jesssie's Journal

Nov 2007
2:39 PM EST

I was so excited to be with you.. wish you understoo that, honestly. I had something to look forward to on the weekends.. and now its just like a normal weekend. Everything happens so quickly -- one minute, we're on your couch telling eachother how much we love eachother and the next minute, im sitting alone crying because you hurt me.& you promised me you never would! you said you'd never hurt me. well why dont you just put a load of bullshit on a plate, and serve it to me! why dont you just do that? oh well you basically already did. you fucking idiot, not you. ME, im the fucking idiot. Im so easily gullible, i believe everything that comes out of his mouth because i trust him. because he was my best friend before he was a boyfriend. he was there for me all the time, he was there for me when my other boyfriend broke my heart. i dont get into relationships unless i think they are worthy. i thought you were worthy. i thoughtttttttt you were worth it. i really did. butnow im alone and im crying and im wishing it could have worked but it didnt. and you blame it on me because you know i will take the blame. cause im nice! im anice girl who doesnt like to get hurt but you hurt me anyways and you make it hurt so bad too. but why? because what did i ever do to you but CARE enough to care at all?? i loved you. i really did because i loved you enough to be comfortable with you and be happy and talk to you on the phone for hours and waste cell phone minutes because it meant i got to hear you speak. obsessive i know it sounds tht way.. im not obsessed. im just hurt. i wish i could have hurrt you instead but at the same time i dont, becuase i love you enough to hope that you would NEVER feel this way. i tried, and id keep trying if you let me but you hardly gave us a chance.. thanks.

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  • Username: jesssie
  • Gender / Age: Female, 33
  • Location: Canada
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