qtpie1991's Journal

Oct 2006
12:17 AM EDT

my boyfriend is in the army and he's eighteen yrs old. he's cute and we make a cute couple but when i bring one of my friends with me and my boyfriend he'll make remarks to her that are hurtful to me because it seems he's flurting with my best friend! i need help. and how do i tell he's cheating?
1 comment(s) - 01:49 PM - 10/18/2006

Oct 2006
12:06 AM EDT

i don't know what to do. this guy i'm dating is really nice but i'm having douts about him and me. how can i make sure he'll be faithful? i just don't know.

qtpie1991's Profile

  • Username: qtpie1991
  • Gender / Age: Female, 35
  • Location: USA - Arkansas