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Magoo's Journal
Nov 2006
12:25 PM PST
I am very frusterated. I dropped my cell phone tonight while I was making dinner and broke it. It is brandnew, too! Today was okay. I worked all day. We only had one member show up to the meeting, hopefully next week and quarter we will get more peple to attend them. I am really excited for what this group can do for campus and truely hope that it works out. I still haven't gotten any Christmas shopping done and it's getting way to close. My family hasn't called me about Thanksgiving, so I am going to still spend it with my sweet roomate. She is so kind hearted. I worry about my other friend, I hope that her holidays away from her family go well. Not that if she would have been home, they would have because I have a feeling either way they would have been rough. I also hope that things with another friend work out. She has a lot going on in her life and it only keeps getting crazier. I still have so much to do before the end of the quarter, paperwork, projects, tests, campus stuff, yikes! Man, I really want to take some time out for me and do soemthing fun, snowboarding, horseback riding, the possabilities are endless. Sorry all, I can't spell and don't care to take the time to do so. Also, this person I was hanging out with wont call back so that's done, laughing. I dropped my myspace account today because I hate how it works, yuck. It turns out my old church group likes the paster and I am not sure that I care for her, but oh well, not everyone likes everyone they are in contact with, right? Right. Well, I'm going to sleep early tonight.
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Nov 2006
3:43 PM PST
So I just got back from The Fray, amazing, totaly amazing, the best consert I've ever been to. It was fun meeting the gang for food before and Britany is so sweet. Amazing! The rest of the day was long because I only slept for three hours last night. I got screwed by the finantual aid office and now I oh them back for my loans, F this world! I'm broke, belong poverty and I have to pay the government, at least my credit card is almost paid off. The holidays are nearing and I havewn't gotten a single gift, sigh...God why are you testing me so.
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Nov 2006
8:29 PM PST
I cannot seem to sleep. At least my migraine went away after a shot and killers, oh well. I have a presentation in a few hours and I haven't slept, and the consert and work, ahhh! I just want sleep. Sleep will be here Wednesday I guess.
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Nov 2006
7:01 PM PST
So this is my first entry. I thought that this would be a good way to sourt through life and my thoughts. We will see if it works with my personality. So much has been going on but for the good stuff I'm excited for the consert tomorrow night, should be wonderful. I am having such mixed feelings about the holidays coming up, I worry about my relationship with my friend and I worry about many of my friends. I love them and care about them all so much. I can't sleep tonight, so I thought that I would try this journaling thing online. I don't want it to be a bitch session, nor do I want it to be boring, so we shal see. I feel so blessed with my home, my roomate, my dog, my friends, my education, my life. The list goes on. I need to go Christmas shopping, running out of time. I also need to make doctors appointments soon here.
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Magoo's Profile
Gender / Age:
Female, 42
USA - Washington
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