Squinchbean's Journal

Nov 2006
5:22 PM MDT

Someone I know tried to commit suicide tonight. You know, something like that seems to come out of nowhere and slap us in the face, but that's not how it really is, is it? I mean, it takes an awful lot of suicidal ideation before someone decides to shuffle off this mortal coil, don't you think? Where were we - the people who call ourselves friends and family - doing? Did we make a choice to ignore all the signs? I don't remember making a choice, but - looking back - I know that I'm as guilty of ignoring the warnings as everyone else is.

What kind of people have we become? You can't tell me that we are any different from the everyone else, that we are, somehow, profoundly flawed somehow - heartless or so narcissistic we can't see beyond ourselves. I think it's a symptom of an apathy that has come to embrace most of us, and it frightens me......

Squinchbean's Profile

  • Username: Squinchbean
  • Gender / Age: Female, 45
  • Location: USA - Colorado
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