Through The Looking Glass...

Mar 2009
4:03 PM PST

Dreaming With Your Eyes Open

The past couple weeks it seems like i've grown alot. I'm more realistic, I am more positive, and best of all, I've started "dreaming with my eyes open," metaphorically speaking. I have come down from my high horse and realized that i've got to take action to get what I want. I can't just do a little bit of work and think that everything is going to fall into place, because it never will. Your never going to get anywhere assuming if you do one little thing, it'll be good enough for your dream to come true. I'm fully aware of� how much work comes behind building a future for yourself, and the huge effort that comes with "making your dream come true," or just being sucessful. That is why dreaming with your eyes open is good, because you will have a better perspective on what you got your eyes on, versus dreaming with your eyes closed where you think nothing will come in the way, let alone make the journey difficult. I'm glad i'm starting to get my mind frame straight. It hasn't always been this way, hell no it hasn't been like this. It's been a road of endless potholes, cracks and speed bumps, not the kind of speed bumps that slow you down, i'm talking about the kind that scrape the hell out your car and make you cringe fifty times worse than a chalkboard. Especially in the past year. I've been through more in the past year, than i've been through in the past few years. Some of the most significant people in my life are gone, and I had thought I was doing good, untill I turn on the news to find out that someone is going to jail for murder, or that someone was killed. I don't know what to think most of the time, but if there's one thing I do know, it is this, no matter the event that changes your life, no matter the tragedy, no matter the situation, you must keep moving, and just keep it going.
Now, I'm going to hit the sheets!
2 comment(s) - 01:55 PM - 03/23/2009

AgentS's Profile

  • Username: AgentS
  • Gender / Age: Female, 37
  • Location: USA - Washington