Mzmoss03987's Journal

Oct 2006
5:17 PM EDT

Hi guys I have a new crush. Hes cute and all but i don't know if i should cuz someone else likes him. Someone close to me. But i still like him but i still do. Some on another subject my life is okay except of my grade in English. I have an.... D or C but i hope i get these test signed so i can get at least a C+ or a B. The other these other girls were fightin @ the buis stop. I won't say who but it was really funny. I was not ther for all of it but most of it. Pullin hairs and fist flying.I was crackin up. But im okay and i was kinda mad. my cousin was in it but it still was funny. I can't lie. WEll gotta go. Talk i mean type 2 ya anotha day. Bye.

Oct 2006
8:14 AM EDT

My mother is a pain in the a**. Sometimes i feel like i hate her and sometimes i don't. She really gets on my nerves and sometimes makes me nervous. well, anyways my life as usual is normal. school and everything. I have this one crush but i dont want to tell anyone. secret ha. Hes cute, intelligent and just cute. Plus i love Bow wow. Hes not cuter than Bow wow but almost there. his name i cant say but if u know me u know him. Well got to go. bye

Oct 2006
4:53 PM EDT

today was like usual days.Lots of drama. my friends are usual except for 1. Kayla. shes what can i say sort of mean. One girl called kalya a dumb b**** and kayla called the other girl a fat b****. it was funny but mean. i was laughing i couldn't help it. It was REALLY FUNNY. but i guess i have to go now so ill type yo ya later Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oct 2006
3:32 PM EDT

Today was alright i guess. i ahd fun at school but im very tired of english. My friends are normal friends and they are cool. I know who are my real friends and who are not. I would name a few but this is public so i won't be mean. people in school are stuck up and phony. Follower and copies. Im not like that at all but im still real. People calling either names because of how they look and sound and appear to other peopel. Like being big, thick, short hair, short or tall. it really should not even matter but people will be people. very harsh people. well i've got to go type to ya 2morrow. Lata!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oct 2006
6:36 AM EDT

Today. well im really bored. my stomach really hurts and so does my head. life, well life is just life. No questions about that. school well not much to say about that either. School, friends, family and life is a blast and a nightmare. School i dont like at all but i want to be there. family gets on my nerves every second. Friends always have my back every time i need them.and life i need more. My life is oaky. Ineed more adventure and needless to say more drama. Drama always stirs me up. Well its about time for me to hit the mall. Hit u up later with more details about me and the thingss going on.

Mzmoss03987's Profile

  • Username: Mzmoss03987
  • Gender / Age: Female, 33
  • Location: USA - Ohio
    MZMOSS03987's Interests:

    About Me: im 5'7 and beautiful and intelligent. Im friendly at times and mean if u deserve it.

    Interests: BOW WOW, BOW WOW and BOW WOW

    Favorite Music: Hip-Hop Rap and R&b Bow wow songs like shorty like mine

    Favorite Movies: Roll Bounce fast & furious: Tokyo drift

    Favorite Television: Degrassi

    Favorite Books: Sharon Draper

    MZMOSS03987's Friends: