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    Chello  46, Male, Virginia, USA - 3 entries
Aug 2007
6:38 PM EDT

We all have our weakness (some we hide better than others) and we all have our strengths (some we flaunt better than others).� My goal in life is to exploit all my strengths to the best of my abilities to make a positive difference during my visit.

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    rubierachel  29, Female, Utah, USA - 4 entries
Aug 2007
11:46 AM MDT

well, it's oficall, (my spelling stinks lol) my bff is moving...*sob* i cna't beliee ur moving to highland JJ! i just can't! who is gonna ride biks with me to artic circle? who's gonna tease me at church? who's gonna gonna be al the way in highland? :*(
i dont want u to move JJ!!!! ur the only real bff iv'e ever had! u get along with my wacky family soo well! i mena becasue of ur mom, ur brother (D) is now in laiten...:( and he looked soo cute in his kilt! :*( i just can't believe ur going away! i always thought it would be me moving away from my friends, not my friends moving away from me! i just can't picture u moving away! and some one living in ur house. :***(
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    maskbeforeme  43, Female, Arkansas, USA - First entry!
Aug 2007
7:04 PM EDT

well... it is late, tired, long day. I have a lot of experiences and emotions built up. while checking some things out I found this place. FINALLY, a place where I can say what I want and what I feel and no one really knows who I am!
I dont people I know about my personal life, even though I have already let a lot out there. my soon to be ex husband has had affairs and just talking about them with people you know makes it very uncomfortable!
after 7 years of marrige this happens, Im still pissed. I forgave but can not forget. the things I have went through the last year with him, my daughter and many guy and friend experiences are enough to knock anyone on their feet. but instead, I have to hold it together. be a single mom and work full time. show my daghter the amount of love I have for her, and want somewhat of a love life.
sometimes when I see me ex remember the love we shared and it feels like we are back in that moment. then I pass the place where he had an affair. or I see a baby boy that looks lke the age of his kid that he had in one of the affairs and all these hurt feeling resurface. on one hand he is an amazing, caring guy who was so in love with me and then there is the other hand... if he still loves me so much how can I even consider getting back with him? if he was SO in love with me and worshipped me like he did before and did what he did and I had no idea then how can I make a marriage work? UGH! aggravation!!! I feel like a failure some days. a faliure as a wife, a mom and a person. so much to say...
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    abrown155  36, Female, Texas, USA - 2 entries
Aug 2007
2:28 PM CDT

I expect from others, is everything. I expect people to show me respect- love-courage-fun-passion. Everything. I guess that is why I get so disappointed all the time. I give everything I have to give, and I get nothing or little back from other.
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    misskrissy85  39, Female, New Hampshire, USA - 6 entries
Aug 2007
5:55 AM EDT

every one has had something come from it.
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    Pushing0the0Throttle  33, Female, Connecticut, USA - 2 entries
Aug 2007
6:41 PM EDT

so yesterday i was out shopping. which really sucked cause its not my thing but it's for clothes so i needed to go. any way so i'm at the store and some 32- 37 year old woman with short hair highlighted and spiked ( nice cut) started talking to me. now it you have ever been to PTown Cape Cod MA then you know what this women really looked like. i know that is stereo typing but that is the only way i know to describe her. now getting to my point she started to flirt with me and then hit on me and so like the idiot i am i go and kindly flirt with her. so now i am 24 hours later even more creeped than i was before. what is stranger is that it was enjoyable to be flirting with her even though she even said that she was from out of state i still dont know. ok bed for me and early rise i have and must concur.
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    aerohottie2525  41, Female, Virginia, USA - First entry!
Aug 2007
4:21 PM EDT

Omg today was okay. I made the migits team i know that sounds wierd and everything but idc. I have my first practice tommrow at 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. yea me !!! i have so got to go i am way to freaking excited. peace out

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    amberfly  49, Male, Iowa, USA - First entry!
Aug 2007
1:16 AM EDT

Hello all.

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    AngelStar  37, Female, California, USA - 3 entries
Aug 2007
12:33 AM EDT

Dear Journal, i'm like really thinking i talked to my dad today and he seem kind of weird. most of time hes not like that but he seem out of it.
1 comment(s) - 09:24 PM - 08/17/2007
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    gemini232006  36, Male, Texas, USA - First entry!
Aug 2007
10:15 PM EDT

Sitting in the USO in Philedelphia, PA waiting for my flight at 01:57 a.m. is quite boring when my flight doesnt leave until 06:45 a.m. I cannot believe that the airlines dont open until 04:30 a.m., it's so rediculous, it's an international airport and they are closed. HAH what is this world coming to. 6 days leave will be great. I cant wait to see Josh and Emilee and the kids. And of course My Parents. I really feel like I need a full body massage right now. So damn sore from the training we've been doing the last few months. Its almost as if we never get enough sleep or rest to help our bodies recover from the strain. Iraq will definitely be a new experience and a hard one too. I never imagined myself here especially at my age. Everyone thinks I look 12 because of how short and tiny I am. lets thank grandma for that, at 4ft8 she seems to be shrinking a few inches a year. Theres that joke again on how shes gonna disappear soon. And she thinks shes fat, I had to laugh when the doctor said she had not an ounce of body fat on her and that why herdiabetes wasout of wack..My fellow soldiersare interesting and by far are going to be a goodfamily for the next year or so. Its kinda strange how such a mixture can bond so well. Whats funny is that I'm in the Philly airport but have never actually been to Philedelphia before. Seems to be happening to me more than I relaize. I get to say I was in this such city or that one because I flew to the airport and so on. My nephew tried to pronounce my name a few day ago, it was garbly but cute. I cant wait til he calls me on the phone on accident. My brother has his hands full, its amazing what kids can do to you. He's so happy and content. Now I guess It's my turn to find something that makes me feel happy and content. Doesnt even have to be happy...just content. I guess I'll continue to explore my options for my future. I still would like to try and go JAG but I dont care about the rank. and the reserves will try and make a specialist out of me yet. It wasnt the rank that I went into the military for, it was the fact that I could make a difference and help people. Well I guess I'll continue that stream of thought another day, I'm gonna try to catch some shuteye before havig to fly almost 5 hrs to Salt Lake. End 02:15 a.m.
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