jesssie's Journal

Sep 2007
1:35 AM EST

it's really early in the AM. i had the hardest day yesterday.. okay so first my math teacher basically says that i should be in applied math or something and ? like i am sorry you SUCK at teaching!! maybe he should go back to school and learn how to TEACH oh my god! secondly, i lost one of my best friends.. again.. over a super dumb reason, its always the same stupid reasons its ALWAYS so stupid. but the truth is that i dont want to be friends anymore because its so stressful. i know i always end up missing her and then we become best friends again but seriously i dont think it will happen this time and quite frankly i dont want it to either. i have other people, who actually tell me the truth and treat me the way i deserve to be treated. i love her a ton and i always will just because of everything we've gone through together but i can't keep doing this..? plus in the midst of all this fighting ive made a couple new good friends, which im quite happy about.
well i have school in a little less than an hour but i have to leave in like 20 minutes cause i have to walk there.. lol. im starrrving and today i HOPE will be really good. someone special is giving me a huge hug to cheer me up so i think it will make me feel better. like yesterday i told the guy i like, oh so i dont like waiting around.. ?? and hes like oh im sorry im just not sure i guess? like ahhahaha lmfao okay :|:| you either like me back or you dont. well i guess i can relate to him since im kind of in the same situation, with him and another guy. i dont think it ever stops ever like its ongong drama and everything and yeah i guess, it might be my fault since i have brought it upon myself but maybe i dont want a break from it.. like i obviously do but CLEARLY i dont haha.
and also, the most annoying thing in the world is when someone who you thought was your best friend decides to ditch the idea in a second because she has already replaced you. you can say it allll you want, but you make everything so fucking goddamn obvious so stop lying because im not that stupid. ugh
people should just shuttup like only a couple in particular but FUCK!

jesssie's Profile

  • Username: jesssie
  • Gender / Age: Female, 33
  • Location: Canada
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