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You searched for: Tag: Blurb
    sleepkitty  39, Female, Maine, USA - 2 entries
Feb 2009
8:51 AM EDT

Today I have found, and decided to give it a try. I don't know how much I'll use this... I may find another site or give up altogether. But I do like writing things. Random things. Many things. I enjoy expressing every single thought in my head because I know that in an instant it could be gone forever and I'll never remember what it was. Kind of sad, kind of liberating. Regardless, I like to keep track of my thoughts... maybe I'll have a pattern, maybe I'll keep track of myself... So here's my first blurb on this particular journal site and we will see where time takes us.

Tags: Blurb
1 comment(s) - 12:44 PM - 03/16/2009

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