying to be patient. Now this brings us to today.. Today we woke up really late b/c we stayed up so late but we watched movies and we ate some pizza and fruit and took several naps and then we were going to eat but our Neighbor friends Meghan and Wayneman called us and wanted to see if we wanted to come and eat some Leg of Lamb. It was real good we had never eaten that before. They came over here and we ate at our table b/c they did not have enough chairs for us to sit at but it was good and we watched another Movie and we called it a night...Well that is all for today it is late and I have to go to work so does your Dad so I will talk to you tomorrow. I still feel you and you keep on moving whichever way you want to it lets me know that you are ok. We love you and we will talk again. Love Always, Mom & Dad

Dec 2006
12:03 PM PST

Hi has been some what a "rough" day. I think you are growing and I am feeling it. I was getting all sorts of pains today in my back and in my belly and then I was just way too tired and had to come home and go to sleep and I just was not feeling good. But it is nothing to worry about I am sure b/c this is what to expect with you and I knew that it was not going to be easy. Well your Aunt Roxane and Uncle Ruben are having a Boy! They found out today. We are real excited for them however they really wanted a girl b/c you see they only have boys in between the both of them and they wanted to break that cycle but it did not seem to work so they are going to add one more boy to the family. Well we hope that you are a boy but to be perfectly honest I just want you to be a happy, healthy baby and I am sure you are. I had to go to work today and your Dad did not so I am tired and I am going to feed us and then go to bed. You know I love you and I will talk to you later. We love you always, Mom & Dad

Dec 2006
12:28 PM PST

Hi Baby Merry Christmas....I want you to know that you have show no signs of discomfort or anything like you were not having a good day today...It was great. Today was great too. Your Dad and I made an awesome Christmas dinner for the 2 of us. We had Beef Fajitas Homemade Rice and Beans, guacamole, chesse and tortillas..It was great and I am sure you liked it....Well we found out today that our neighbors in San Antonio are also expecting a little bundle of joy and they are due on July 12th just about a month and a half after you. They are the best neighbors and friends you could ever have or meet so hopefully you would grow up to enjoy their family and their new bundle of joy. Well I have to go to work tomorrow so I am going to cut this short but I hope you had a great Christmas just chillin getting big but don't forget we love you and we will talk to you later. Love Always Mom & Dad

Dec 2006
8:21 AM PST

Well today is Christmas Eve....We are not going to do anything spectacular b/c we do not know anyone here so we are just going to stay home and watch movies...Sounds fun huh? Well I have slept most of the day so I am sure you wanted to sleep but I understand b/c I kept you up all day yesterday so today I don't feel anything in my belly...I am sure you are loving it just chillin in all of that belly but soon you will be real big and you won't have that much room but that is in the next couple of weeks...We are just watching football for most of the day and sleeping so nothing major... Well I love you and I will talk to you later...Love Always, Mom & Dad

Dec 2006
8:18 AM PST

Well today was a real busy day we went to go get groceries 40 min away and then it took us like 2 1/2 hours to shop and then we had to drive back so it was like 4 hours in total. You were very much tired and were telling me that b/c my belly was really tight and alot of pressure was building up but nothing too bad. I just told your Dad that I had to relax so I came home and tried to relax and then we went to bed. By the way I bought a heart monitor so that I can hear you and send your little heartbeat to your Grandmas in Texas. I tried it but I could not find you but I will keep trying. Well that is it for today...I love you and talk to you tomorrow....Love Mom & Dad

Dec 2006
8:15 AM PST

Hi baby...hope you are doing have not made much ruckus must be tired. I got off of work early at 12:00pm and your Dad and I went on a date to Olive Garden. It was really good. When you grow up and can eat table food you will love this place. We found out today that everything was ok with the blood test that we took on Tuesday. You have no birth defects which has got to be the best news that any Mom would ever want to hear but unfortunately some Moms do not get that gift. We were not worried but we just wanted to make sure. Well that is it for today.. I love you and talk to you later Love Always, Mom & Dad

Dec 2006
8:56 AM PST

Well today you are officially 17 weeks old that is almost 5 months. You are getting strong with your bones and you are sucking and swallowing inside. You are suppose to be the size of an exciting. Well no big things today with the belly. There were no pains or anything which is good but I always welcome the nudge to know that you are there. Well your Dad and I are trying to figure out what we are going to eat for dinner today so we do have to go but we will talk tomorrow....Love Always, Mom & Dad

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AguilarBaby's Profile

  • Username: AguilarBaby
  • Gender / Age: Female, 47
  • Location: USA - Washington