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    taradactel13  29, Female, Florida, USA - First entry!
Apr 2009
7:15 PM EDT

My erritating friend !

Ugg Amanda is soo erritating !!!

all she talks about is herself and i am soo tired of it ! she dosen't care about me at all she says i am her best friend and i jut roll my eyes bc to be a best friend you have to be there for the other person , I am always there for her and she says i m overreactin and acting like a bitch wen i say anything to her or she justs finds a way to talk about herself again ! i swear she has a real gift . I could be talking about how i feel realy deprssed and she finds a way to talk about howone time 3 years ago she found a lost dog and she got yelled at for bringing it into the house !. I feel bad bc she thinks i am her best friend and i could care less about her silly little problems . I probably sound realy mean right now but it is soooo true "OMG my sister stole my sweater and i got grounded bc i yelled at her " is ussually what she complains about . I am realy glad i have friends who actually care about me . I can't even talk about my getting accepted to duke summer camp bc she starts crying saying that i shouldn't go and support her bc she isn't as smart and they should take away programs like that bc it hurts her feelings . !!!!!�� Ok i am done venting for now ....


1 comment(s) - 03:18 PM - 04/29/2009

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