jesssie's Journal

Nov 2007
10:26 AM EST

last night i had a dream.

last night i had a dream about my grandma, this is what happened. and before i begin - my grandma is dead and she died september 17, 2007.

I was at my dads house, and my entire family (boucher side only) were getting together for perhaps, a holiday or something like that. i don't remember exactly what we were all together for, but i just remember this. my grandma was there, and she was the big old gramma that i always remembered, before she got sick. she was laughing and happy and (writing this makes my eyes water).. she said "hey bebe" like she always used to say when i was little. But in my dream she was real and alive. But she was a ghost at the same time, and I was the only one who could see her. She told me to tell my family that she was happy and doing okay. And I said I would tell everyone that. And then she said "I love you bebe" and i said I love you too nana! and she simply left.

Could that be my grandma visiting me in my dreams to let me know shes okay now?

It was such a good dream and I miss her so much.

Nov 2007
12:09 PM EST

i got to hang out with tiah all day yesterday and i didnt know how much i missed her! <333333 of course we did things we shouldnt have done but thats okay it was a lot of fun anyways and besides i got to see someone ive missed!! lmfao all in all a good weekend i must say except im sick as fuck

Nov 2007
10:40 AM EST

What really bothers me the most, is that you aren't even a part of my life at all anymore, yet I still think about you everyday and I still care enough about you to wonder how you are. Yet you can't take two seconds out of your 'oh so busy' fucking schedule to say hi once and a while. You're the one who wanted to stay friends.. well you have an incredibly lousy way of showing that you want to be my friend still. I didn't do anything to you at all except geta little upset -- but I had every right to be mad at you. You are unfair. You treat me like shit in my books, and I don't want people like that in my life. But you know you're different and you know you're an exception, and you definately use that to your advantage, and I wish that you would stop using it to your advantage because it makes me look like a fool. I am the only person who ever made an effort with us. And if you ever made an effort, I don't think it was enough for me. I don't even think you were enough for me. But still I wish things didn't end, and its been a while now but I still feel like I need you a little bit. Because you knew what to do when I didn't. And you're the guy who knows me better than any of the guys I hang out with at school.. or anywhere else. But you'll always be there even when you aren't I guess.

I don't understand how ONE person can change your entire life.. when there are more than six billion other people to meet in the world. But one makes all the difference.
You weren't exactly that person but sometimes I wish you could have been.

Nov 2007
8:53 AM EST

i have no life
well i have a life
but its boring
and nothing ever

and im sick of it
and i want to go out
and do something
but plans get
and i am tired of trying
so hard to keep my life
when in reality
my life is boring
and i want it to change

but theres nothing i can do right now
because im
in other things that are
more important then if i get out much

Nov 2007
3:17 PM EST

when you're listening to a song you really like.. not just really like; but absolutely love.

it makes you want to scream, or cry or smile or laugh or whatever.

i have like so many songs that do that to me:$

Nov 2007
11:18 AM EST

My feelings are constantly changing.. sometimes i think its going to be great. and then something comes up and i know my mind has changed, and then ill feel guilty about it. but then the day after, it happens all over again. i am so SICK and tired of writing about the same things, the same problems. its always guys, or school, or family. and family is pissing me off the most right now. like, im sorry i am stressed out about school. i was thinking about exams yesterday night, and honestly like i started to cry. because its soo hard.. grade ten is so hard! i know it will only get harder, and there will only be more work. but i dont feel like im ready for all of this!! im not good under pressure but at the same time i know i wont completely fail at everything. but i just want to give up 90 percent of the time. but i know i have to do the work and i know i have to pass.. and i know im smart enough for it. but i just CANT focus on anything other than stuff outside of school. school feels like the last thing on my mind, the last thnig i care about! which isnt exactly true.. but honestly i just want to pass everything.
im so tired. im exhausted. i want to curl up in a ball, and never talk to anyone again.. or at least for a little bit!! i just need some time to myself, yet i keep making all these plans every weekend.. like this weekend i haev a party on friday and then on saturday im hanging out with jeff, and maybe i should just have some time for myself! some relax time or whatever.. but there ISNT time for that because there is too much other stuff going on.

i want a break.

Nov 2007
2:53 PM EST

I'm not the type to get my heart broken
I'm not the type to get upset and cry
Cause i never leave my heart open
Never hurts me to say goodbye
Relationships don't get deep to me
Never got the whole in love thing
And someone can say they love me truly
But at the time it didn't mean a thing

My mind is gone, i'm spinning round
And deep inside, my tears i'll drown
I'm losing grip, what's happening
I stray from love, this is how I feel

This time was different
Felt like I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now I'm, in this condition
And I've, got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what you'll never see me cry

Did it happen when we first kissed
Cause it's hurting me to let it go
Maybe cause we spent so much time
And I know that it's no more
I shoulda never let you hold me baby
Maybe why i'm sad to see us apart
I didn't give to you on purpose
Can't figure out how you stole my heart

My mind is gone, i'm spinning round
And deep inside, my tears i'll drown
I'm losing grip, what's happening
I stray from love, this is how I feel

This time was different
Felt like I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now I'm, in this condition
And I've, got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what you'll never see me cry

How did I get here with you, I'll never know
I never meant to let it get so personal
After all I tried to do, stay away from loving you
I'm broken hearted, I can't let you know
And I won't let it show
You won't see me cry

This time was different
Felt like, I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now i'm, in this condition
And i've, got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what you'll never see me cry

This time was different
Felt like, I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now i'm, in this condition
And i've, got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what you'll never see me cry

-rihanna (cry)

Nov 2007
2:46 PM EST

You know when you feel like you have the entire world.. on your shoulders? Yeah, not in your hands. You don't carry it that simply. Instead you have to haul it onyour back because your hands are not yet strong enough to hold it. You have to go through pain in order to get the pleasure.. fair enough I guess. But how come it has to last so long? And, why is life sometimes like a rollercoaster? How come you have to feel periods of awful pain and then life will all of a sudden change direction.. and it makes you so happy. If happiness is so great, and we all strive for it- why don't we ever get happiness that lasts? What changes it when we get it? What makes it go away?? Do we drive it away? I dont understand. I dont understand life.. but then again, who asked me to?

Nov 2007
11:09 AM EST

im basically overwhelmed with school. its really hard to find a balance between everything. friends, family, school, and now i want a job? or.. no. i want money-but in order for that i need a job. because my parents are sick of paying for me. i really REALLY need a job.
but tonight i have a ton of homework that im procrastinating, because i dont want to do it because there is too much. too mucccccch of everything all the time! theres NOT enough time for me to do everything and i mean its not the end of the world if i dont finish some lousy homework.. but it would be really great if i did :$ and i just want money :(:( honestly i just want to go shopping and im so angry. at everything.

Nov 2007
4:46 PM EST

regardless of what you would call me, you're my best friend. even though i dont really trust you that much, i still trust you with everything. i still tell you everything even when i know it will travel. but i always hope that you wont tell anyone because some of the things i tell you are really personal.. or maybe they arent personal but they are things i dont want spread around and i know we have had so many fights and arguements and we've been so bitchy to eachother.. but i honestly, i cant NOT be friends with you. like, we never hang out and we hardly talk but just knowing that you are still my friend.. like it makes so much of a difference. and i dont know but i miss you like fuck and i wish we could hang out everyday cause you NEVER bore me but imsure id piss you off if we hung out everyday.. anyways i love you though and no matter what ill always consider you one of my very best friends.. no matter how bad you treat me and no matter how bad i treat you.. i just want to STOP being mad at eachother all the time and i dont want to get involved with any guys you know because it seems to cause a lot of headaches and madness and everything and i want to just be a good friend because you deserve it and im not gonna lie, its really fucking hard to stay friends because of what has happened in the past and the distance and everything but its gonna be worth it! i know it will be because your a fucking amazinggg person you dont know!! you dont give yourself enough credit for ANYTHING and no one should treat you the way people do sometimes and i regret ever being a bitch to you and im so sorry for that.
but i love you and i hope that might be enough to make up for it
I love ya tiah

Nov 2007
10:58 AM EST

Did you ever think, that someone so close to you, could possibly ever leave your side? The person who you just thought without a doubt, no matter what happened and no matter what you went through, no matter how close or far apart you are from them.. you just kind of knew, theyd always be there for you.
And then they leave!!!
And it seems like, it was all some kind of lie. Everything up until the point of their departure was fake. The words they said were fake. The smiles they gave you were fake. The things they did for you were just lies. They never meant a word, they never had good intentions, it was just a cover. I hate it all because you start to believe in that person and then they let you down. And you wish they didn't let you down because it was the one thing that kept you going. But when they do, and you survive it; you realize that you have more to live for than one person. One person; who fucked you over. That one person is such a small person when you compare - there are over six billion people on the planet for us to meet.
Yet that one person, that one single person meant so much. And you still don't want them to go, even when they tear your heart apart, and screw with your mind and they make it so you cant concentrate on anything other than them. I think it's on purpose, but i could never be sure. Because I really don't think that anyone that special would want to hurt anyone on purpose, right?
It just hurts to think about what could have been, and how much of an impact one person can have on my life! One person. I mean, other people have hurt me, and Ive lost other friendships and relationships and all of that, but when it actually happens to you- no matter how many times it happens.. you never get used to it. It's surprising everytime. You never see it coming, even when you expect it. I expected this to happen, honestly. I knew it wasnt going to last long like we had hoped for -- but it helped to hope. Because then I knew it wasnt just wasting my time. I dont think anything between me and this person was a waste of time. And, its never going to be completely over. He will be in my life for much longer, I wont forget him and I really hope he doesnt forget me. I hope I wasnt just another girl to him. He was so much more to me, in a lot of ways. But mainly he was my best friend.
I told him things I told no one else. Not even my closest girl friends. And he kind of betrayed me in a lot of ways, but you know, when you put sooo much trust into someone that you forget about whatever they did, to fuck anything up! Because you believe so hard in what they can do for you and why you are keeping them around?

Well if there is anything I learned..I don't do well in relationships. I am hot tempered and I am one to assume. I never ask for the truth, but there is a reason for that.
I trust the people I get my information from, I trust my best friends. I need to learn a lot of things still but I guess that is what life is aboutright? Learning..

I dont knoww.

Nov 2007
2:39 PM EST

I was so excited to be with you.. wish you understoo that, honestly. I had something to look forward to on the weekends.. and now its just like a normal weekend. Everything happens so quickly -- one minute, we're on your couch telling eachother how much we love eachother and the next minute, im sitting alone crying because you hurt me.& you promised me you never would! you said you'd never hurt me. well why dont you just put a load of bullshit on a plate, and serve it to me! why dont you just do that? oh well you basically already did. you fucking idiot, not you. ME, im the fucking idiot. Im so easily gullible, i believe everything that comes out of his mouth because i trust him. because he was my best friend before he was a boyfriend. he was there for me all the time, he was there for me when my other boyfriend broke my heart. i dont get into relationships unless i think they are worthy. i thought you were worthy. i thoughtttttttt you were worth it. i really did. butnow im alone and im crying and im wishing it could have worked but it didnt. and you blame it on me because you know i will take the blame. cause im nice! im anice girl who doesnt like to get hurt but you hurt me anyways and you make it hurt so bad too. but why? because what did i ever do to you but CARE enough to care at all?? i loved you. i really did because i loved you enough to be comfortable with you and be happy and talk to you on the phone for hours and waste cell phone minutes because it meant i got to hear you speak. obsessive i know it sounds tht way.. im not obsessed. im just hurt. i wish i could have hurrt you instead but at the same time i dont, becuase i love you enough to hope that you would NEVER feel this way. i tried, and id keep trying if you let me but you hardly gave us a chance.. thanks.

Nov 2007
8:10 AM EST

I'm a libra. Do you know what that means? It means im indecisive. It means I strive for harmony and all of the good things in life, and I am a romantic and I'm loving and caring but I like to gossip.

Alright, as much as I depend on my daily horoscopes and believe in astrology more than myself, sometimes its wrong and it throws me completely off track. I read my daily romantic horoscopes for singles/couples everyday, and for the most part its right! But i think its my mind playing tricks on me.
it's right about me being indecisive. I'm indecisive!! I dont know what i want, and who i want it from,and why. Being indecisive makes me feel stupid and not intelluctual or intelligent but I wish that it could. Being indecisive not only frustrates me, but other people as well. When i get asked something, Im so concerned about what they will think if I speak my mind, I say " idontknow'. maybe i KNOW exactly wht i want, but im too afraid to ask for it. Because im nice and shy and I dont like burdening people.

I dont know, thats just the way I see things.
It sucks being indecisive-- thats the one thing ive made up my mind about .
1 comment(s) - 05:10 PM - 11/03/2007

Oct 2007
4:31 PM EST

i feel betrayed. and you might not understand it, you might not understand why. but honestly i dont want to talk about it to you anymore. because you dont understand. and i dont want to get angry with you for not understanding, its not your fault. its not mine either though. i try so hard to be there for you alll the time and even when we fight i still give it my all to make sure you're happy! but it feels like you never give anything back. i know you. yyou'll get defensive and say im lying and how its not true and how you care about me and EVERYTHING along those lines yet, you make it so hard for me to believe. yeah, i do give up every time we fight. the friendship seems less and less important to me.and i am not going to change my mind about that. when you're in a bitchy mood, i understand and i tell you im here for you to talk any time when your ready. it just hurts because clearly theres a lack of trust in me, and maybe you have every reason to not trust me.. but whatever. why are we even friends if you dont trust me? i trust you but lately i feel like i shouldnt at all. lately you make me feel like .. i should have given up along time ago? i shouldnt have even started with you. but thanks for the good times, there were more of those than bad. and you taught me a lot, not gonna lie. and you were there for me most times. just not anymore because you have found someone to keep you going. i know, i guess im the old best friend who isnt as important as the new one. im not as important. and if you want to defend that you can, but its not what you say. its how you treat others. and i dont feel like im being treated the way i should.

defend defend defend. you're defensive and when i told you last night i wasnt going to attack you- i didnt. instead, you attacked me. and it didnt end well. you have the most immature way of argueing, and its annoying. and i dont want to have to do it anymore. and thats why this is finally, FINALLY over.

sorry "best friend",
that it never worked out the way it was supposed to.
and i hope you are so much better off without me. well i know you will be. because i treat you like shit, like you said. and just a whole lot of other shit you dont need, thats what i bring to the table. well i apologize for being there for you:$ ill make sure to avoid that in the future?!

1 comment(s) - 07:29 PM - 10/08/2007

Sep 2007
1:48 PM EST

You know what I never realized? Well thats a lie, I have realized it many times, but it hasn't clicked until right this minute. Why am I living, like Im just going to die eventually, and start all over again. I'll have a new family, a new outlook on life, it will be different again! Or, maybe everyone gets one shot and this is it. Maybe reincarnation doesnt exist. Maybe nothing happens for a reason and its up to you to live as long as you can.. what if that is true? Do i honestly just want to waste my life with all the wrong ideas in my head and the wrong people in my life? Sometimes, when I feel sad, I think of the past.. as in past people I've shared something with. I'm scared because i don't know what I am doing to anyone around me. I'm being careless and reckless and I dont mind who gets hurt. i dont want to be like that, but right now im thinking about myself and i honestly dont care. i dont care if i have feelings for more than one person, i dont care if old feelings show up again once in a while., i dont care if i fall out of love as easily as i fell IN love. im gonna get hurt, im gonna fight, im gonna try my best and im gonna fail miserably. either way, im gonna live day after day because thats what needs to be done.
I love my family
-- they are the only ones who i know for a fact will stick by me NO MATTER WHAT and i love them for it. when i say family, that includes my best friend PD(l) no one else compares anymore. No one.

Sep 2007
1:35 AM EST

it's really early in the AM. i had the hardest day yesterday.. okay so first my math teacher basically says that i should be in applied math or something and ? like i am sorry you SUCK at teaching!! maybe he should go back to school and learn how to TEACH oh my god! secondly, i lost one of my best friends.. again.. over a super dumb reason, its always the same stupid reasons its ALWAYS so stupid. but the truth is that i dont want to be friends anymore because its so stressful. i know i always end up missing her and then we become best friends again but seriously i dont think it will happen this time and quite frankly i dont want it to either. i have other people, who actually tell me the truth and treat me the way i deserve to be treated. i love her a ton and i always will just because of everything we've gone through together but i can't keep doing this..? plus in the midst of all this fighting ive made a couple new good friends, which im quite happy about.
well i have school in a little less than an hour but i have to leave in like 20 minutes cause i have to walk there.. lol. im starrrving and today i HOPE will be really good. someone special is giving me a huge hug to cheer me up so i think it will make me feel better. like yesterday i told the guy i like, oh so i dont like waiting around.. ?? and hes like oh im sorry im just not sure i guess? like ahhahaha lmfao okay :|:| you either like me back or you dont. well i guess i can relate to him since im kind of in the same situation, with him and another guy. i dont think it ever stops ever like its ongong drama and everything and yeah i guess, it might be my fault since i have brought it upon myself but maybe i dont want a break from it.. like i obviously do but CLEARLY i dont haha.
and also, the most annoying thing in the world is when someone who you thought was your best friend decides to ditch the idea in a second because she has already replaced you. you can say it allll you want, but you make everything so fucking goddamn obvious so stop lying because im not that stupid. ugh
people should just shuttup like only a couple in particular but FUCK!

Sep 2007
12:10 PM EST

i was miserable this morning. i was GREAT, after lunch. i got miserable when i got home. my grandma died today. lucky me. i am so fucking sad right now, i want to die. wht the hell. hhdsfjhdjfkd PLUS i hate guys.

Sep 2007
2:57 PM EST

No longer will I pursue guys. I will let them do all the chasing, all the hunting or whatever other word that could be used to describe what they do. Not only is it stressful and tiring trying to get the guy - most likely if you are doing all the persueing,they wont want you anyways! I know the guy I would like, but instead of throwing myself at him, i will give him subtle hints that i am very much so interested in him - and if he doesnt take the hints, he is either too dumb to get them or just not interested in me. Either way, I guess its his loss (not to sound cocky, but its so true!) The thing is, im not a player or a slut or anything like that. But I like to keep my options open and Im not too sure if that is good or bad. I dont want to give any wrong impressions or say the wrong things or anything!! I want to make good impressions and say good things, and make him smile and everything. I just dont know how hard it is gonna be to get me to work up the courage to do whatever it is i plan on doing. i dont even know.

Sep 2007
2:32 PM EST

Second day of school, and already I'm so pumped for the rest of the year.. minus the school work. I can not wait until this weekend. Grand Bend with the folks and maybe a little shopping and stuff! And then sometime next week my aunt sally is going to new york and buying me some things so im so incredibly excited about that. my Hollister things should be in soon! At least by Monday or Tuesday :) I really kind of want second semester to come, hahah. Oh, today was great though. I hung out with a whole new group of people (well, ive hung out with them before but this time was different) & i went and gave a hug to the guy i like :$ spontaneously :) and he ended up walking me to class which works out perfect! Honestly, i couldnt be any happier than where i am now. Its great.

Sep 2007
9:12 AM EST

First day back at school. It was great.. not gonna lie. First class, I sit beside michelle but me and calise usually just chatter up! Second class, business, i sit beside my boy dain! ANd mallory. I don't talk to Mallory. But whatever, I'm thinking about changing seats cause our homeroom teacher is fackin awesome. ANyways lunch was sick, got high. LAST DAY i promise! Pretty sure me and some of those kids are not so close anymore it feels like! So maybe I'll switch groups and chill with other people now instead. English class is fackin sick. I sit beside Amanda, and Sam sits in front ofme. Them boys are behind me making jokes, its all good. Math is probably one of the chillest situations; sit beside Spence and Sam H and Brandon sit right in front of me, we gitter done when it comes to the talkin ahhaha. But overall, today was great. i even bumped into Tim and yanno, im pretty sure we might hit it off.. again.. or maybe sam.. again? Im not sure. Alll i know is , this year is gonna be fackin GREAT.

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  • Username: jesssie
  • Gender / Age: Female, 33
  • Location: Canada
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