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    aznballah  36, Male, California, USA - 3,105 views
Jan 2007
11:59 AM EDT

well winning is not everything, it is just a matter of fame. but when a man is being defeated by someone else that is way better that he is then he grows because losing make a man better because they learn from their mistakes and actually do alot better than before. but winning doesnt make a man grow in anything because he will never learn from his mistakes.

    pinayloves2surf  36, Female, California, USA - 1,963 views
Dec 2006
12:13 PM EDT


    anna  35, Female, California, USA - 4,296 views
Jan 2007
6:24 AM PDT

love to me is something like but even though you dont get love back from the ones who hurt you then you get tired of trying to show love to that person and then that does not become love until you are gone then you miss them you know it is true love

    natedizzle  36, Male, California, USA - 3,359 views
Dec 2006
12:09 PM EDT

What i expect of others to respect me and not talk crap behind my back and if they dont like me not to fake that they do like me. Because thats just a waste of time on me thinking that those people dont like me. But yeah if they do then its cool ill talk to them.
1 comment(s) - 02:21 PM - 12/21/2006

    OverDose  35, Male, California, USA - 1,843 views
Nov 2006
6:15 AM PDT

Don't hold on to what might not last 4 a long time... The End.
1 comment(s) - 02:21 PM - 11/13/2006

    diva  36, Female, California, USA - 4,471 views
Jan 2007
5:15 PM EDT

Today i got some bad news at school. i did not pass a test that i need to gradute. i dont know what to do i just cant pass this in a class that suppost to help me pass it, but it is not helping. i really dont do nothing in that class. all we do is worksheets and the teacher really dont help.she dont even have alll the grades in the she dont even know are right grades.this class in really being my GPA down and my mother is not happy with it. so im trying to get my classes change so that i can get some really help.

    Joc_is_the_Boss  36, Female, California, USA - 2,102 views
Jan 2007
12:30 PM EDT

People need to quit talking shit about the military! If it wasn't for the Armed Forces you wouldn't even be able to make ignorant comments like the ones you do! It's common knowledge to know that there will always be war and terror. It's a sad fact that I wish didn't have to be true, but it is and if you don't believe that than you're a fool. People need to open their eyes and quit being so unrealistic.

    thenew  49, Male, California, USA - 1,718 views
Nov 2006
12:38 PM EDT

Well you can't go back in time and change or have the same activities like you use to back in the day.

    cindy  35, Female, California, USA - 7,428 views
Jan 2007
12:02 PM EDT

A persons strength grows when he or she is defeated because it makes her try harder for the next chance they get.If they win every time they get big headed and they think they don't have to try because they can already do it with no doubt. So loooseing is not a bad thing it just makes you stonger and also it makes you want to try harder.

    lilchiko  36, Male, California, USA - 7,107 views
Jan 2007
1:37 PM EDT

i dunt get this one for shit

    speedking  35, Male, California, USA - 19,565 views
Jan 2007
12:56 PM PDT

the person i most admire is my god father because he is able to make any small thing into a business and be able to make it into a big money maker he owns a restaurant in new port beach and its amazing how he can at his age move so quick and be so energytic. I see that in myself as well as an energytic and quick person and i know i will be able to make anything into a big business as well if i just put my dedication and time into it. I also admire my god sister but i see her as my sister she worked so hard to get where she is at today now she is a nurse and is making a lot of money especially since she is bilingual she got that from her dad and mom.

    HuGiOhx  36, Male, California, USA - 2,334 views
Nov 2006
5:43 AM PST

that is the worst thing you can do because holding on to something that is already gone hurts, and its going to cause much pain because it will never come back, as you try to recreate it, it will never be the same.

    Dizzyboy  36, Male, California, USA - 11,348 views
Jan 2007
8:42 AM EDT

Everyone cares about something, not everyone cares so much to do something about the things that is going on around the world. People need to to speak up when they care about something because if they dont then maybe they didnt care so much to try and change it. And sometimes people care about to much and they don't have the chance to speak up but to change something you care about you need to speak up.

    redisbest07  36, Male, California, USA - 2,785 views
Dec 2006
5:32 AM PST

What do I expect of others? Well I don't expect much. Unless they are my friends. And if they are my friends then I expect more that just doing nothing and that type of stuff. I mean, people in general is basically nothing. All they do is whine and complain, and thats what I expect of others. But my friends, I expect them to respect me and be there for me. Like this one time. My friend Chase got into a spot of trouble. And not one of my friends said they weren't going to help him. All of them, and including myself was there. It was basically a fight. But a major fight with Northview Wrestlers. And he kinda go into a confrontation with one of the "leaders" I guess. And then and the church fair, they were all there and so was Chase, so I gathered my friends up and we were all ready to go and stuff, and then nothing happened. Its not the point that nothing happened. What the point was is that we are there for each other. And thats the type of stuff I expect of others.

    Ax07  36, Female, California, USA - 2,863 views
Dec 2006
1:33 PM EDT

well lets see.....what do i expect from others??? honestly i expect alot but you can't ever expect to get anything if you don't give anything back. i expect for people to be respectfull of my thoughts and ideas even if we don't have the same ideas. i also expect people to be respectful not just to others but to themselves. i say this because there are a lot of people who really do respect other people but they have no respect for themselves at all. and that is what i basically expect from peolpe. i hope its not to much

    640191  36, Female, California, USA - 8,453 views
Jan 2007
3:12 PM EDT

I'm hoping that I have enough entry's I wouldn't want this to bring my grade down. I tryed downloading it but it's kind of wried. This is a good exercise that is being used. It's kind of like your own journal and you could write about anything. And either people could read it or not. I have never used something like this. It's a good idea. I really havn't wrote like this for a while. I had a book it was a poem book and it had a darkest feelings in it. It had all kinds of different poems that meet to me. As time got longer I remember just trowing it away. I would only let some people see it.

    penzaoeyez  36, Female, California, USA - 8,996 views
May 2008
1:17 PM EDT


i am so so so bored....i need to do something

yah i want to be off already but i'm gonna be here till probably

i'd say 6:30-ish hopefully earlier and NOT later

but i think most likely later...sux

idk going home this weekend finally haven't been there in like a while

i don't really go home that often since i'm alwayz with my boyfriend

i know thats bad but i can't help it....i like spending time with him...

he really is AWESOME...but idk

i guess i'm just gonna end this since i don't really� have much to write

and i don't know what to write really...alrighty then PEACE

    mzgege  35, Female, California, USA - 2,084 views
Nov 2006
1:54 PM EDT

Have you ever been in a relationship where it did not end up the way you wanted it to? i think everyone has been or knows some one that has been a realtionship were it did nit end up the way they wanted it too. i know from experience that i have said some words before that i shuold not have said but i did and it just made the situation worse. of course it sounds good in your head but then when it is out there it just is not good at all and we wish that we did not say that.

    nunez5  35, Male, California, USA - 4,220 views
Dec 2006
5:22 AM PST

I believe that self inlightenment that is the key

    slickboy  36, Male, California, USA - 19,453 views
Jan 2007
10:01 PM EDT

Today was a good day. I celebrated my friends birthday and it was fun. During lunchtime we had fun and my friend smashed a cake in my face which was very fun and enjoyable. I had a good time. After lunch my former football team and I went to the a television show. Best Damn Show period. I thought it was going to be fun but it was coo when we got there but they made us clap and clap and clap even more. They made us comfortable but it was very boring and it looked so different from how they act on TV. I almost won a 52 inch tv but I barely missed it. I was a little dissapointed. At the show I saw the Brown linebacker and he was pretty big and all. We also had a little competitionith each other and it was really fun. Later on we eat candy and the show was over. While sitting in the buss we had a lot of fun. Most opf the student were dancing expecially me and it was very nice that other people were dancing to. We had a great time. After when I got I had a lot of homework to do. I was tired. When I turned on the Tv and was watching tv. I saw the Lakers getting blown out by 20 against the Dallas Maverics. The Dallas Maverics came with power expecially after the loss in LA it got them mad and they paid back onj us with a 20 point win against the Los Angeles Lakers. Kobe Bryant was looked down most of the gameand when Kobe doesn't work then the Lakers dont work well. I think it tought Lakers a great lessonm but I think it would improve better.

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