jesssie's Journal

Nov 2007
10:40 AM EST

What really bothers me the most, is that you aren't even a part of my life at all anymore, yet I still think about you everyday and I still care enough about you to wonder how you are. Yet you can't take two seconds out of your 'oh so busy' fucking schedule to say hi once and a while. You're the one who wanted to stay friends.. well you have an incredibly lousy way of showing that you want to be my friend still. I didn't do anything to you at all except geta little upset -- but I had every right to be mad at you. You are unfair. You treat me like shit in my books, and I don't want people like that in my life. But you know you're different and you know you're an exception, and you definately use that to your advantage, and I wish that you would stop using it to your advantage because it makes me look like a fool. I am the only person who ever made an effort with us. And if you ever made an effort, I don't think it was enough for me. I don't even think you were enough for me. But still I wish things didn't end, and its been a while now but I still feel like I need you a little bit. Because you knew what to do when I didn't. And you're the guy who knows me better than any of the guys I hang out with at school.. or anywhere else. But you'll always be there even when you aren't I guess.

I don't understand how ONE person can change your entire life.. when there are more than six billion other people to meet in the world. But one makes all the difference.
You weren't exactly that person but sometimes I wish you could have been.

jesssie's Profile

  • Username: jesssie
  • Gender / Age: Female, 33
  • Location: Canada
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