jesssie's Journal

Mar 2008
7:27 AM EST

Last one

This is probably going to be the last time i write in this thing..everrrrr. Or i hope.

I realized a couple days ago what people are all about. You cant call people your best friends just because they are there some times. You cant call them best friends if you know they talk about you behind your back. Well, I am done with one of my "best friends" & honestly, this year couldnt have been more dramatic, thanks to her. I love hanging out with her, and I love how I have met so many more people thanks to her, but its time to really move on from that. While her telling me little life lessons can sometimes help me out, it discourages me more than anything else. No one is perfect and I'm sure we both have realized that by now; we were so fixated on perfecting this friendship for so long, but nothings perfect. Friends fight. The only problem with this friendship was that we fought over stupid things. And, I dont mean to be the girl who blames it on everyone else, but 95% of the time, the fight was not my fault. It was all her. She has been a hypocrit throughout the entire friendship. She told me a long time ago she thought I was changing when i started to smoke weed & drink. What do you know, she started drinking every weekend and eventually smoked weed as well.. Tells me i shouldnt keep things from her, but she keeps so much from me. Says I shouldnt talk about her, she talks so much about me. Tells me this and that, blah blah blah to the point where its eventually come to me that the entire friendship was a lie. It never seemed real from the beginning, and to be honest it feels like she only became friends with me because of Alex. And now that i have no ties to alex anymore, she could care less about this friggin friendship. And im happy to say that I could care less too.� I also think that while she was telling me to grow up, she was happy she knew all of my passwords to "destroy" my social life.. good one.

Thats basically it.� And i dont care what anyone has to say about that
1 comment(s) - 01:24 PM - 05/11/2008

Feb 2008
7:12 PM MEZ

So here it goess..

1. School - This week is a busy week. I have a fashion project due wednesday, science labs due Friday, and in terms of time I have to myself after school, it's very limited. Tuesday I have to go over to Brenda's to work on our fashion project, mind you it's obviously done the night before (haha). Wednesday i'm going to Mel's. And today i was supposed to go to Kendra's but I don't know if it is gonna happen tonight now? She hasn't called me! I hope I go though. We want to make cake (chocolate with buttercream And anyways I think friday might be my only relaxing day (considering I will be working my ass off Thursday to finish that science homework!!)

2. Friends - It's a busy week for friends! Today, tomorrow, wednesday and this weekend I will be seeing a lot of them. Today- Kendras. Tomorrow- Brendas. Wednesday- Mels. This weekend me and Shea are having a sleepover..we might hang out with some other people too but I dont know yet. Also, i might go with my dad if he ends up going to check out Laurens house! i miss lauren already. Im excited cause Lauren is bringing me back something from Florida! & she promised we would hang out more than once before she leaves (yayy!!) We are basically twins. I also started talking to Alex a little bit again, and Jakob. Alex is acting as if we have always been friends, but I can't forget all the things he has done to be in the past, including the most recent -- spazzing out on me for something so ridiculously stupid & then not talking to me for 2+ months. Although, I am happy to be talking to him again, he was one of my best friends for alot of months. And i didn't realize how much I miss Jakob too, I can't wait to hang out with him soon. It seems like Tiah is acting wierd lately though, i dont know if its just because shes sick or if shes hiding something from me, or shes angry with me! I dont know but its really frustrating because she doesnt seem very happy with me. Shes not mad or anything i hope, she just seems sad and tired of being so sick. I hope she gets better soon.. :(

3. Boys - What can I say really, NOTHING ever happens with boys, seriously. It's boring, even if i think i like's kind of like, whatever? And i know it annoys the hell out of my friends! I am kind of developing a crush on someone but I wont say who. I can't though because my friend likes him and it wouldn't be fair at all. Oh and as for Tim, like honestly he is such a fucking jerk! He lead me on & then admitted to not liking me over a text ! Can you say immature and rude?? Ugh!

4.Family - My stepsister really annoys me sometimes. She bought the same sweater as me and she is just so friggin annoying. Honestly! My dad wants to buy Laurens house which I already said, which would be SO sick! Me and my mom are really close again because neither one of us are on our periods (thank God..we're huuuge bitches). My stepmom is taking me to the doctors on March 5th to get birth control and HPV needles.. great!

Well that's about it I guess.

Feb 2008
3:12 PM EDT

I can't believe how quickly I can change my mind about things.

The guy i was so completely and helplessly head over heels for, doesn't really do that to me anymore. I still like him but honestly, what is it worth? He has made me wait so long and if things are just going to change now, it seems like he never thought I was worth it. He had to check everyone else first to see if they were better than me. And even now? Is he interested? Probably not.

Feb 2008
7:19 PM EST

happpy vs sad

happy because

im close with my best friend

new semester = better

4 months left of school

hard on guitar hero

going to get the pill next week = happier life

sad because

grandma left her boyfriend and has no where to go

menstruation is the fucking devil

guys are just fucked in the head

getting a needle next week as well

theres more for both but its 12:19 AM and i cant think of anything else. plus there is a squeaky noise and its annoying... night.

Jan 2008
2:04 PM EST

It's been a while.

It's been a while since I have had anything interesting to write about.. yet, I still have pretty much nothing.

The holidays are over, and what I have discovered is that I have become a whole new person this year. Someone completely changed from the person I was last year. I have found new friends, friends that I love being around and they make me happier than any friends I have had at my school. There are four of them : Kendra, Caitlin, Amanda and Ellen. At my school, there is hardly anyone who you could call a real friend, but that is my group of friends and they are always there, making me laugh and being there to hear my stories. I'm glad I found them, and I'm glad we're so close.

As for a certain boy, the London one.. I guess I realized that I lost my chance a long time ago, and although I so badly want to hold on to what I thought was there, I know I can't. In the end, if i do, I'm only going to end up hurt. I don't like being hurt, as anyone wouldn't, and right now, especially with exams coming up - my last priority is trying to get the guy. I'm gonna just relax, and let things go the way they were meant to. I'm going to stop trying with guys.. at least for now. I love being single, I love having the freedom to do whatever I please, whenever I please. I can kiss whoever I want to and in my perspective, that's a good thing ( not to sound whore-ish ).

I'm going to be honest now, I really miss Lauren. We aren't as close as we have been in the past, it feels like we're constantly drifting and when I am trying a little bit to hold on, I just know it's not going to happen. Now that I am not friends with her boyfriend, it's even harder- how am I supposed to know what he is saying to her? Like, I mean it's not like he has so much to say about me, and like he would waste his time talking to her about me.. but i'm just saying. I don't know. All i do know, is that I miss being able to call her one of my best friends and meaning it. I don't feel like I can actually do that right now. Or lately.

And, another thing I'm really happy about, is how good me and Tiah are. I think I'm starting to notice that we're the type of friends who have completely different ways of dealing with things. But Im considering how she deals with things, and she's learning how I deal, and in the long run I think that our friendship is going to be just fine. I honestly really hope it does because she's one of a kind. I love her so much and I really miss her. I do.

And, last but not least. The one boy who has stayed in the back of my head for God knows how long, I won't mention his name but we all know who he is.. I keep going back and fourth between if I have feelings for him or not. In the end I know I do, but honestly... i wish i didnt. He's too confusing, too hard to deal with, too MUCH for me. But I like having more than I can handle. He's more than I can handle and I find it attractive. I guess I am a little weird with these kinds of things.

I don't mind.

Dec 2007
3:15 PM EST

jamie lynn spears

so jamie lynn spears is pregnant.. no surprise if you look at what her sister has done. but i still picture her as the 13 year old who plays on zoey 101 or the 10 year old on all that! but shes already 16. still, a teenage celebrity getting pregnant is really out there, it never happens!

oh well its pretty cool i guess
4 comment(s) - 05:58 PM - 01/16/2008

Dec 2007
10:39 AM EST

    k tiah, i know this fight was among the worst we've ever gotten to. and i know everytime we get into these fights we argue and we dont talk for a couple days, we say a shitload of things out of spite and anger, and then we decide we need to be friends again, and it just happens over and over. well i said a ton of things and i really did mean them at the time, andi still think you're a bitch, but you know you are..not all the time but when you want to be, youre kickass thats for sure... but i cant stand fighting with you because it has a knot in my stomach all fucking hours that we're fighting. all day long i just think about how i lose my best friend over. im not saying i want to be best friends forever or anything ( well i do but its just not going to work out that way for us)..but i just cant fight with you any more because its exhausting and it just makes me feel like shit and i cant concentrate on anything else. not only that.. but it makes me feel worse after i read what you think about me, and think that you actually mean every word of it, when just a few days ago we were best friends and nothing could tear us apart..but now im all of these things, and to be honest i dont know why im all of these things to you! i dont understand the whore thing or anything or how i backstabbed you :( But trust me i dont try to be/do them on purpose and i wish you could understand that. and maybe you do; actually i think you understand that, but you dont care because i seem to hurt you anyways but i dont ever ever ever do it on purpose!!! but really.. it doesnt matter whether i do it intentionally or not, it just happens that i hurt you and you dont like being hurt. but the thing is!! you hurt me too! more than you think or know! but i dont backstab you like you think i do and i dont tell everyone your secrets (except for one that just lauren had to know) and maybe lauren needed to know this too, but if i honestly thought it was that big of a deal, i would have told her myself.. its nice that you could help me out a long the way but it wasnt neccessary.its not like i was keeping it a secret from her because i thgouht alex did something wrong, or that I did something bad.neither of us did, but the way that it was told to both of them, now it seems like i kept this all a secret because i was making it all up orsomething and it makes me look so bad. no one believes a word i say, although everything i told you and lauren and nany one else it was all true.i just didnt think it was big enough to make into this gigantic deal, and i guess im happy that its out in the open, but i forgot about that night to be honest. and im sure alex did too. but whatever thats not the point, the point is that i cant keep fighting with you because it gnaws at me all day! so im not saying we have to be friends, i jus want to end this little war we have going on and i dont want other friends involved. and it might not feel like a little war to you but it feels like a WAR to me! and like im not trying to accuseyou of anything i just cant fight with someone who i care about so much because it makes me feel brutal and seriously, if you care as much as i do you might know what im talking about. like i care about you so much and i hate whenyou areupset and it makes me upset to see you sad.. it actually does. and when you give me advice and help me out with the problems im having, it helps a lot and im really happyyou havebeen with me for breaking up with alex and breaking up with ben and all the other stuff in between and im sorry for bringing up both of them. you have beena huge help but to be honest i think i just needyou a lot more thanyou needs me anymore, and its not fair toyou to have to be there for me all the time and i cant be there for you because you either wont let me or dont want me to be..or i just cant do anything about you. becauseyoudont need anyone because you're all independent and im dependent, becausei cant figure things out on my own because i need other peoples opinions on things and its just my nature and i swear im not making up an excuse but i fit my astrological sign completely and libras just are like that! I NEED opinions because im indescisive and we were doing so well and now things have fallen apart, and niether one of us are motivated to put things back together yet ANOTHER time. I dont know where we stand, and a part of me doesnt even want to find out, but the other part of me and does. i dont know what to do about anything and if this was with any other person i would be asking for help to what to do. but i dont have any other person to talk about this with.. not someone who understands what we do. so what now?

Dec 2007
4:23 PM EST

this is the way I see it, good friends offer to help in a crisis, great friends don't take no for an answer.

Like any other kind of love, friendship can be lost in our lives due to neglect, anger, or sometimes, simply circumstances. However it is lost, we often lose a part of ourselves that can never quite be recovered

Dec 2007
2:20 PM EST

plain and simple, i do not ever want to talk to you again. you were a friend while i needed one, but i do not need you anymore. not if its going to be this fucking hard. not if you are going to tell my secrets after i trusted you not to. not after all of this. i seriously, really wanted to be friends with you for a really long time. but you cause too much fucking drama for me. it is not my problem that you feel so strongly towards ben, seriously tiah grow up. he has fucked up a ton of times. so have you. so have i. everyone fucks up, deal with it. if i have ever hurt you, which i apparantly have on many occasions, it was NEVER on purpose and you do not understand that. you make it seem like i am out to get you! I am not out to make your life fucking hell tiah. whatever, drop it because we cant be friends. i have given up for good, and i really hope you have too. you make things way too hard, ya you. i tried my fucking best and its just not good enough. it never is.

have a good life. i know i will

Dec 2007
4:55 PM EST

if i honestly stopped caring about you, you wouldnt love me anymore and you wouldnt hate me either. for me to not care makes everything meaningless. things happen for something else to happen. the fact that i am even upset about the way you are acting towards me just goes to show that i care about our friendship enough to give two shits about it. but, you are indifferent about everything. therefore, i cant hate you or love you as much as you could hate me or love me. im not indifferent to anything you do, but you are indifferent to me. im tired of saying things, and you not caring at all. you dont want to care about anyone or anything because you are so scared of getting hurt, but you need to get hurt in order to know the difference between pain and joy. thats how life works, and you deal with things. i wish i didnt care about anything like you, although i know deep inside you care. you just dont show it, ever. and maybe you should start showing it because i love when my friends show me how they feel. you stopped doing that after a while, and now it is almost impossible for me to tell anything. a years' friendship in six days.. and we're fighting, again. i want to stop doing this! i need to stop, i dont take you for granted- but it seems like you take me for granted. it seems like i could give you the world and you would say 'oh thanks' and that would be the end. you would say thanks, but i dont even know if you would mean it. i dont know if you mean anything, i dont trust you like i used to a long time ago and its really hard to keep this friendship. but i really want to because we have a ton of fun together. but to be honest, it seems like you ditch the idea of being a friend as soon as something bad happens. we both wanted to try so hard to not fight as much, but you get mad at me for EVERYTHING. you've let something slide once, and i dont even know what that SOMETHING was, becuase you dont tell me what i do wrong. you just get mad. its so hard to deal with.

i honestly wish you understood, but everytime i try to tell you how i feel about the way you treat me, you just deny that you act that way. what am i supposed to do?? i dont know, i just dont want to give up cause i know you'd get mad at me for that too. not only that, but i think theres something in you that no one else has and i cant lose your friendship.. it means way too much to me.

i want to get through all this but you have to try as hard as i am, otherwise its going to go no where. im starting to listen to your advice and its doing me good, like not talking to ben. but i need a friend who not only gives me advice but is actually THERE for me like a best friend should be. you ARE my best friend but sometimes this just gets too much. you're too much for me you are just too good.

Dec 2007
1:43 PM EST

Dec 2007
1:04 PM EST


(yesterday: luke called me at like 1030 just asking if i could hang out this weekend, and that he got kicked out for blazin. poor guy!)
TODAY:Today was horrible to say the least, until after school of course. I stayed with Caitlin and Kendra at the seniors basketball game against joes, haha we were losing i think but i dont remember. i was too busy trying to figure out plans for tomorrow. Anyways, Tim has been pissing me off all day, and so has sam. But Sam was like "you know im just kidding wheni say all that stuff, it would be really mean if i meant it" but the thing is, when he says somuch shit like that i start to believe that maybe he really WANTS the stuff he says, to happen. Well,whatever. I also decided that Im not talking to Ben much anymore because hes a dickface and im tired of his little dramatic problems.

TOMORROW:Tomorrow is SEMI FORMAL! Im stoked. I am so confused what is going on though, I think Im just gonna end up going to Kendras to get ready cause she has to curl my hair. I dont know, but its gonna be a booooomb night .. oh yea, i said BOMB. lmao

THIS WEEKEND: im up north all weekend, its gonna be lousy or quite decent but i hope i get some CASH lmaaao, im a greedy kid wow!

Dec 2007
2:49 PM EST


today was so good, even though nothing unusual happened. last night i dyed my hair, its pretty much black again, but anyways, i got a lot of compliments on it! this morning i was in a horrible mood because *cough* calise *cough* was being pretty bitchy to me, and like ^o) i hate that. i gave her 5$ (my lunch money) so she could go get booze for her semi formal, she promised to pay me back and she hasnt yet. ANYWAYS whatever.

so i got to business class and kendras just so happy because her and andrew are all good again (: it was soo good to see her that happy haha!! that set the tone for the rest of my day, thats for sure.

Lunch was pretty much incredible, lmao. me and kendra and caitlin were all in the best moods ever, and then amanda came and made me laugh my ass off even more. she even convinced me to change my mind and go to semi! kendras curling my hair before semi hah too, and i dont know what dress im gonna wear but caitlin said i could borrow hers from last year --- i hope its pretty :) haha! um, oh so anyways on wendesday im going to amandas and we wanted to research witchs and wicca and stuff, and then we want to cast a hex on someone haha just kidding!

anyways today was overall really great, and to top it off a wonderful walk home with tim and petey! tim was smiling so much and hes so cute haha :)

okay im done:$ OH and spencer wasnt even here today(N)

Dec 2007
9:54 AM EST

this weekend was absolutely awful. but at the same time it feels like i needed a SLACK weekend. i mean, most weekends i end up doing very little, but i mean sometimes its good to just not do ONE THING. i listened to music, chilled at home and texted people who were out having fun. or doing something, or whatever.

Christmas is soo soon and so is the date where my cousin comes down :) im so excited because hes bringing good weed, well hes gonna try to. it is going to be fucking joookes.

Last night i was looknig through pictures, and i found pictures of my nana, and i had a breakdown and it was awful. i had to talk to my dad and then i went on msn from my phone and tried to talk to alex kutas but my phone was being fucking GAY so it shut off and i REALLY needed someone to tlak to. i tried texting ben and he never nanswered and i think its because of that stupid girl who told him hs not allowed to text girls.:$ okay?? and i tried to text tiah but she didnt answer either, i was going fuckin nuttso. anyways i put a pic of my nana on my bedside table, and on the other table i put a picture of my still alive grampa.

last night i had a dream about my grandma and it was frustrating. she was sick, and so was my grandpa but my grandma was more sick. and my uncle todd asked everyone if they wanted to have a smoke. and me, i just thought it was the end of the world when he said that becasue MY GRANDMA was SICK! why was he even CONSIDERING smoking in front of her?? and so i said 'what the fuck do you think you're doing!! shes sick! your killing her!" i said that to the entire family adn then i just left and started crying.

i really miss her so much like i think about her every day and i talk to her every night and i want so bad for her to come back in my life, i just want to see her again:(:(

Dec 2007
12:46 PM EST

So today was a really good day! I was in a good mood from the second I woke up this morning. At lunch, we had a little riot in the gym because Mr.Periera was letting a dog lick peanut butter off his face ... how gross. But the good part about it was how I couldn't see. Tim offered to give me a piggy back so I could see better :) he's sweet.

I told someone that I missed thema lot, today. Someone who I would have never thought to miss because the mere thought of him makes me cringe just because he has screwed up so many times. But ,honestly every person is human so I can't be harsh. But I think that he's learning to bea better person.

Life's good except, tonight sucks and I am seriously bored outo f my mind. I kind of want to sleep.

I'll write later.


Dec 2007
4:40 PM EST

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference." - Serenity Prayer, Reinhold Niebuhr

thats powerful.. anyways.

my mom decided that maybe i should go to the doctors because i havent been myself lately. like actually, so depressed and i feel like killing everyone around me, im not going to obviously and i could never bringmyself to do that just in case someone thinks i literally want to. everyones just annoying the fucking shit out of me and ughhh my god, im soo tired of EVERYONE where i live, and even where i dont live.

i want to spend time with my family, not the one i see everyday but the distant one.

anyways yesterday i said i cant keep helping ben out and shit but ive changed my mind. i just i have to try, because ima good friend and i know i am, and hes one of my best friends and he made me a promise and i have to keep it and if it means he will stop the thing hes doing. i miss himso much, not like as a boyfriend but just as a friend and im so happy that we're talking but i KNOW theres drama involved, but i guess ill deal with it. i just dont want to lose my BEST BEST friend over it and if thats what it means

fuck i dont even know what to write but i dont want to be judged i seriously just want to bawl my fucking eyes out. im sooooo tireeeeed:(:(:(:( and bitchy and SAD and depressed and i dont want to be like this. and math is getting to me SO Much. and the person i thought i really liked turned out to be a boring peice of shit which, i guess helped out my decision making but NOOOT so much because the other guy.. as nice as hecan be, turned out to bekind of a bitch to me. and then the guy that has always been mean tome, well i know he does it just because he can and i can never win, and somehow i find it attractive and so i dont know anymore about any goddamn thing. i want to crawl into a fucking hole and sleep forever.

im exhausted and my mom thinks i need to take vitamins and drink more water because i have like iron deficincy or something and thats why i have bruises showing up in random places, and its why i cant concentrate on anything except for the way i feel which is sick and demotivated and miserable and depressed. and in my math test today the only thing i could think about was how dizzy i felt and tired i felt, and how freakin hot it was in the room oh, and how i am EVER going to pass this class and i started to think about the exam!! the exam omg, and i KNOW i will fail it. and im trying so freakin hard to do good and i try hard hard hard, and it results in me being discouraged and cryingand having little fits.

plus the teacher i thought id have no problems with because im so nice to him and i fucking help him out all the time, well now he has decided to be a compelte asswipe and he should go to hell

FUCK SCHOOL i am SOO stressed


i need a friend with me so i can just CRYYYY my eyes out


Dec 2007
3:50 PM EST

i care about you deeply, and i dont want to see you hurt. but you're hurting, and i want to do everything i can to stop you from that. but i cant, and i know i cant. we both know i cant do anything about the way you feel. you really need to calm down and take a look at yourself and your life. you have a thousand people who would have dropped everything for you, but because you treat most of them like shit half the time, i dont think they care about you as much as they could. and i really wish you would see that you have done it to yourself, but you dont see it and i cant make you see it either. i want to help you ben, but i cant do it. i cant keep letting myself get involved with you, ive been told a million times by someone i trust more than the world that i just cant deal with you anymore. i take everything she says for granted, I KNOW shes just looking out for me and its because shes my best friend she does what she does, but i know its whats good for me. just know that i want to help you - i just cant though. you;ll figure it out on your own, ill always be here for sure, but just not about your girl problems or anything like tht because its too hard.

you you you you you.. seriously lmfao, ups and downs but we have managed for almost a complete year! we're amazing :) ive never fought with a best friend so much to be honest with you except for hanna haha but thats okay, its worth all the good times by far. i dont know if you know this but i appreciate everything you do for me, even when you get mad at me. you must hate me often because i screw up so much and i know i piss you off to the 'bone'( i donno ) but i try really hard not to, i guess its just what i am like? our personalities dont clash, but they are often getting irritated with the other, and its frustrating but i know your intentions and you know mine for the most part, and it makes it work! i love you!

Dec 2007
2:12 PM EST

oh and continued..

oh and there are so many assignments,i hate the end of semesters.

it sucks so bad.


Dec 2007
1:56 PM EST


I try so freakin hard to make everyone happy, but you know what? You CAN'T please everyone, and I learn that everyday, over and over! It seems like everytime I turn around, something else has gone wrong. My best friends who were all happy yesterday are not that way anymore. In fact, two of them are angry with me and I'm not even sure why. I'm really tired of getting attacked for doing things I'm not even aware of doing -- like, I can't fix ANYTHING if i don't know what I'm fixing! I wish people would come right out and say what i did wrong, instead of just assuming I did this and that I know what it was. I have no idea. this goes for a ton of people.

and yeah, yesterday everything was fucking fine and dandy, and now im being somewaht chirped because of some drunken words, lol sserrrrriously. im soooo tired of this im TIRED of fucking 14-16 year olds thinking they are the motherfucking SHIT. even myself! im not better than anyone and no one is better than me, but we all walk around acting that way.

and im sick of all of it! honestly i just wanna hang out with lauren, no one else. because she doesnt fucking get mad at me about the stupidest things, i feel like i dont have to try to impress her! she always makes me laugh and shes one of the only people who dont spazz out at me. she actually comes to me first and im not saying this directly to anyone like, at all. but its her birthday today and im so upset that i live in st thomas, i cant even spend some time with my friend on her birthday! or even see her! it sucks somuch.

and i have been so proud of me and tiah our friendship has been really good lately.. but yet i constantly find ways to somewhat fuck it up all over again?? i dont know what i did but i can not stand her getting mad at me anymore and i just want to do everything RIGHT from now on! and it sucks when i have a best friend who is pretty close with an ex of mine, but when my ex and i still talk and we're still really close.. like to be honest i dont trust him at all and i CANT trust him. but he trusts me , and maybe he cant but i havent said a word to anyone about anything , so i dont know why hes so scared or whatever. i wish he could just stop though and understand that his secrets are safe with me-- which isnt the case with my secrets to him^o)!

okay well whatever.

Dec 2007
2:14 PM EST

Life is good right now --
my best friends are all happy, lauren tiah and parys are all happy and its so great. and im talking to alex more again, and ben too!! and i got to hang out with people a lot this weekend and this week. like for example i gotto hang out with tim and spencer on tuesday, and i walked home with spencer on friday and it was cool cause he walked me right to my door. and then on saturday night me and ellen went to chris's party and i was kind of drunk.. ;) and high too haha but it was kind of scary, but i got to talk to sam quite a bit and i missed talking to sam tobe honest!!

it was just so good.

i love my best friends sooo much, life is soo great (except for school OF COURSE!)


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  • Username: jesssie
  • Gender / Age: Female, 33
  • Location: Canada
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