smb's Journal

Sep 2008
12:48 PM MST


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!� Another year,� THANK YOU GOD, for this year.� I can't believe I have� lived 3 years longer than my first husband.� He died when he was 30.� Sometimes I miss him so much still, which is wierd becaues I am remarried.�

Cory is gone, out of town working,,, weeks of no husband SUCKS!� So, thankfully I have a great mom, who lives close enough to surprise me.,, She brought me starbucks, flowers and donuts to my at work, and then took us out to supper,,,and even brought a lil' carrot cake to supper.� I love my mommy!�


smb's Profile

  • Username: smb
  • Gender / Age: Female, 50
  • Location: USA - Wyoming