chantyllakalovagirl's Journal

Apr 2007
7:20 AM EDT

Diary entry #1
April5, 2007
look, usualli when itsz me and him he'sz all sweetie and sh!t and nice, gentle, but last night when i called him, hisz friend, and cuz'n wasz ova at hisz house sleepin ova or w/e and he tired to act like he run me and sh!t to look gud infront of hisz cuz'n and friend and they wasz talkin madd shit about me right infront of hisz face and he wasz just laughin, also he wasz sayin mean sh!t to me like i'm fat and otha stuff when i aint even fat. but i aint let it affect me he aint nobodi he bout to get knock the fu(k out. i hate it when boysz do that he just a little pussi aint he?

chantyllakalovagirl's Profile

  • Username: chantyllakalovagirl
  • Gender / Age: Male, 32
  • Location: USA - New York

    About Me: i basically ♡LO0k mAdD GuD♡★☆ღ♡♥ i love realli talkin bout experiencesz and stuff that happened in mah life, i love making ppl laugh sumtymesz i act iimature but onli 2 c a smile on ya face, i care alot about what ppl think of me i dont like ugli ppl i knw that soundsz stupid but i just dont and if u ugli i'ma talk about sh!t about u, i'm very quiet at first but then asz u get 2 know me i get louder and louder lol, i like flriting and gasing ppl'sz headsz up like i would tell them i like them and stuff but dont realli mean it and sh!t like that umm i'm very vein and conceited, itsz best if ppl dont agure wit me cause i'm alwaysz right and i get mah way so just do what the fuc* i say, i'm realli cheap wit buying otha ppl stuff but when they buy me sumethin it betta b expensive, i'm like a dog like 2 chew and suck on stuff, and i have a really loud bark but a small tiny bite meaning ill talk alot trash 2 act badd and hard but i realli wouldnt do anything it depndsz, but otha than that i like 2 laugh alot and smile even asz a baby i would smile 4 no reason, i love me and i'm very secure wit mah self, if i'm tired of u and i'm dating u ill move on to the next person, i feel the world basicalli revolvesz around me, i love the attention i get from ppl, and i'm very shy when it comeds down 2 speaking in public 2 alot of ppl umm i like to play gamesz, write songsz, go swimming, go horse bac ridin', draw, sing, hang out w. friendsz and family, talk on da phone, take picsz, go on the computer, play the simsz games thatt i'm oh so in love wit lol, play volly ball, play tennis, eat, have a good tyme now ill tell u about mah self, i'm very territorial if i like u i dont want no one else around u when i come around, i'ma taurus, i'ma freak i love nasty freaky sh!t, i'm bi i love boysz but i'm also into girlsz somewhat, i'm 13 like 5 2'' and about 160-165 bsz i'm very smart and i learn very fast sorri this isz so much lolsz

    Interests: boysz, sportsz, girlsz, activitiesz, stayin active

    Favorite Music: hip hop, r&b, rap

    Favorite Movies: mean girlsz, the notebook, saw 1,2, and 3

    Favorite Television: beauty and geek, degrassi, instant star

    Favorite Books: hard love, money hungry,