LovNy's Journal

Apr 2007
4:32 PM GMT

I got a really big surprised early this afternoon, when I looked out the window and saw snow, we have been having spring-weather for several weeks now, so I can't say that I am happy with that! Just hope it goes away soon! :)

Apr 2007
5:26 PM GMT

A few weeks ago I got a mail from my bestfriend, and it was great news, I still get happy when I think about it! I met my bestfriend, Anna, when we went to the same school, and were to be room-mates, in 99/00, and we became friends right away! So I guess you can imagen that we weren't too happy when the school-year ended and we had to go home! Anna is from Russia, so we don't have the chance to meet up that often. But that is about to change, because Anna applied for - and got - a job in the north of my country, and she has also got the work-permit, so now she only has to apply for a visa, and since she already has the job and the work-permit, that shouldn't be a problem :)

Apr 2007
5:07 PM GMT

My original plan for today was to stay at home, stay in bed as long as possible, and then go for a long walk with my dog, but instead I found myself going shopping with my mother! I have been trying to go for 2-4 long walks every week for the last month, but it isn't as easy as I expected it to be. But I am definitely going for one tomorrow! Although I amNOT going to get up as early as I did today.

LovNy's Profile

  • Username: LovNy
  • Gender / Age: Female, 44
  • Location: Norway