Alyanna's Journal

Jan 2008
9:21 AM EDT

Depressing, Yet Great News...

I started classes at Ivy Tech in Kokomo this previous Monday. I think I'm going to do okay in the classes that I picked out. They're seem like they're pretty easy (for me at least). I have a few updates in my life this new year.

When I got up with my fiance Saturday morning at 4:30 to get him off to work and after he left I heard my mother talking in the bedroom with someone. About 20 minutes later she comes out to the living room and asks me what time I have to work today and I replied at 1:30 to 10. She told me that my brother would have to take me to work then because she has to go to the hospital. And I'm like What?! My grandfather had gotten up at 4 Saturday morning to go to the bathroom. He stood up out of bed and had a major headache, so he layed back down. Then, he poked my Grandma Louise in the side and asked her to go get him some Tylenol for his headache. She brought back Bayer Asprin instead. He then went to the bathroom with the aid of holding onto things on the way. He started coming back to the bedroom and he got halfway there and couldn't go any farther. So, he layed down on the couch in the living room. That's where he stayed until the Ambulance came. They took tests at Marion General Hospital, and it showed that he had a brain bleed. So, they lifelined him to Methodist Hospital (Clariton Health) in Indianapolis. I ended up calling off work and going to the hospital with my mom and the rest of my family. He is staying at the Critical Care Unit at Methodist Hospital until further notice. He is doing a lot better since his surgery at 2:00 yesterday afternoon. Hopefully he will be returning home here shortly.

Other news is...I am now engaged to a man (Zachary Scott Ollis) that I love, so desperately and can't wait to spend the rest of my life with. He is so great to me. He may not be a total complete Christian, but he is working on it. The great thing about that is is that he will help me with my walk with the Lord, but in the same great way I will also be helping him.

Aug 2007
9:02 AM EDT

I started my first class today, and it was SO boring. I thought we'd do some activities or something. I also thought the professor wouldn't go through the syllabus word for word and the notes. I feel I'm going to do a lot better here. Since I'm back on my medication, I've been feeling a lot better...and I can concentrate better on my studies. Even though I'm back on my medication, I feel I may not pass one of my because it's so confusing. And I don't understand hardly anything. Anyway, all my other classes are basically easy A's. For now, I'm going to attend Ivy Tech Community College and do my prerequisites...then, transfer to Indiana University of Kokomo and major in Psychology...and then, I'll finally transfer back to Ball State University and major in Photography. And then sometime in the future get a major in Professional Writing.

May 2007
7:58 PM EDT

11:41PM - Well...unfortunately,I didn't get the position at the hospital that I wanted. But I did eventually get a job. I applied to Kroger on Dixon, and I got the job. I'm so happy I got it. It's so exciting to have a job. I have the position of a Deli Clerk. It's a lot of work, but I think I'm liking it so far.

Apr 2007
7:23 AM EDT

7:46AM - There's not much to tell since my last entry. Just that I'm hoping to get a position at the hospital. I believe that that would be so much fun, but I don't really know for I have never worked in a hospital before. I haven't really been in one long enough to know what everyone really does, either. I've always kind of wanted to work in a hospital, but I've never really had the guts to apply. Just because of all the shows I've seen in the past, such as ER, Life in the ER, etc. I think this will be one exciting adventure.

Apr 2007
6:30 AM EDT

1:36PM - Today is my first full day of being at home, and it feels so weird. I never thought I'd feel this way when I came home, but I do (unfortunately). I'm just so used to living at Ball State that it's just so weird living at home. I miss all my friends, and I hate that I won't be able to see them as often. I cried, though, for the first time last night. My cat, Oreo, was kind of cute, though. When I laid down last night, Oreo was laying at the foot of my bed. I began to think about all my friends at BSU, and it made me start crying. I assume Oreo heard me crying because the next thing I knew he was curling up beside me. He always seems to comfort me when I'm crying or just feeling a little blue, you'd think he was human.

9:02PM - My mother is signing the lease for the apartment on Monday, and I am so excited. But, then again, I'm not. I am excited about the apartment because I'll be able to start from scratch on my room. I'm NOT excited because it's not our home. We'll basically have to start from scratch on making memories. I have happy memories here at our home now, and it'll be hard to leave them behind. But I'll get by. I have some painful ones, too. There are a few of you out there who know about this, but not the details. The painful memories have basically been haunting me for years. So, this new apartment will be quite a challenge and an adventure for me. It's going to be a lot different, but I'm always up for a challenge/adventure. :D

Apr 2007
7:15 AM EDT

midnight:22 - I just wanted to put in a few words before I headed off to bed. So, I know I said I was going to call Amanda and ask her about a summary of what Pam talked about tonight, but unfortunately that never happened. Maybe I'll call her sometime tomorrow or Sunday. I'm not quite sure yet. But, I was talking to Lindsay tonight, and she said it felt weird not seeing me at CRU tonight. I did feel kind of weird not being at CRU. I know I've only missed two or three CRU's in the past (since I started going), but this was different for some reason. I suppose it's because I'm no longer on-campus anymore, and it just feels kind of weird. Yes, I know, that doesn't make any sense, but it does to me. I never realized until after I officially left campus that I'd miss my crew so much. It feels so weird being at home and not being able to just leave my room, walk down the hall and then Jen, Vanessa or somebody would be there. I can tell that it's going to take some time to get used to this, since I've been so used to living on-campus. I felt like an idiot tonight, though. At 9ish, I grobbed my ID and headed for the door. My mother asked me what I was doing. Without even thinking, I replied, "I'm gonna go grad din-." And that's when I realized I no longer have to do that anymore. I had made a complete fool of myself. So, I know for a fact that this whole thing is going to take some time getting used to.

Apr 2007
7:02 AM EDT

Thursday, April 5, 2007 7:23PM - Today was an exciting day for me, but yet at the same time it was sad. At times today, I felt as if I was to cry but didn't. I miss my friends already, and I haven't been gone that long. This morning I got up to my normal schedule, 7AM. My roomate, Sarah, and I went to breakfast, but since I still had some packing to do I grab 'n' goed. I went back to my room, started packing and then my mother showed up around 8:45AM. My mother and I then went to my advising appointment. I told my advisor that I was going to withdraw from Ball State. We were given some information on which classes are transferrable from Ivy Tech back to Ball State. She then sent us to the Administrative Building to fill out my withdrawal paperwork. Next, we went over to Lucina to the Counseling Center to deliver some paperwork for my counselor to complete and turn into the Administrative Office. After that, we went to the Financial Aid office to see if I would recieve any financial aid back but unfortunately not. Earlier my mother recieved a ticket because our metered parking spot had expired, while we were in my advising appointment. So, our helper in Lucina sent us over to the Student Center to the Parking Services office. With them there knowing that I was in the midst of withdrawing that day, they excused our ticket plus another one that my older brother recieved two weeks before. We were finally done with running around doing things, so we went back to my dorm and started packing the rest of my stuff. Oh my gosh! I never realized how much stuff I crammed into my room until we tried to get it all home. We made it in one whole trip, thankfully!! My mother went down after the car (when we were ready to put it into the vehicle), and my mother found that we had received yet ANOTHER flippin' ticket. I HATE BSU PARKING SERVICES!!!!!! We finally got to leave at around 3:30PM. Even though it's only 8:25PM now and I have been away for long, I still miss my friends. I hate that I had to miss CRU tonight, but my mother forgot to mention that my brother had class this evening. I REALLY wish I could see Amanda's skit and hear Pam's message, but unfortunately I have to miss it. So, I think later tonight (after CRU) I'm going to call Amanda and ask her for a summary of what Pam spoke about.

Apr 2007
6:42 AM EDT

Tuesday, April 3, 2007 9:26am - Today is my hectic day, unfortunately. I have so many things to do today it's not even funny. I had breakfast with my roomie at 8. I have a counseling appointment at noon. Then I have lunch with Lindsay at 1. Next, Bible Study in the Atrium with Pam and Amanda. I plan on going to the mall with my roomie at 3:15, instead of class. Then at 7, I plan on having dinner with Ashley and Geanette. Finally, it's off to Starbucks or Panera with Amanda!! YAY!! That's going to be SO much fun. I CAN'T WAIT!! Now, I have to start packing, unfortunately. 5:15PM - So, I started packing today, and I started talking to Melissa. I then started browsing through my pictures of Beck, Lor, Ash, Amanda, Mo, Jen, Pam, Shanda, and some of my other friends. And it made me realize how much I'm going to miss them. I love them all SO much. They're all like family to me and nothing will change that. I seriously do no know what I'm going to do without them. I wouldn't be surprised if I just started balling my eyes out every night. They have been such a blessing in my life. They've blessed me in so many ways, more than they could ever imagaine. midnight:50 - So, technically it's not April 3rd, but I wanted to write some last minute things in here before I headed off to the sack. Tonight was such a blast with Amanda. It was fun, yet sad at the same time. We were going to go to Panera, but unfortunately they were closed when we got there at 9:40PM. Instead, we went to Starbucks. We talked about stuff. I started thinking about me leaving, and I almost started crying. I'm going to miss them so much, though.

Alyanna's Profile

  • Username: Alyanna
  • Gender / Age: Female, 38
  • Location: USA - Indiana
    Photo Album

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    ALYANNA's Interests:

    About Me: I am 20 years old and engaged to a man that I love and can't wait to spend the rest of my life with.

    Interests: crocheting, reading, text messaging, playing with my cat, hanging out with friends, family, and my fiance...and much much more...

    Favorite Music: I like all kinds except for rap, but some rap is okay. I also don't like music where you can't understand a darn thing they are saying.

    Favorite Movies: Nell, Rigoletto, all the Disney movies, etc...

    Favorite Television: Lincoln Heights, Wildfire, Heroes, NCIS, Crossing Jordan, The Closer, Survivor, Ghost Whisperer, Close To Home, Numb3rs, The Amazing Race

    Favorite Books: Captivating, The Bible, The Force of My Yeshua, House, The Two Princesses of Bamarre