luckygurl15's Journal

Oct 2006
5:47 PM EDT

Im new in public journaling and im hoping that it will find people to help me with my everyday life my mom for instance. she is always freaking about her weight and then trys to put it on us, saying things like you need to help me, or dont let me eat any junk food and when we try to stop her she just says its my body ill do what i want, its my body. she doesnt understand that we're trying to help. then when i want to eat something that isnt so healthy she says stuff like omg that will go straight to your mid section and i can already see it happening... as a teen ager i cant take that kind of creative critisism. What she says has effected me in the long hold and she doesnt even relize she does it...when i try to tell her to just leave me alone i can be as healthy as i want to be she yells and says that i need to be very healthy to be very happy. i kinda understand where shes coming from and i know if i became over weight that i would hate myself. thats probably true but i play alot of sports and do alot of activities which increases my motabilism which keeps my weight off. somebody please help me in trying to explain this to my mom with out her totally getting offended.

luckygurl15's Profile

  • Username: luckygurl15
  • Gender / Age: Female, 36
  • Location: USA - Nevada