phsphtm757's Journal

Sep 2009
6:28 AM EDT

in class

im in my web design class and i dont really have n e thing to do because this is my first day in the class so im up here...i hope dis class aint wack and my gurl nyasia all up n my business! lol just playin but she is lololol but yea nuthin really to talk about so ima cut it short :)

peace in da middle east!!

Jul 2009
9:19 PM EDT


now i promise you that i never told nobody i wuz gon babysit nobodys damn kids! i mean da lil gurl cute and everything but i dnt like loud ass kids! i understand she a baby and thats exactly the reason i nver said i wuz gon watch da lil gurl! now its 1:07am n her dad done went to his room wit some ugly bitch n left me n here wit his baby! i dnt think so! i dnt care wut him and da bald headed heafah doin he gon come get dis baby if she start dat screamin shit! every morning this lil gurl iz waking me up before 7�in the am n its getin on my last nerve! dn get me wrong i like her wen its daytime n she aint sreamin n shit! but she iz an example of y im not gon have no damn kids! i aint sayin she da reason cuz i aint neva been the one to want no damn kids but she represents my reason...if u can understand wut im sayin...buts is aiigh cuz dis lil vacation iz almost over! i had fun heat my auntii house but its time to go lol

now yall can comment n wutever,,,saywut ya want!! lol especially if u disagree...tell me y i should feel differently but DONT�come up here trynna tell me about me! 4real tho cuz u can step wit that!

Apr 2009
2:52 PM EDT


Lil Zay

***We’ve known lots of pleasure

We’ve known lots of pain

We’ve walked in the sunshine

We’ve walked in the rain

��������� My death was sudden like a thief in the night

����������I was loyal to my friends never to give up the fight

���������Please let me stay in your heart

������� That way we will never part

������� There will be times you will miss me and I hope you do but keep me in your heart, I’ll be counting on you!

������� I’ll be the stars in the sky

������� The chill in the air

������� Everywhere you look I’ll be there

������� I got a new color now

������ It aint red or blue

������ It’s the color of the driven snow and to it I’m true

������ There is no heaven for a G or a gangsters paradise

������ I’ve got a new friend now in Jesus Christ

��� �� I’ve got a new walk

���� � I’ve got a new talk

��� � I’ve got a new way

����� I’m at peace now, I’m a new Lil Zay***



Apr 2009
7:42 PM EDT


sooooo im bored as always. i didnt really so shit today except skool...but aint nuthin special go down there. i went to sleep after i got home cuz my job called my fone and trynna get me to come to work...yea i wasnt fellin that so i defintely did not answer. i amd not da kinda person to put in no extra hours...da job is aiight but i aint comin in if i aint got to if ya no wut i mean. when i woke up i went to barns and noble and got a couple books....da first one is kinda nasty too lol

oh and i cant believe i failed my drivin test on da last mutha fuckin question! i was mad as hell! i mean i didnt really study for it but most of it was common sense...da question dat failed me was about a fuckin motorcycle! wtf dat gots to do wit me? my ass aint gettin on no damn motorcycle. dat made me even more mad! i felt like tearin dat computer up! now my ass gotta wait fifteen dayz to take anotha 1! what kinda shit iz dat?

but let me end dis b$ i get mad all ova agian lol...DEUCES!


4/14/09 11:42

Apr 2009
6:15 PM EDT


dnt you hate wen someone is standing over you and all up in yo bizznezz! i do and dats why im glad we moved the computer dwn stairs!!!!!

but anyways i just put ALOT teatree oil in my hair so is all laid dwn and curly!!! i think i might go to skool like this....c wut ppl think lol

i reallly dont have anything to write about except the fact that im majorly bored!!!!!! i have nothing to do and no where to go...not that i hae ne money to go anywhere anywayz but since i dnt have n e thing to really write about im gonna say... THE END!

2 comment(s) - 10:27 PM - 04/14/2009

Mar 2009
8:32 PM EDT

well i dont fully understand the quote but from what i can comprehend, i think its wrong.some people dont find their geniusness in "love". but then again maybe its their love of intelegence that makes them a genius? but like i said i dont really understand what its saying anyway.

phsphtm757's Profile

  • Username: phsphtm757
  • Gender / Age: Male, 35
  • Location: USA - Virginia
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