jesssie's Journal

Nov 2007
11:09 AM EST

im basically overwhelmed with school. its really hard to find a balance between everything. friends, family, school, and now i want a job? or.. no. i want money-but in order for that i need a job. because my parents are sick of paying for me. i really REALLY need a job.
but tonight i have a ton of homework that im procrastinating, because i dont want to do it because there is too much. too mucccccch of everything all the time! theres NOT enough time for me to do everything and i mean its not the end of the world if i dont finish some lousy homework.. but it would be really great if i did :$ and i just want money :(:( honestly i just want to go shopping and im so angry. at everything.

jesssie's Profile

  • Username: jesssie
  • Gender / Age: Female, 33
  • Location: Canada
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