nonistormgirl101's Journal

Jun 2008
2:48 PM EDT

Dear journal Today is my second day typing in you. I am sooooo happy I am graduating 5th grade. I have a new crush his name is Shalleem he is sooo sweet. Not that cute but he likes romance and all the things I like. We sit next to each other in class. Uh-oh its dinner time and some one broke something in the living room. I hope I dont get blamed for it. Well bye
Tags: journal, today

Feb 2008
3:31 PM EDT

About me and my first entry

Dear journal,

Today is my first day writing in you,well typing in you. I am 10 years old and I am totally cool. I hate black and brown. Any way I am totally bored because I am here by myself and my twin sisis at school in detention and my lil sis is sleeping. So your all I have. I wanna say this Malieke is so sexy. Hes a boy at my school that I like and he totally digs me I wish that I was his gf. Oh my sis is home. I feel like just smacking her in the face she painted on the wall. I am out.

Love , Noni xoxoxo

nonistormgirl101's Profile

  • Username: nonistormgirl101
  • Gender / Age: Female, 28
  • Location: USA - New York