Lyric0inlove's Journal

Mar 2009
9:33 PM EDT

My day, my life,Myself

Ahhh...another day of shit anyways I had tutor today ON A HOLLYDAY so yeahh... I got so anyway I was going to watch this movie called "Confessions of a shopaholic" but sadly I couldnt. Because I came with my dad and stepmom to acomany them to find a place where they'll be holding their "reception" it reached 10 am my tutor was there in my house and I was still out then my grandma called my dad onthe way home she was sure mughty pissed! I hate it when shes like that... I mean whats the prblem she could just fucking sufficate and rot in hell so simple!�so I have to go to tutor anyways... being bored because I have no schooL I bet I cant even walk the dogs outside because of what I did... but I guess I'll ignore the rules and break out... I might meet my one and only and maybe run away for awhile just for� night, Im not sure so anyways thats really all for today... I just listened to Katy Perrys song called "Ur so gay" , "simple" and one of the boys.. I didnt know she was that good!�LFMAO well fuck this shit I'll wirte tomorow :D

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1 comment(s) - 06:51 PM - 03/03/2009

Lyric0inlove's Profile

  • Username: Lyric0inlove
  • Gender / Age: Male, 32
  • Location: Philippines