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    Optisimal  61, Female, United Kingdom - 1 comments
Feb 2011
6:19 AM GMT

What a day yesterday was. I suffer from CFS a chronic condition that makes life very difficult for me. In recent months my condition has deteriorated due to the unfair treatment at work relating to my disability. I am now off work on long term sickness. Yesterday evening I found out that my Grandmother is dying in hospital of bowel cancer, is on a drip and wont last very long. At the same time I found out that my mother who recovered from breast cancer two years ago has now been diagnosed with cancer this time its one of two types the one we should hope for means that a large portion of her leg will have to go and she will have to go through all the treatments that go with cancer which as anyone knows can take a year to recover once the treatments are finished. Or if we are unlucky she has the other type of cancer which spreads through the blood stream thoughout her body. I feel I ought to do something. I feel numb and isolated and need to do somthing so I am going to try and write a diary to try and make some sense of what is happening in my life. Today is day one. Today I need to try and do something positive and useful
1 comment(s) - 05:46 AM - 03/04/2011
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Current Tags: Can life get any worse?

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    iwannabethin98  26, Female, Louisiana, USA - 2 comments
Feb 2011
7:53 PM MST

Day 01.

Thats how much I weighed today, hopefully i keep up the pound a day weight loss, mabey even more.� I Want to be 99 pounds by Vacation, which is in 53 Days.� My stomach keeps growling but I remind myself that if i eat ill be fat.� And there is no person who likes fat people.� I Hate The Way I Look.� Im so ugly.� Not to mention how fat I am.� Most Likey over weight.� I look in the mirror and im instantly disguested.� I wonder if other people think that.� Who am I kidding. They do.� Ashley Alleman Is mad at me for starving myself.� Idont Care, Shes jealous she doesnt have the will power.� When im skinny everyone will like me! Thats why shes so mad! How Pathetic shes that Jealous! She says im unhealthy just because shes jealous! Whatever!

I Eat nothing.
My parents go to taco bell because they think its my fave. fast food place. But theyre wrong.� Thats The Fat me's fave. place.� Ashley Granger thinks i cant not eat.� Ill prove her wrong.� I dont NEED Food. Food wont control Me. I Control me.� And I WILL Be Skinny And Beautiful.
Its 7:37 and im sitting in my room crying.� It Lets out everything built up inside.� And it burns calories. Im Pathetic.
1 comment(s) - 12:14 AM - 03/04/2011
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Current Tags: anorexia, anorexic, hunger, sad, skinny

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    itsmekir  55, Female, Florida, USA - 2 comments
Mar 2011
8:17 PM CST

Got Dead People?

Driving home from work the other day I struggled to keep the tears at bay.� Just a week or so ago I kicked my ex out of my house.� I have loved this man for over 25 years of my life…we have a daughter together.� And for 25 years we have been trying to make “us” work.� Ummm…maybe that should have been my first clue.� If it takes 25 years of trying, maybe it just isn’t meant to be, ya know?
It was an overcast, rainy day and my mood seemed to match the weather.� (I am such the solar powered girl.)� As I was driving I was thinking to myself, “How do I let him go, Lord?� I don’t know how to let him go…I never have.”� Well, that question got an immediate answer.� No not an audible voice…but a knowing in my heart of the words that came to my mind.� “You have to choose LIFE or DEATH.� He is DEATH for you.� Spiritually, mentally, and emotionally he is death.”�

What the heck do you do with that?� I knew in my heart that it was truth…a truth I’ve known for years, yet refused to accept!� The two of us are so different.� We have been since he was 15 & I was 16 years old.� I’m not sure what drew us together, but we could never seem to stay apart.� We wouldn’t see each other for 2 or 3 years and then one of us would find the other.� And BAM, back together.� Back then we had some things in common.� We partied a lot. We had both dropped out of High School. We hung out with the same people…oh, did I mention that we partied a lot?

This last time we started hanging out together again was different.� I don’t drink or party…he still does.� He has no place to call his own…he sleeps where he passes out. He has no problem having sex outside of marriage…I hated myself every time we had sex.� I believe that God is three-in-one…Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.� He believes that Jesus is God’s Son, but not God.� He moved in with me because he had no job and no place to stay that wasn’t noisy and chaotic.� It all started out okay, but then our different lifestyles began to clash.� He said he couldn’t commit to me because he was afraid that he might cheat on me and he would never want to hurt me!� He said he loved me but just couldn’t promise he wouldn’t be tempted.� He was use to playing the field.� I actually thought that was sweet…at first.� Until I saw the truth behind that platitude.� It was a cop out!� If he really did love me he would have chosen not to cheat and remain committed to me.� But I had always settled with men…so what he said sounded good for awhile.

I never knew when he would be staying at my place or not.� He had a key so he came and went as he pleased.� It was hard on me.� Having lived with him off and on over the years…I had a hard time seperating those times when we were commited back then and now with no commitment.� It hurt when he didn’t come home.� I began to wonder why he couldn’t choose me.� He never took me anyplace with him.� I never hung out with him and his friends, except when he brought them to my house. I thought back to how over the past two years he had told me he didn’t want to commit to any woman.� But then he got back together with his ex for awhile and also moved in with another woman.� I began to think that it was ME he couldn’t commit to…what was wrong with me?� He never told me I was attractive…always commenting on how I use to look when we were younger.� He was extremely negative about me as a person.

And he never seemed to appreciate that I gave him a roof over his head, food on the table, and gas in his car.�� He never did anything to help me.� I carried in all the groceries myself. (He said I never asked for help.� I felt like I shouldn’t have to ask…HELLO, he was sitting on the couch watching me!)� I worked all day and came home to a sinkful of dirty dishes…even though he had been home all day.� I began to dread coming home.� I hated wondering if he was going to be there when I got home.� And I hated it even more when the disappointment swept over me when his truck wasn’t there when I got home.� I missed him when he was gone all night.� I wondered where he had been…I tried not to care, but I’m not wired like that.� We argued almost all the time…about everything.�

I didn’t like the person I became around him.� The hateful words spewing out of my mouth.� I became this ugly, dependent, desperate woman…a child-woman…the 17 yr old who needed love so badly that she settled for anyone.� The woman I had become by turning my life over to Jesus faded away.

My constant sinful behavior was slowly killing the woman I had become…I didn’t recognize myself anymore.� I hated myself, but I hated him more!� I was killing myself by being around him…and I was letting him kill me too.

Fade back to driving home in the car.� “Choose LIFE or DEATH…”� Oh my gosh…the Lord was right!� If I continued thinking about my ex or choosing to remain in communication with him I was choosing DEATH.� I was turning my back on God and LIFE!� I didn’t/don’t want to die…I really don’t!� But I was killing myself by staying involved with my ex.�

In John 15 we are told that people will know us by the fruit that we bear.� Well, I’m bearing some stinking rotten fruit these days!� And frankly I’m tired of the stank!� I don’t know how to get rid of the rotten fruit I’ve been producing, but God does.� He is the only One who can help me give up my ex…the fruit of my labor in that area is 25 years of failure.

So, “Got Dead People?”� You’re darn right I do!� But I can choose the One who is Life anytime I want to…He will help me stick to it!� That choice the Lord placed before me is really making me re-evaluate my life right now.� What relationships in my life aren’t bearing good fruit?� Which ones are dead…detrimental to my well being.� What activities in my life are bearing dead fruit?� These questions �have given me the opportunity to redirect my focus to what needs to change in my life to make me into the woman that God created me to be… with the ultimate goal - LIFE.

I encourage you to ask yourself the same questions…chose LIFE my friend :-)

This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses.� Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to His voice, and hold fast to Him.
Deuteronomy 30:19-20

2 comment(s) - 05:11 PM - 11/30/2011
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    Racquelc6  46, Female, New York, USA - 1 comments
Apr 2011
8:24 AM

It's not FAIR!!!

I think it's finally over. I feel horrible that there is a sense of relief. I should be feeling heartbreak not relief. The first D&C not going correctly has robbed me from having the feelings I should have had about the loss of this pregnancy. I swear after the second D&C that the chunks that were coming out was my baby. Everyone kept saying no, that it was just blood clots (mind you it wasn't even red) but then I got a call from my doc telling me that they tested what they sucked out at the D&C and it was fetal tissue. I knew it!!!! I wanted to keep it and bury it but I felt silly and stupid after everyone said it wasn't possible. Now I have lost that opportunity as well. So nothing to bury to give me closure and no feeling of mourning because the whole situation was so horrible and drawn out. It's just not fair.
1 comment(s) - 03:22 AM - 05/04/2011
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Current Tags: miscarriage, mourning, sadness

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    SimplyMe  27, Female, Georgia, USA - 1 comments
Mar 2011
11:14 PM CST

So Misunderstood

I'm a 14 year old girl with the mind of an old woman!� I just need a place to express my feelings when nobody wants to listen to me.
�For the past couple of weeks I have been in deep thought about serious stuff. My future, my self image, and my thought process. I have come to realize that, like everyone else, I am afraid of my future. I faulter at the face of the unknown.
�Questions rack my brain, and leak inside every gap of thought inside of my head. Will I have my own family. Will I be loved? What will I look like? Who all will still be in my life? If only I knew the ending result to my destiny... Well not really the ending result which would obviously be death but more like... Where my life is headed.
�I also feel very misunderstood. Again, I am a 14 year old GIRL! I should be worried about the latest styles and boys and friends and stuff. But no, I'm worried about my future. I don't care about making friends, I don't have many anyway. I think it's because most people my age are so immature. Most everyone at the school I attend are very loud and obnoxious. I'm quiet. I'm very shy, and I have a very low self esteem. Yes, I have had major crushes on boys, but they all end up the same way. I'm too shy to talk to them. And I'm too self counscious! I always think that I will never be liked by any boy because I'm just an unlikable freak.�
�Desperate to find answers, one day I asked someone if I was ugly. They said no, but I don't really get called ugly a lot. In fact, many people have always called me pretty. I remember people would stop my mom to express how beautiful her children are. But I think it's all lies. Nobody wants to look like a jerk telling the truth about an ugly persons looks. Heck, they would even lie to a baby. My mom told me that there was this guy friend of hers that saw me when I was a baby and he said he was going to wait for me to grow older and he would marry me. I cried when my mom told me this, but I never have, and still don't believe it's true.
�Another thing. People think I'm stupid! I'm not stupid. I may not be confident about the way I look, but I am VERY confident in my smarts, and I know that I am VERY smart. I may have average academic grades but I have a lot of COMMON SENSE.�Sure I'm ignorant when it comes to being popular or talking out of turn and whatever else most people my age do, but I�DO know how to�confuse�people older than me. I do know how to make older people think I'm something special. Because I'm a deep person.�
�Well... Writing all of this has really helped�lighten my mood and I might do it again sometime... :)

1 comment(s) - 01:53 PM - 04/04/2011
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    Browneyedbomb  66, Female, Texas, USA - 1 comments
Nov 2011
8:09 PM


I don't like the new clock I bought for my bathroom. I don't. It "tick-tocks" each individual second. Being alone for such a long, long time & having some major decisions to make & things to deal with, knowing I need someone I can turn to for advice & just plain knowing I's such a long road & my mind says it should matter, but, heck even the strongest can get weak. Nothing at all matters any more. My mind says I should do this or that....but my heart & soul keep asking...why? Really. What's the use? Fight & struggle to stay? Stay? Here? Through more crap to deal with while trying to kill the which has eaten away at my heart & soul, that's shown me how much I really don't anything/one but God & my dogs. I can't make staying make sense. I'm trying really hard....but, I just can't come up with any good reason. I am no one. I'm sick of being alone & damn it I have the human need to feel loved & I wanted to be...just ONCE in this life. Just one person. There must b something terribly wrong with me or else love, real love doesn't exist.
1 comment(s) - 01:58 AM - 11/28/2011
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    AleaTravis  63, Female, Colorado, USA - 1 comments
Apr 2011
10:12 AM

e-mail phone contacts Colorado Blue Spruce-Newtons Measure them Brian's Rx Grocery Store Bank Cleaners Liquor Store
1 comment(s) - 03:23 AM - 05/04/2011
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    babygirl95  29, Female, Indiana, USA - 4 comments
Apr 2011
2:53 PM MST

Just One?

I wrote down everything about what had happened, but�it got deleted... Maybe it was for the best.�
�Maybe things will get better now that I let it all out. Or maybe they will get worse.
� Latly everything seems to just be getting worse. School, my relationships with my friends, the thoughts, the memories.
� I'm not sure how to deal with it all. I know how I used to cope but... I promised him I would stop. And I will NOT break that promise! Not again...

I keep telling myself that if I could just hold out a little longer things will get better but I wait, and wait, and wait, and nothing changes.

� Maybe there's something wrong with me. Maybe I'm just not meant to be trully happy. There are times when I start to think that I could actually be happy but then something else happens.
� I know crap happens to everyone but for once could the world give me a break?! for just five minutes?! I just want one day were I dont' have to worry about things going wrong. One day when I don't have those thoughts. One day were I don't have to be afraid of me having a melt down in front of my family and friends.�
��� One day. That's all I want.

Tags: day, one, pain
4 comment(s) - 04:58 PM - 10/01/2011
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    SOUL  30, Female, Canada - 1 comments
May 2011
9:01 PM AST

Live like were dying - Kris Allen

I really love this song. Give it a listen and I'm sure you guys would like it too!

Live like we're dying - Kris Allen

Sometimes we fall down, can't get back up
We're hiding behind skin that's too tough
How come we don't say I love you enough
Till it's to late, it's not too late

Our hearts are hungry for a food that won't come
And we could make a feast from these crumbs
And we're all staring down the barrel of a gun
So if your life flashed before you,
What would you wish you would've done

Yeah, we gotta start
Looking at the hands of the time we've been given
If this is all we got and we gotta start thinking
If every second counts on a clock that's ticking
Gotta live like we're dying

We only got 86,400 seconds in a day to
Turn it all around or to throw it all away
We gotta tell them that we love them
While we got the chance to say
Gotta live like we're dying

And if your plane fell out of the skies
Who would you call with your last goodbye
Should be so careful who we live out our lives
So when we long for absolution,
There'll no one on the line, yeah

Yeah, we gotta start
Looking at the hands of the time we've been given
If this is all we got and we gotta start thinking
If every second counts on a clock that's ticking
Gotta live like we're dying

We only got 86,400 seconds in a day to
Turn it all around or to throw it all away
We gotta tell them that we love them
While we got the chance to say
Gotta live like we're dying

Like we're dying, oh, like we're dying..

We only got 86,400 seconds in a day to
Turn it all around or to throw it all away
We gotta tell them that we love them
While we got the chance to say
Gotta live like we're dying

You never know a good thing till it's gone
You never see a crash till it's head on
Why do we think we're right when we're dead wrong
You never know a good thing till it's gone

Yeah, we gotta start
Looking at the hands of the time we've been given
If this is all we got and we gotta start thinking
If every second counts on a clock that's ticking
Gotta live like we're dying

We only got 86,400 seconds in a day to
Turn it all around or to throw it all away
We gotta tell them that we love them
While we got the chance to say
Gotta live like we're dying

Like we're dying, oh, like we're dying..

We only got 86,400 seconds in a day to
Turn it all around or to throw it all away
We gotta tell them that we love them
While we got the chance to say
Gotta live like we're dying.

Lyrics provided by:�


1 comment(s) - 01:29 PM - 12/01/2011
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    KittykatMegan  49, Female, United Kingdom - 2 comments
Jun 2011
2:36 PM GMT



2 comment(s) - 10:41 AM - 06/29/2011
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    cheekymonkey234  29, Male, New York, USA - 1 comments
Jun 2011
2:55 AM GMT

bffl4e! x x x

Mehaan loveya' loads for eva toggther. x x x

1 comment(s) - 03:08 AM - 06/28/2011
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    Meganemily  49, Female, United Kingdom - 3 comments
Jun 2011
2:59 AM GMT

My Beestieee`s :P

Saskia Rogers,
Megan Milton,
Charlotte Bargeman

Luv yaa!
3 comment(s) - 03:10 AM - 06/28/2011
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    shhhhhh  47, Female, Philippines - 5 comments
Sep 2012
10:47 PM


My dearest Spin,

Thank you for the happy moments shared. If we are meant for each other, then time will tell and we will find each other in God's time. If not, then this really was meant to happen. Thank you for making me a stronger person that letting go didn't come as bitter but a better way for me.�



You and your little cookie monster will always be in my prayer.


i'm just a girl in love with you..�

there are nights when i cant help but cry
and i wonder why you have to leave me
why did it have to end so soon
when you said that you would never leave me
tell me
where did i go wrong?
what did i do to make you change your mind completely
when i thought
this love would never end
but if this love's not ours to have
i'll let it go
with your goodbye
why did it have to end so soon
when you said that you would never leave me
tell me
where did i go wrong?
what did i do to make you change your mind completely?
when i thought
this love would never end
but if this love's not ours to have
i'll let it go
with your goodbye...�

1 comment(s) - 09:46 PM - 09/26/2012
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Current Tags: Canada Goose Chilliwack White Women's Parka, letting go

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    motherloverfriend  49, Female, Nevada, USA - 1 comments
Aug 2011
3:09 AM

my reflection

After spending a lifetime doing everything possible to make myself beautiful my idea of beauty has changed. I'm 37, and I enjoyed the attention and fun that came along�with being pretty when I was younger. Then one day I didn't. It no longer seemed�important..The problem with wasting a good portion of your life on being beautiful on the outside and not beautiful on the inside is that suddenly you realize that you're empty. Without investing in your spirit and tending to�matters of the heart & mind,�at the end of the day nothing means anything. You have a man that doesn't know you, because your relationship was visual. All your friendships are very surface, and without depth. Ultimately, all the energy you invested equals zip, and you look in the mirror and you see ugliness anyway. So, it was all for nought. I wasn't even a super model type. I was a pretty girl with low self esteem that could never look good enough.�I was never a "mean girl" but I was an empty girl. A lonely girl. Then an empty and lonely woman. For what? What a complete waste of time and energy. I was cute, and would've had so much more fun, enjoyed life more, had more beautiful relationships and over all been more fulfilled had I not let my low self esteem control me. The low self esteem that was carefully hidden behind a mask of self confidence. I can't count the times I was told that I was "so self confident" or "if I was more confident�like you".�
�Now, �I am learning to feel sexy in my own skin because I'm happier, and my happiness is drawn from the kindness I show, the friend that I am, the way that�I love, and my ability to�give. I don't think my eyes look plain without fake eyelashes.�I've begun to refinish and repurpose furniture. My hands gets paint on them and I don't worry if they are not perfectly manicured. I am more concerned with being creative. It is kind of ironic now that I often look�to find the�most beat up�piece of furniture in the thrift shop. Or put out on a curb. A piece of furniture that somoone no longer loves because it is considered ugly. That is the piece that catches my eye. I look at it and say, "I think you're beautiful. I will love you."�I consider the tree�that�used to be and no longer is to �to build that piece of�furniture. It makes me want it not to be wasted. I want to make it�"feel good" and pretty again. Kinda�sounds funny admiting it.�But, my ideas have changed, and so has where I see beauty.
Tags: beauty
1 comment(s) - 11:40 AM - 08/06/2011
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    thoskel1  65, Male, Ireland - 2 comments
Feb 2012
11:13 AM GMT

Success and failure


Finally got the water resolved.After making a few phone calls this morning I thought that I would have to get the house disconnect but just after 3 p.m. I got a call from the Celtic water guy(He is English by his accent) to sat he was in Ryehill and just as he was about to hang up I told him I would go down in ten minutes.After a few minutes he noticed that there was two meters.I had been paying twice for the same water .He took away one meter so I wont have to make any disconnection at all now.What a relief and he looked at�� Conroy's connection and said he . see about� it.

The speeding fine came back.They said the credit card would not work.They must have put in the wrong numbers to add to the frustration

I heard in the early news that there was an fatal accident in Colemanstown yesterday.Nobody local as it turned out.Peggy Nolan and Mary rang to find out who it was.A 38 year old Hungarian was the poor unfortunate.She had been living in Ned Murphy's house in Monivea.

I put €20 diesel the tractor.I was checking prices� to see would I order my own but all fuel is very dear at the moment.

Nearly €1 a litre to order it at home and just over €1 at Cookes

1 comment(s) - 03:08 PM - 02/17/2012
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    SdeC13  51, Male, Nevada, USA - 3 comments
Sep 2011
7:19 AM

Open Bed?

�I'm happily married to a very sexy man, �I hit the husband lotto. He's a catch, and I landed him. I would like to think we are both lucky in love. Being that life together is still new we are learning about what pleases each other, turn on, and turn offs. He found out that I like the smell of him sweaty and I found out he loves porn. Nothing surprising. Nothing I would be ashamed to admit if I had to put my face with this post.�
�I consider myself an open minded woman. I do not judge people by what they choose to do in the privacy of their bedroom as long as everyone is of age and consenting. At 37 years old, i also was no virgin when we met. So, being the sexual woman that I am, our sex talk gets pretty raunch. Many women in the heat of the moment say a whole lotta bs if it spices up the moment and drives her man insane with desire." "Do you think she's sexy?" �escalates to "I wanna kiss her." then before you know it, you're telling him how you're gonna eat pussy. Blah, blah, blah. I'm in the moment. It's all in good fun, right? Yeah right, until someone gets their eye shot out.�
�I didn't blink when my husband told me he's had a 3some. I didn't blink when he said he's done it with 2 women AND I was a cool cucumber when he said he did it with a man and a woman too. No bisexual activity involved. At least he hasn't told me of any. YET,... maybe. Who knows. I'm open minded. That what I said, right? Or I was right up until the moment my ass was in the air and he says, "I'd love to see a cock in your mouth while I'm in your pussy." rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........... HUH? WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? COME AGAIN. EXSQUEEZE ME.
�"Did you just say you wanna see ANOTHER MAN'S PENIS IN MY MOUTH?" Well, that's what I wanted to say, but he was in the moment. I didn't want to ruin it. I also didn't want him to regret telling me anything and everything. It's like having a teenager, if you want to know it all sometimes you gotta just bite your tongue.I bit my tongue. Time stopped. Visions of our 1st date to the day we were married flashed through my mind. Okay, I'm exaggerating. What did happen was after we made love and he fell asleep I was frozen. Frozen and staring at the pervert next to me. Stiff as a board I stared at the stranger in my bed, and wondered if he ever loved me at all. The next day, all day I was tripping out.When he kissed me on his way out the door I wanted to wipe my lips. I started snooping through his things convinced he was screwing around. He was perverted. Perverts cheat. After a week of this I thought about something my older sister told me when I was 13 years old. All guys look at porn. Every guy. It's not a big deal. Ignore his porn stash, it means nothing. My husband wasn't placing personal ads for an anonymous cock in my mouth. He has dirty thoughts and shared them with me. Making love should be a safe zone. The bedroom should be the one place nothing you say can be held against you. He hasn't even mentioned it since. He loves me. He loves me and he loves the thought of me taking 2 dicks. Whatthefuckever. Is it really that serious? NO. I'm not sinking a wonderful marriage because my husband is a nasty motherf^cker. It's that very reason he is so good in bed. End of story. It's not a big deal. It means nothing. Anything said in the safe zone, during the heat of passion or immediatly pending an orgasm does not count.
Tags: marriage, sex
3 comment(s) - 10:06 PM - 09/28/2011
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    Ginger573  67, Female, New Mexico, USA - 1 comments
Mar 2012
9:00 PM

Love it!

"If you want happiness for an hour - take a nap. If you want happiness for a day - go fishing. If you want happiness for a year - inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime - help someone else." - Chinese Proverb Love it! So true. I've been so shy and withdrawn most of my life it's kept me too much in my own head. Just realizing how great it feels to lift my head up, smile, look people in their eyes and be present to life. Wow!
1 comment(s) - 10:51 AM - 04/03/2012
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    bbarnes  41, Female, Louisiana, USA - 1 comments
Jul 2015
5:23 PM

1 comment(s) - 04:49 PM - 07/07/2015
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    Sissy7  27, Female, Minnesota, USA - 3 comments
Oct 2011
4:23 PM EST

Boy Problems....

�� Okay, I have this boyfriend. He is amazing towards me but, I don't ever see him because we live in different towns. He hasn't called me in a while and has no phone to text me from. I mean I still really like him but don't know anymore.
� On the other hand I have this guy friend that goes to my school and I hangout with everyday that I have a decent sized crush on. I really like him and kind of want him to ask me on a date.
� I like both guys but, don't know what to do... What should I do and how?


1 comment(s) - 08:51 PM - 11/02/2011
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    athena4595  23, Female, Ohio, USA - 4 comments
Oct 2011
4:42 PM EST

I like someone

I really don't get this bloging thing but i'll try but I have a question four u do u think I should ask this guy out that I'ved liked forever

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4 comment(s) - 02:47 AM - 02/03/2012
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