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    Br0kinHeart12  34, Female, Ohio, USA - 2 entries
Nov 2007
8:45 PM EDT

Have you ever felt like your world is spinning out of control? Like you can't control your life anymore? That is exactly how I feel. There is something wrong with me latley. I can't sleep at all. I will lay in my ben all night crying for no reason at all. Everytime I do end up sleeping, I have the worst dream ever. It's like I am afraid to sleep anymore because I don't know what's going to happen in my dream. I hate it. I feel like I can't take much of this anymore, like one day I am going to fully lose control and everything is going to be gone. Who knows what I might do that day? I feel like a fucking crazy person! I hate this shit so much. I think that I really really need professional help ....
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    zap  64, Female, Maine, USA - 2 entries
Nov 2007
8:24 PM EDT

Yes indeed I do pretend to be serval things, it just depends on the job.. for most women, Our resumes go on forever. I put my mask on and take it off only with trust, and love. At times I wish I was 6yrs old, time never mattered, and belived in Santa.Pretending was such a adventure. Then I grew up.
1 comment(s) - 02:09 PM - 12/09/2007
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    iluvdogs741  28, Female, Pennsylvania, USA - First entry!
Nov 2007
2:56 PM EDT

My Best Friend In The Whole World

Courtney Marie Moore-that is her name. She loves cats,the show Hannah Montana (i love that show too!)and mst of all me!! lol I love her to death like a sis!!
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    heatherrenee46992  39, Female, Indiana, USA - 4 entries
Nov 2007
7:54 AM EDT


I am enjoying my last day off. 3rd day. I guess I'm trying to enjoy it. I've been pretty sick lately. Couldn't have worked out better though because I did have those days off. I'm getting me and my son ready to go to the grocery store to pick up ingredients for Chili. It's freezing outside, might as well enjoy a big pot of chili! Well i'm off, i'll probably get on later and type another entry.


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    numbers  29, Male, Australia - First entry!
Nov 2007
8:17 PM EDT

Girl Living Her Life. . .

hey all you bloggers, it's me Girl living her life, here's a big shick i finally got my blog working. Keep reading about a life of a 12 year old gypsy...
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    stabri  59, Female, Wisconsin, USA - 3 entries
Nov 2007
7:35 PM CST

know when to fold em

This is day 4 and it is hell. I have made the decision to go into a detox center for however long it takes to get this poison out of me. It is way too painful to do cold turkey. I am not sure what they will give me to help, but it has to be better than this. My whole body is in trauma, needing the drug that it is so used to. I am exhausted, yet can't sleep; starving, but can't eat; wanting more than anything to think of something other than the drug that got me here, but that is all that I can see. This is evil personified. I have absolutely no control right now. I just want to be normal, happy, alive. I want to enjoy a sunny day, want to take walks with my husband, want to read a book again. I cannot do anything because I am always consumed with either getting drugs or I am nodding out because I am high. I hate it. I hate the places I find myself in, the people I find myself dealing with just to feed the animal. I am not that person. I am better than that, have more to offer than that. I go in tomorrow. Scared, but ready to start my life. If anybody reads this, please keep me in your prayers. I'll be back.
3 comment(s) - 12:48 PM - 12/02/2007
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    EvilChibi  36, Male, Iowa, USA - First entry!
Nov 2007
9:27 AM EDT

My First Day Here

I was told by one of my friends that this was a very place to go to let off some steam after a long day of work or school. I created my character, did some shopping and even organized my first house. My cousin has a gaia account and while I was visiting her it occured to me that just maybe this would be a good idea.
Well I can say with great pride that this was a very good idea! I love this place! When you do something good you get candy or gold and I love that! So If someone out there happens to read this and thinks me amusing enough to talk to at length then feel free to message and we can go from there.

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    testing01  42, Male, India - 6 entries
Nov 2007
8:44 PM I

hello Friends Call me on +91-9970813676 if want to make friendship
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    liailian  31, Female, China - 15 entries
Nov 2007
9:43 PM HAY


who knows
simon's rock???
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    ckf14m  49, Female, Texas, USA - First entry!
Nov 2007
7:18 PM EDT

Equally yoke

After the sermon today I question my relationship with my boyfriend of nine years. What is it that we have in common. I don't even think that there is a committment on my part any more, because I look at the relationship that my friends have with their husbands and I don't have that with him, because I won't lie to people and stay this is my husband. It is what it is. I am ready to go to the next level with someone so I can feel whole.
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