jesssie's Journal

Sep 2007
9:12 AM EST

First day back at school. It was great.. not gonna lie. First class, I sit beside michelle but me and calise usually just chatter up! Second class, business, i sit beside my boy dain! ANd mallory. I don't talk to Mallory. But whatever, I'm thinking about changing seats cause our homeroom teacher is fackin awesome. ANyways lunch was sick, got high. LAST DAY i promise! Pretty sure me and some of those kids are not so close anymore it feels like! So maybe I'll switch groups and chill with other people now instead. English class is fackin sick. I sit beside Amanda, and Sam sits in front ofme. Them boys are behind me making jokes, its all good. Math is probably one of the chillest situations; sit beside Spence and Sam H and Brandon sit right in front of me, we gitter done when it comes to the talkin ahhaha. But overall, today was great. i even bumped into Tim and yanno, im pretty sure we might hit it off.. again.. or maybe sam.. again? Im not sure. Alll i know is , this year is gonna be fackin GREAT.

jesssie's Profile

  • Username: jesssie
  • Gender / Age: Female, 33
  • Location: Canada
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