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    Katelyn0147  31, Female, North Carolina, USA - 12,228 views
Dec 2006
2:53 PM EDT

Today is my uncle Allen's b-day and so i am over at my cuz tiffanis house so yea uh today i got my report card and it was pretty good i got all A's and some B's and only like one c but i really tried my best ok well me and my cuz tiff are gonna play a game of family fued on the computer so talk to yall lata oh yea sry everybody i havent been on here in a long time kkbuhbye XOxo***KaTeLyN

    Rose2798  50, Female, New Jersey, USA - 2,067 views
Nov 2006
12:46 PM EDT

I just joined�like 100,000,000,000,000,000 websites!�

    sportsrula  32, Female, Kansas, USA - 1,690 views
Dec 2006
1:42 AM A

spanish phrases: spanish phrases eso es hermosa- it is beautiful disculpa excepto no culpa-apololgy excepted no gulit �D�nde est� el ba�o?- where's the bathroom soy afligido(hasta)- I'm sorry(to) va hasta-he is going to yo olv�dese-i forgot Yo tengo mala suerte-I have bad luck tu hable ingl�s-do u speak English yo voluntad demostraci�n tu- I will show u eso ser�- it will be tengo-I have tengo uno- I have 1 derecha aqu�-right here bien por tu-good 4 u con permiso-excuse me seguro-sure acta-minutes Hay sesenta segundos en un minuto-there r 60 seconds in a minute yo amor eso-I luv it te amo-I luv u tengo un dolor de cabeza-I have a headache Me tengo que levantar temprano-I have to get up early. escuela-school nada-nothing estoy-I am estoy fina-I am fine voy hasta Ohio-I am going 2 Ohio tu eres un mocoso-u r a brat todav�a no-not yet su mudo-ur dumb Como te llamas-wat is ur name? ameno encontrarse tu -nice 2 meet u Quisiera dos entradas-I'd like 2 tickets a seedo mwee bwena- It was very good Me ha gustado mucho la obra-I enjoyed the play para esta noche-4 tonight De qu� precios son las entradas?-What prices are the tickets? C�mo se va al teatro(name)-How do we get to C�mo te llamas-What's your name Me llamo-My name is Cu�ntos a�os tienes-How old are you Tengo ... a�os-I am ...years old Trabajo-I work soltero-single Tengo novio-I have a boyfriend yo odio tu-I hate u yo odiar(hasta)-I hate to(too) eres v. ser-are you son es-are they vale-okay soy ser-I am soy ser hecho-I am done (yo)coji eso-(I)got it buena-good buenas tardes-good afternoon buena suerte-good luck sepa-know retenido-hold on fingir-to pretend cualquier- watever con premiso-excuse me puedo-I can cambiar-to change somos-we are madurar-mature comingo-with me tener-have to ay de m�-what should I do hago-I am making dolor-pain asustado-scared comingo-with me ser-to be, being dejado yo var qu� tu coji- let me see wat u got

    Ultrawarriorjouranl  49, Male, New York, USA - 1,794 views
Nov 2006
4:40 PM EDT

hello I am new and I just want to say hello

    luv  34, Female, Pennsylvania, USA - 1,831 views
Mar 2007
8:12 AM EDT

my life is getting better everyday

    amyystar  37, Male, Kansas, USA - 1,709 views
Nov 2006
10:26 PM EDT

Hey all! I guess this is my first entry so i should make it a public viewing one. I will be writing mostly private entries, because my life is full of mostly private moments; my life is a mess. But I need somewhere to get it out- and i have no where to get it ALL out, everything! I don't know any of you, therefore i don't fear being judged, or fear that you know who i am and will take what i've been going through and use it against me somehow. You know what i mean? Everyone has things about them that they don't want others around them to know, but can't keep hidden forever! Am I right? Well, I guess this journal is just to get it all out, wither it's in public or private entries, and no one around me knows the better of it, right? My name is Amy. I am 18 yrs old. Hang out in boring old KS. USA. Nothing facinating about it, really....looking from the outside in, unless you got the inside scoop. I really wish i could have a 100% assurance that no one would ever know about this journal who knew me perosnally and I could say anything i wanted and no one would ever know...but i know from personal and past experiences that that's not 100% possible. And that suxs. DAMNIT! That makes me angry. Why can't i just be myself...honest, truthful...and not hide anything.... So I guess, i'm going to put what i can out there, and the rest is going to be my private journal. I guess you can read what you want of what's left in the public entries...i'll make the most of what i can there......sorry. I just don't feel comfortable putting certain things on public entry when i don't know whose reading it.....sorry. Adios. ~AF
1 comment(s) - 09:53 AM - 12/09/2006

    matt1691  42, Male, Kentucky, USA - 4,220 views
Apr 2008
1:49 PM EDT

My beautiful Alessandra came in today to KY I am in love more and more everyday. A whole week of fun with her...

    QTpie108  49, Female, Illinois, USA - 3,419 views
Nov 2006
9:48 AM EDT

I am trying to find out something to do today but every one is busy I fell so left out sometimes. what should I do,the lonely girl

    Dododog  29, Female, Canada - 1,599 views
Nov 2006
4:26 PM EDT

I can't believe today was gone like forever. I now have just lost the whole time of my brothers birthday. Vanessa had to leave at 12 noon. Everyone else left at 10 in the morning. If my life keeps going this fast i'll never in joy it again. my dad says that the older you get the faster the time is and that's my life. Fast lane and don't stop and never look back. I can't believe I threw a whole day to waste.

    Ejj  32, Male, Georgia, USA - 2,059 views
Nov 2006
5:23 PM EDT

My finest moment in my whole life was when i met my freind Moshe i hated him at first but then he became my best freind i dont know how it happened but we became freinds forever i was about nine when i met him and im 14 now and hes always there for me when you need him like a true freind is supposed i am really glad i met Moshe.

    spinks  35, Female, Georgia, USA - 2,386 views
Oct 2007
10:25 AM EDT

It's been almost a year since I've written on here. So many things have changed, and yet so many have stayed the same. I want to ask Justin so badly several things but I know the answer I'll get "I don't know" or "I don't think about it". What if he never saw me again? Would he be okay with that? I think about him daily, do I ever cross his mind other than when my nickname comes on Guitar Hero? Could he live without ever kissing me again? Does he keep seeing me only out of routine and habit because he doesn't want to try and find someone else? Does he keep coming back to me because I know him and know how he is and he doesn't feel like getting to know another girl? I don't know if he'll ever be able to take a chance and for real "date" again. He says the next three years scare him. I don't understand why, he knows where he's going to college, what he's going to study and even what job he'll have when he gets out. Will he one day just wake up and realize I've been standing in front of him the past year and a half? I doubt it. I think some other girl will come along and knock him off his feet. Maybe she can break the wall he's built up thanks to his last girlfriend. I don't think it'll be me though. I have realized that it's easier for me to deal with him than anyone else though. I guess we're alike in that we don't want to figure out another person, when we know each other well enough already. I know that no one else kisses me like he does and that I don't get nearly as excited about any other guy as I do about him. Going through a few guys at the start of the school year helped me realize that I'd rather have Juice break my heart than anyone else, because I know what to expect when he does. I know him and know his way of doing things. I trust him to break my heart the same way every time by just walking away. Every time he leaves, he takes a little bit of me with him.

    fiancebabyfat  37, Female, Pennsylvania, USA - 2,631 views
Nov 2006
1:34 PM EDT

This quote thing says "The worst thing you can try to do is cling to somethng taht is gone, or to recreate it" by Johnette Napolitano well thats a weird coincidance (cant spell) because i was thinking about my grandpa today at work and i was soo sad! he died February 3, 2006 just 10 days before my 18th birthday! it seems so selfish how i feel and think somedays! i just feel like its so unfair that he was taken from me before i could graduate! or get married or even turn 18! its just not fair! my brothers and sister got to have him at their graudations but not me!!! i just miss him so much it hurts! im using the song "can't cry hard enough" by The Williams Brothers as a memorial song for him at my wedding! if any one out there has lost a loved one this is an amazing song to listen to! to me its basically saying that "i never said the things i should have while you were here and now that your gone i cant cry hard enough for you to hear me now" those arent the words but thats what they mean to me! anyway thats enough for today! until another time!!! ~~~~~~

    charlax  70, Male, Arizona, USA - 418,925 views
May 2014
12:02 PM EDT

The Dragonfly has a Birthday

�The Dragonfly has a Birthday

The Dragonfly has a Birthday

April Twenty Four for NPM poetry

her smile lights in my heart

she calls to �me at times

she flutters her wings in love she makes me sing my love is secret but not disguised

she is a warrior and she is the world

she is unconcerned with petty theft

she makes me happy and never sad

she is my thrift and all my worth

on this day in May the dragonfly will play

and MAY she think of me this April Day

my Indian my love my wings my calling dove

will always answer with love

Tags: ici

    kyle  32, Male, California, USA - 9,388 views
Jan 2007
4:52 AM PDT

will sucks balls

    FinalFantasy  34, Female, California, USA - 5,386 views
Jan 2007
10:11 AM EDT

I Didnt Do Much For Christmas, It Was Actually Kinda Deppresing...We Didnt Have a Christmas Tree Or Decerations In The House. My Family Has Been Having a Lot Of Problems With Bills,Work And Eachother =[ . Well Anyways i Got $100 Dollars For Christmas, Im Going To Save It For a While Im Not Just Going To Spend It, Phfft!! Well Im Bored Now So The End!!!

    richard  32, Male, California, USA - 3,088 views
Dec 2006
2:17 AM PST

I expect people to treat other with respect and the kindnes. I love it when people treat me with respect and kindness. I remember when i gave respect to this elderly lady and she gave me 25 dollers.

    Franky  35, Male, California, USA - 3,447 views
Dec 2006
12:12 PM WST

wut i expect from others is showing me the way they want to be treated. if they act stupid to me then ima act stupid to them. i expect all people to know who they talk about b4 they start talking about them. if the people dont respect me then i dont respect them. if my parents dont respect me then i dont treat them with respect either, i treat people the way i am treated by them. screw all haters that dont know me! people that take the time to know who i am is the kinda person i respect.
1 comment(s) - 02:19 PM - 12/21/2006

    Valentin  37, Male, California, USA - 2,601 views
Dec 2006
12:16 PM EDT


    Salvador  35, Male, California, USA - 7,465 views
Jan 2007
7:13 PM EDT

The future is meant for those who believe in the beauty of their dreams definitely because those who believe that they can make something of themselves are definitely going to achieve, and excel.

    bballray07  36, Male, California, USA - 4,786 views
Jan 2007
8:38 AM PDT

this is not true because kids do homework when they dont want to and that does not make them a professional at school in order to be a professional at a school you need to maintain a four point zero and be one of the highest ranks of your calss. i want to be a professioanl basketball player but i can not be one because i dont meet the skills necessary to be a professional basketball player. in order to be a professional baksetball player you need to have dribbling skills, shooting skills and you need to understand the way the game is played. you cant just play the game when ever you want and be called a professional basketball player because you play the game when you do not want to. in order to be professional you need to meet the necessary requirements.

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