Dead-Girls-Dont-Lie's Journal

Jun 2009
6:39 PM EDT


So much has happened since I�last wrote.

  • I've lost my best friend
  • I think Im finally starting to move on

But those are only a couple of them. I just wish for once someone would belive me when I say Im innocent. Ok so maybe I dont have the best "record" but hey whats a girl to do when thinks get tuff? Stand there and let people take you out? NO�WAY�IN�HELL!!!

Ahem, excuse my language. So now it seems like my life is slowly crumbling apart. Why? well I just feel lost, confused, numb, and unsure as to what is to come... Who knows; maybe change would be for the best....

2 comment(s) - 10:16 AM - 07/01/2009

Dead-Girls-Dont-Lie's Profile

  • Username: Dead-Girls-Dont-Lie
  • Gender / Age: Female, 33
  • Location: USA - Georgia
    Photo Album

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    DEAD-GIRLS-DONT-LIE's Interests:

    About Me: Im one of those girls you can look at and think: hey she has a great life! But if you take a closer look theres whole diffrent story...

    Interests: mmm, depends on my mood, lol jk

    Favorite Music: anything except operea, oldies, jazz, disco, blue grass any more??

    Favorite Movies: titanic, its so sad yet sweet

    Favorite Television: Vampire Diaries, for shure!!!

    Favorite Books: um where to begin....?

    DEAD-GIRLS-DONT-LIE's Friends: